Le texte de la Bible


Zacharia 8



1 Daarna geschiedde het woord des HEEREN der heirscharen tot mij, zeggende:

2 Alzo zegt de HEERE der heirscharen: Ik heb geijverd over Sion met een groten ijver; ja, met grote grimmigheid heb Ik over haar geijverd.

3 Alzo zegt de HEERE: Ik ben wedergekeerd tot Sion, en Ik zal in het midden van Jeruzalem wonen; en Jeruzalem zal geheten worden een stad der waarheid, en de berg des HEEREN der heirscharen, een berg der heiligheid.

4 Alzo zegt de HEERE der heirscharen: Er zullen nog oude mannen en oude vrouwen zitten op de straten van Jeruzalem; een ieder zal zijn stok in zijn hand hebben vanwege de veelheid der dagen.

5 En de straten dier stad zullen vervuld worden met knechtjes en meisjes, spelende op haar straten.

6 Alzo zegt de HEERE der heirscharen: Omdat het wonderlijk is in de ogen van het overblijfsel dezes volks in deze dagen, zou het daarom ook in Mijn ogen wonderlijk zijn? spreekt de HEERE der heirscharen.

7 Alzo zegt de HEERE der heirscharen: Ziet, Ik zal Mijn volk verlossen uit het land des opgangs, en uit het land des nedergangs der zon.

8 En Ik zal hen herwaarts brengen, dat zij in het midden van Jeruzalem wonen zullen; en zij zullen Mij tot een volk zijn, en Ik zal hun tot een God zijn, in waarheid en in gerechtigheid.

9 Alzo zegt de HEERE der heirscharen: Laat uw handen sterk zijn, gijlieden, die in deze dagen deze woorden gehoord hebt uit den mond der profeten, die geweest zijn ten dage, als de grond van het huis des HEEREN der heirscharen gelegd is, dat de tempel gebouwd zou worden.

10 Want voor die dagen kwam des mensen loon te niet, en het loon van het vee was geen; en de uitgaande en de inkomende hadden geen vrede vanwege den vijand, want Ik zond alle mensen, een iegelijk tegen zijn naaste.

11 Maar nu zal Ik aan het overblijfsel dezes volks niet wezen, gelijk in de vorige dagen, spreekt de HEERE der heirscharen.

12 Want het zaad zal voorspoedig zijn, de wijnstok zal zijn vrucht geven, en de aarde zal haar inkomen geven, en de hemelen zullen hun dauw geven; en Ik zal het overblijfsel dezes volks dit alles doen erven.

13 En het zal geschieden, gelijk als gij, o huis van Juda! en gij, o huis Israels, geweest zijt een vloek onder de heidenen, alzo zal Ik ulieden behoeden, en gij zult een zegening wezen; vreest niet, laat uw handen sterk zijn.

14 Want alzo zegt de HEERE der heirscharen: Gelijk als Ik gedacht heb ulieden kwaad te doen, toen Mij uw vaderen grotelijks vertoornden, zegt de HEERE der heirscharen, en het heeft Mij niet berouwd;

15 Alzo denk Ik wederom in deze dagen goed te doen aan Jeruzalem, en aan het huis van Juda; vreest niet!

16 Dit zijn de dingen, die gij doen zult: spreekt de waarheid, een iegelijk met zijn naaste; oordeelt de waarheid en een oordeel des vredes in uw poorten.

17 En denkt niet de een des anderen kwaad in ulieder hart; en hebt een valsen eed niet lief; want al deze zijn dingen, die Ik haat, spreekt de HEERE.

18 Wederom geschiedde het woord des HEEREN der heirscharen tot mij, zeggende:

19 Alzo zegt de HEERE der heirscharen: Het vasten der vierde, en het vasten der vijfde, en het vasten der zevende, en het vasten der tiende maand, zal den huize van Juda tot vreugde, en tot blijdschap, en tot vrolijke hoogtijden wezen; hebt dan de waarheid en den vrede lief.

20 Alzo zegt de HEERE der heirscharen: Nog zal het geschieden, dat de volken, en de inwoners van vele steden komen zullen;

21 En de inwoners der ene stad zullen gaan tot de inwoners der andere, zeggende: Laat ons vlijtig henengaan, om te smeken het aangezicht des HEEREN, en om den HEERE der heirscharen te zoeken; ik zal ook henengaan.

22 Alzo zullen vele volken, en machtige heidenen komen, om den HEERE der heirscharen te Jeruzalem te zoeken, en om het aangezicht des HEEREN te smeken.

