Le texte de la Bible


士师记 12



1 以法莲聚集,到了北方,对耶弗他:你去与亚扪争战,为甚麽没有招我们同去呢?我们必用烧你和你的房屋

2 耶弗他对他们:我和我的民与亚扪;大大争战;我招你们来,你们竟没有来我脱离他们的

3 我见你们不来我,我就拚命前去攻击亚扪人,耶和华将他们交在我中。你们今日为甚麽上我这里来攻打我呢?

4 於是耶弗他招聚基列人,与以法莲人争战。基列人击杀以法莲,是因他们:你们基列人在以法莲玛拿西中间,不过是以法莲逃亡的人。

5 基列人把守约但河的渡口,不容以法莲人过去。以法莲逃走的人若:容我过去。基列人就问他:你是以法莲人不是?他若:不是,

6 就对他:你示播列;以法莲人因为咬不真字音,便西播列。基列人就将他拿住,杀在约但河的渡口。那时以法莲人被杀的有四万人。

7 耶弗他作以色列的士师年。基列人耶弗他死了,葬在基列的一座城里。

8 耶弗他以,有伯利恒人以比赞作以色列士师。

9 他有三十儿子三十女儿女儿都嫁出去了。他给众子从外乡娶了三十媳妇。他作以色列的士师年。

10 以比赞死了,葬在伯利恒

11 以比赞之,有西布伦人以伦,作以色列的士师年。

12 西布伦人以伦死了,葬在西布伦的亚雅仑。

13 以伦之,有比拉顿人希列的儿子押顿作以色的士师。

14 他有四十个儿子,三十个孙子,着七十匹驹。押顿作以色列的士师年。

15 比拉顿人希列的儿子押顿死了,葬在以法莲的比拉顿,在亚玛力人的






In most places in the Word, "ten" represents "all," or in some cases "many" or "much." The Ten Commandments represent all the guidance we get from the Lord in life; the ten horns on the beast of Revelation represent all power of falsity; the ten virgins with lamps in Matthew 25 represent all people of the church.

Yet in other places, ten, or especially a "tenth," signifies representing remnants, or tiny scraps of goodness preserved for the future. These can be the remnants of a church -- a few good people that can be built up into a new church. Or they can be tiny subconscious memories of love and joy which the Lord stores in each of us in early childhood, feelings He can use later to draw us toward a life of goodness and affection.

These two meanings seem nearly opposite, but they're actually not. Love is whole and indivisible, so that the tiniest feeling buried inside someone contains all the elements of the love it can become. In a similar way, a remnant of a church that has preserved that church's knowledge has everything it needs to grow into a new church. In a sense, then, those remnants are indeed "all," they're just a version of "all" that is still in a state of potential.