

Mateo 9



1 ENTÓNCES entrando en el barco, pasó á la otra parte, y vino á su ciudad.

2 Y hé aquí le trajeron un paralítico echado en una cama: y viendo Jesus la de ellos, dijo al paralítico: Confia hijo: tus pecados te son perdonados.

3 Y hé aquí algunos de los escribas decian dentro de sí: Este blasfema.

4 Y viendo Jesus sus pensamientos, dijo: ¿Por qué pensais mal en vuestros corazones?

5 Porque, ¿Qué es más fácil, decir: los pecados te son perdonados: O decir: Levántate, y anda?

6 Pues para que sepais que el Hijo del hombre tiene potestad en la tierra de perdonar pecados, (dice entónces al paralítico): Levántate, toma tu cama, y vete á tu casa.

7 Entónces él se levantó, y se fué á su casa.

8 Y las gentes viéndo[lo], se maravillaron, y glorificaron á Dios, que habia dado tal potestad á los hombres.

9 Y pasando Jesus de allí, vió á un hombre, que estaba sentado al banco de los públicos tributos el cual se llamaba Mateo; y dícele: Sígueme. Y se levantó, y le siguió.

10 Y aconteció que estando él sentado á la mesa en casa, hé aquí que muchos publicanos y pecadores, que habian venido, se sentaron juntamente á la mesa con Jesus y sus discípulos.

11 Y viendo [esto] los Fariséos, dijeron á sus discípulos: ¿Por que come vuestro Maestro con los publicanos y pecadores,

12 Y oyéndolo Jesus les dijo: los que están sanos, no tienen necesidad de médico, sino los enfermos.

13 Andad pues, y aprended qué cosa es, Misericordia quiero, y no sacrificio: Porque no he venido á llamar justos, sino pecadores á arrepentimiento.

14 Entónces los discípulos de Juan vienen á él, diciendo: ¿Por qué nosotros y los Fariséos ayunamos muchas veces, y tus discípulos no ayunan?

15 Y Jesus les dijo: ¿Pueden los que son de bodas tener luto entre tanto que el Esposo está con ellos? mas vendrán dias, cuando el Esposo será quitado de ellos, y entónces ayunarán.

16 Y nadie echa remiendo de paño recio en vestido viejo; porque el tal remiendo tira del vestido, y se hace peor la rotura.

17 Ni echan vino nuevo en cueros viejos: de otra manera los cueros se rompen, y el vino se derrama, y se pierden los cueros: mas echan el vino nuevo en cueros nuevos, y lo uno y lo otro se conserva juntamente.

18 Hablando él estas cosas á ellos, hé aquí vino un principal, y le adoraba, diciendo: Mi hija es muerta poco há: mas ven, y pon tu mano sobre ella, y vivirá.

19 Y se levantó Jesus, y le siguió, y sus discípulos.

20 Y hé aquí una mujer enferma de flujo de sangre doce años habia, llegándose por detrás, tocó la franja de su vestido:

21 Porque decia entre sí: Si tocare solamente su vestido, seré salva.

22 Mas Jesus volviéndose, y mirándola, dijo: Confia, hija, tu te ha salvado. Y la mujer fué salva desde aquella hora.

23 Y llegado Jesus á casa del principal, viendo los tañedores de flautas, y la gente que hacia bullicio,

24 Díceles: Apartáos, que la muchacha no es muerta, mas duerme. Y se burlaban de él.

25 Y como la gente fué echada fuera, entró, y tomóla de la mano, y se levantó la muchacha.

26 Y salió esta fama por toda aquella tierra.

27 Y pasando Jesus de allí, le siguieron dos ciegos dando voces, y diciendo: Ten misericordia de nosotros, Hijo de David.

28 Y llegado á la casa, vinieron á él los ciegos; y Jesus les dice: ¿Creeis que puedo hacer esto? Ellos dicen: Sí, Señor.

