Le texte de la Bible


约书亚记 16



1 约瑟的子孙拈阄所得之地是从靠近耶利哥的约但河起,以耶利哥东边的为界:从耶利哥上去,通过地的旷野,到伯特利

2 又从伯特利到路斯,接连到亚基人的境界,至亚他绿;

3 又往西到押利提人的境界,到伯和仑的境界,直到基色,通到为止。

4 约瑟的儿子玛拿西以法莲就得了他们的地业。

5 以法莲子孙的境界,按着宗族所得的,记在下面:他们地业的东界是亚他绿亚达到上伯和仑;

6 往西通到边的密米他,又向东绕到他纳示罗,又接连到雅挪哈的东边;

7 从雅挪哈到亚他绿,又到拿拉,达到耶利哥,通到约但河为止;

8 从他普亚往西,到加拿,直通到为止。这就是以法莲支派按着宗族所得的地业。

9 另外在玛拿西人地业中得了些城邑和属城的村庄。这都是分给以法莲子孙的。

10 他们没有赶出基色的迦南人;迦南人却以法莲人中间,成为作苦工的仆人,直到今日。






Mountains in the Bible represent people's highest points, where we are closest to the Lord -- our love of the Lord and the state of caring for one another. By extension, then, it makes sense that valleys represent our lowest points, the ones most distant from the Lord: Our external, bodily lives in the day-to-day world. Valleys can also represent the external level of other things, depending on context. For instance, the Valley of Shinar, where the Tower of Babel was built, represents the external state of worship people had at the time. And in Genesis 26:19, when Isaac's servants dig a well in a valley, it represents seeking true ideas in the external, literal sense of the Bible.