23 Alzo zegt de HEERE der heirscharen: Het zal in die dagen geschieden, dat tien mannen, uit allerlei tongen der heidenen, grijpen zullen, ja, de slip grijpen zullen van een Joodsen man, zeggende: Wij zullen met ulieden gaan, want wij hebben gehoord, dat God met ulieden is.





Four Mandalas

The number "four" in the Bible represents things being linked together or joined. This is partly because four is two times two, and two represents the ultimate linking between our desire to be good and our understanding of truth. We can also see this in the fact that most buildings are rectangular, with the four sides linking together to make a whole. We also divide directions into four -- north, east, south and west -- and talk about the "four corners" of something meaning all of it. So our special thinking naturally looks at four sides as linking together into a whole.

(références: Apocalypse Explained 417; Arcana Coelestia 1686, 9103, 9601, 9767, 9864)

Des oeuvres de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #4527

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4527. I have talked to some just a few days after their decease, and being at that time recent arrivals they dwelt in a light which to them was little different from the light of the world. Because that light seemed little different to them they doubted whether it came from any source other than that of the world's light. They were for that reason taken to where heaven begins, to where the light was brighter still, and from there they talked to me. They said that they had never seen light like that, and yet this was long after the sun had set. They now wondered at the fact that spirits had eyes to see with, since during their lifetime they had believed that the life spirits had was pure thought, entirely separated indeed from any subject. The reason they had believed this was that they had been unable to think about any subject of thought because they had not seen it. This being so, they inevitably supposed that, being thought alone, the soul would be dissipated together with the body in which it existed, just like a puff of wind or fire, if the Lord did not in a miraculous way hold it together and keep it in being. Those spirits taken to where heaven begins also saw how easily the learned may fall into error concerning the life after death and that they more than any others do not believe anything apart from what they actually see. They were amazed therefore at their possessing not only thought but also sight, as well as each of the other senses. They were even more amazed that they looked to themselves entirely like people, that they saw, heard, and conversed with one another, and that they could touch and feel their own bodily parts, doing so more perfectly than during their lifetime. Consequently they were astounded that when living in the world man is totally ignorant of all this, and they felt pity for the human race's complete lack of knowledge about such things because of their utter lack of belief, most of all among those who dwell in greater light than others, namely those who are within the Church and possess the Word.

[2] Some of them had not believed anything other than that after death human beings would be like ghosts, an idea which they had become convinced was true because of the apparitions they had heard about. But from this they concluded that a ghost was no more than some gross principle of life which is initially released from the life of the body but then returns again to the corpse, and in so doing is snuffed out. Others had believed however that they would not rise again until the time of the Last Judgement when the world would be destroyed, at which time they would rise again with the body which, though it had crumbled to dust, would be reassembled and in this way they would rise again with their bones and flesh. And because they had in vain been awaiting that Last Judgement or destruction of the world for many centuries they had sunk into the error of thinking that they would not rise again at all. They had not thought about what they had learned from the Word, and had sometimes even quoted that when a person dies his soul is in the hand of God, 1 and is among the happy or the unhappy depending on the life he had come to know; nor have they thought about what the Lord said concerning the rich man and Lazarus. But these recently arrived spirits were informed that everyone's last judgement takes place when he dies, at which time it seems to him that he is endowed with a body as when in the world, and has the use of every sense as he has done here, though that sense is now purer and more perfect because nothing bodily imposes any limitations on it, and things which belong to the light of the world no longer cloud over those that belong to the light of heaven. Thus he now lives in a body that so to speak has been purified. In that world he could not possibly carry around a body of bones and flesh like that he had in the world, for in this case he would once again be invested with earthly dust.

[3] I have talked on this subject to some on the very day that their bodies were being buried, and through my eyes they have seen their own dead body, bier, and interment. They then said that they were casting that body aside, and that it had served them for uses performed in the world in which they had been but that now they were living in a body which served them for the uses performed in that world in which they were now. They also wished me to tell these things to their mourning relatives, but I was led to reply that if I did they would laugh at it because they did not believe in the existence of anything which they were unable to see with their own eyes, and so they would include what I said among visions which were mere illusions. For people cannot be brought to believe that as men see one another with their eyes so spirits see one another with theirs, and that man is unable to see spirits except with the eyes of his spirit, and that he sees them when the Lord opens his sight, as happened to the prophets, who saw spirits and angels, and also many of the things in heaven. But whether people living today would have believed those things if they had seen them at that time is open to doubt.

Notes de bas de page:

1. A saying that is possibly derived from Deuteronomy 33:3, or from Wisdom of Solomon 3:3 in the Apocrypha.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.