La Bibbia


路得记 4



1 波阿斯到了城在那里,恰巧波阿斯所的那至近的亲属经过。波阿斯:某人哪,你来在这里。他就来下。

2 波阿斯又从本城的长老中拣选了人,对他们说:请你们在这里。他们就都下。

3 波阿斯对那至近的亲属说:从摩押回来的拿俄米,现在要我们族兄以利米勒的那块地;

4 我想当赎那块地的是你,其次是我,以外再没有别人了。你可以在这里的人面前和我本国的长老面前说明,你若肯赎就赎,若不肯赎就告诉我。那人回答说:我肯赎。

5 波阿斯说:你从拿俄米中买这地的时候,也当娶(原文是买;10节同)人的妻摩押女子路得,使人在产业上存留他的名。

6 那人说:这样我就不能赎了,恐怕於我的产业有碍。你可以赎我所当赎的,我不能赎了。

7 从前,在以色列中要定夺甚麽事,或赎回,或交易,这就脱鞋以色列人都以此为证据。

8 那人对波阿斯说:你自己买罢!於是将鞋脱下来了。

9 波阿斯对长老和众民说:你们今日作见证,凡属以利米勒和基连、玛伦的,我都从拿俄米中置买了;

10 又娶了玛伦的妻摩押女子路得为妻,好在人的产业上存留他的名,免得他的名在本族本乡灭没。你们今日可以作见证。

11 在城坐着的众民和长老说:我们作见证。愿耶和华使进你家的这女子,像建立以色列家的拉结、利亚人一样。又愿你在以法他得亨通,在伯利恒得名声。

12 愿耶和华从这少年女子赐你後裔,使你的家像他玛从犹大所生法勒斯的家一般。

13 於是,波阿斯娶了路得为妻,与他同房。耶和华使他怀孕生了一个儿子

14 妇人们对拿俄米说:耶和华是应当称颂的!因为今日没有撇下你,使你无至近的亲属。愿这孩子在以色列中得名声。

15 他必提起你的精神,奉养你的老,因为是慕你的那儿妇所生的。有这儿妇比有个儿子还好!

16 拿俄米就把孩子抱在怀中,作他的养母。

17 邻舍的妇人说:拿俄米得孩子了!就给孩子起名俄备得。这俄备得是耶西的父,耶西是大卫的父。

18 法勒斯的後代记在下面:法勒斯生希斯仑;

19 希斯仑生兰;兰生亚米拿达;

20 亚米拿达生拿顺;拿顺生撒门;

21 撒门生波阿斯;波阿斯生俄备得;

22 俄备得生耶西;耶西生大卫






In most places in the Word, "ten" represents "all," or in some cases "many" or "much." The Ten Commandments represent all the guidance we get from the Lord in life; the ten horns on the beast of Revelation represent all power of falsity; the ten virgins with lamps in Matthew 25 represent all people of the church.

Yet in other places, ten, or especially a "tenth," signifies representing remnants, or tiny scraps of goodness preserved for the future. These can be the remnants of a church -- a few good people that can be built up into a new church. Or they can be tiny subconscious memories of love and joy which the Lord stores in each of us in early childhood, feelings He can use later to draw us toward a life of goodness and affection.

These two meanings seem nearly opposite, but they're actually not. Love is whole and indivisible, so that the tiniest feeling buried inside someone contains all the elements of the love it can become. In a similar way, a remnant of a church that has preserved that church's knowledge has everything it needs to grow into a new church. In a sense, then, those remnants are indeed "all," they're just a version of "all" that is still in a state of potential.