The Universality of the Bible's Inner Meaning

Ceci est le texte original de: The Universality of the Bible's Inner Meaning by Jonathan S. Rose


The literal meaning of Scripture is about specific people, places, and events. The inner meaning has a much more universal application.

Crée ou traduits par: Jonathan S. Rose

Date de création: 2016

Crédit: Spirit and Life Bible Study

Droit d'auteur: Spirit and Life Bible Study

Copyright by Spirit and Life Bible Study. All rights reserved.

Licence: Used with permission - Voir les conditions

Sur: Spirit and Life Bible Study began on July 28, 2010. Its purpose is to look at the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible, through a Swedenborgian lens.

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274 - The Universality of the Bible's Inner Meaning. Retrieved from:
