Le texte de la Bible


出埃及记 5



1 摩西亚伦去对法老耶和华以色列的这样:容我的百姓去,在旷野向我守节。

2 法老耶和华是谁,使我他的话,容以色列人去呢?我不认识耶和华,也不容以色列人去!

3 他们希伯来人遇见我们。求你容我们旷野去,走的路程,祭祀耶和华我们,免得他用瘟疫、刀兵攻击我们

4 埃及王对他们摩西亚伦!你们为甚麽叫百姓旷工呢?你们去担你们的担子罢!

5 :看哪,这的以色列人如今众多,你们竟叫他们歇下担子!

6 法老吩咐督工的和长说:

7 你们不可照常把百姓做砖,叫他们自己去捡

8 他们素常做砖的数目,你们仍旧向他们要,一点不可减少;因为他们是懒惰的,所以呼求说:容我们去祭祀我们

9 你们要把更重的工夫加在这些人身上,叫他们劳碌,不听虚谎的言语。

10 督工的和长出来对百姓法老这样:我不你们

11 你们自己在那里能,就往那里去罢!但你们的工一点不可减少。

12 於是百姓散在埃及,捡碎秸当作

13 督工的催着说:你们一天当完一天的工,与先前有一样。

14 法老督工的,责打他所派以色列人长,:你们昨今天为甚麽没有照向来的数目做砖、完你们的工作呢?

15 以色列人长就哀求法老说:为甚麽这样待你的仆人

16 督工的不把仆人,并且对我们:做砖罢!看哪,你仆人挨了打,其实是你百姓的错。

17 但法老:你们是懒惰的!你们是懒惰的!所以:容我们去祭祀耶和华

18 现在你们去做工罢!是不你们的,砖却要如数交纳。

19 以色列人长听你们每做砖的工作一点不可减少,就知道是遭遇祸患了。

20 他们离了法老出来,正遇见摩西亚伦站在对面,

21 就向他们:愿耶和华鉴察你们,施行判断;因你们使我们法老和他臣仆面前有了名,把刀递在他们中杀我们

22 摩西回到耶和华那里,阿,你为甚麽苦待这百姓呢?为甚麽打发我去呢?

23 自从我去见法老,奉你的名说话,他就苦待这百姓,你一点也没有拯救他们。





Meeting the new baby

To "meet" someone can be positive or negative: it can be a welcoming and greeting, or it can be "meeting" them in battle. Both meanings are reflected in the internal sense of the Bible. In positive meetings between people, "meeting" represents a joining and communication between the spiritual states the people represent. In negative ones, however -- and especially in cases where the Lord is pictured as meeting someone -- it stands for opposition between the states. It's worth noting here that according to the Writings the Lord never actually opposes anyone. The Lord is love itself, and He is continually loving everyone and willing them to be good and move toward heaven. But when people reject His love and move away, it creates the appearance that He is opposing them, despite the fact that His attitude and stance toward all of us never changes.

In Genesis 14:17, this signifies to submit oneself. (Arcana Coelestia 1721)

In Genesis 19:1, this signifies acknowledgment, and also the effect that love for others has. (Arcana Coelestia 2326)

In Genesis 24:65, this signifies for the purpose of union. (Arcana Coelestia 3205)

In Genesis 29:13, this signifies agreement which unites. (Arcana Coelestia 3806)

In Genesis 32:6, this signifies that the good of love flowing into truth. (Arcana Coelestia 4247)

In Exodus 4:14, this signifies reception or to come prepared to receive divine truth. (Arcana Coelestia 7000)