La Biblia


Jeremijas 41:10



10 Jis tautos likutį, kuris buvo Micpoje, padarė belaisvius. Karaliaus dukteris ir visus Micpos žmones, kuriuos Naebuzaradanas, sargybos viršininkas, buvo pavedęs Gedolijui, Ahikamo sūnui, Izmaelis, Netanijo sūnus, suėmė ir vedėsi į amonitų kraštą.




Naval Captain on the poop deck taffrail by William Heysham Overend

In the Bible, “captains,” “commanders” and “chiefs”, and the armies they lead, represent large collections of spiritual desires and large collections of spiritual ideas. The leaders represent the first and foremost desires or ideas in these collections - the ones that summarize and bring together all the others.

Captains and rulers in Jeremiah 51:23 signify principal evils and falsities.

Captains and rulers in Ezekiel 33:6 signify principal truths.

See Chief Captains.