29 Entónces tocó los ojos de ellos, diciendo: Conforme á vuestra os sea hecho.

30 Y los ojos de ellos fueron abiertos. Y Jesus les encargó rigurosamente, diciendo: Mirad [que] nadie [lo] sepa.

31 Mas ellos salidos, divulgaron su fama por toda aquella tierra.

32 Y saliendo ellos, hé aquí le trajeron un hombre mudo endemoniado.

33 Y echado fuera el demonio, el mudo hablo: y las gentes se maravillaron diciendo: Nunca ha sido vista cosa semejante en Israel.

34 Mas los Fariséos decian: Por el príncipe de los demonios echa fuera los demonios.

35 Y rodeaba Jesus por todas las ciudades y aldéas, enseñando en las sinagogas de ellos, y predicando el Evangelio del reino, y sanando toda enfermedad y todo achaque en el pueblo.

36 Y viendo las gentes, tuvo compasion de ellas; porque estaban derramadas y esparcidas, como ovejas que no tienen pastor.

37 Entónces dice á sus discípulos: A la verdad la mies [es] mucha, mas los obreros pocos.

38 Rogad pues al Señor de la mies, que envie obreros para su mies.




239 - To Open Our Eyes

От Jonathan S. Rose

Title: To Open Our Eyes

Topic: First Coming

Summary: Jesus healed the blind to show His ability to open the eyes of our spirit.

Use the reference links below to follow along in the Bible as you watch.

Numbers 22:22, 31; 24:15
Joshua 1:7
2 Kings 6:13, 16-18
Psalms 119:18; 146:8
Isaiah 42:5, 7
Matthew 9:27; 20:30, 33-34
Mark 8:14, 18, 22, 25
Luke 24:30-32, 44-45
John 9:1, 5
Acts of the Apostles 9:3, 17-18; 26:16
Ephesians 1:15, 18

Възпроизвеждане на видео
Spirit and Life Bible Study broadcast from 9/23/2015. The complete series is available at: www.spiritandlifebiblestudy.com



Acts of the Apostles 9



1 But Saul, still breathing threats and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest,

2 and asked for letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.

3 As he traveled, it happened that he got close to Damascus, and suddenly a light from the sky shone around him.

4 He fell on the earth, and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"

5 He said, "Who are you, Lord?" The Lord said, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.

6 But rise up, and enter into the city, and you will be told what you must do."

7 The men who traveled with him stood speechless, hearing the sound, but seeing no one.

8 Saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were opened, he saw no one. They led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

9 He was without sight for three days, and neither ate nor drank.

10 Now there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias. The Lord said to him in a vision, "Ananias!" He said, "Behold, it's me, Lord."

11 The Lord said to him, "Arise, and go to the street which is called Straight, and inquire in the house of Judah for one named Saul, a man of Tarsus. For behold, he is praying,

12 and in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming in, and laying his hands on him, that he might receive his sight."

13 But Ananias answered, "Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he did to your saints at Jerusalem.

14 Here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on your name."

15 But the Lord said to him, "Go your way, for he is my chosen vessel to bear my name before the nations and kings, and the children of Israel.

16 For I will show him how many things he must suffer for my name's sake."

17 Ananias departed, and entered into the house. Laying his hands on him, he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord, who appeared to you on the road by which you came, has sent me, that you may receive your sight, and be filled with the Holy Spirit."

18 Immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he received his sight. He arose and was baptized.

19 He took food and was strengthened. Saul stayed several days with the disciples who were at Damascus.

20 Immediately in the synagogues he proclaimed the Christ, that he is the Son of God.

21 All who heard him were amazed, and said, "Isn't this he who in Jerusalem made havoc of those who called on this name? And he had come here intending to bring them bound before the chief priests!"

22 But Saul increased more in strength, and confounded the Jews who lived at Damascus, proving that this is the Christ.

23 When many days were fulfilled, the Jews conspired together to kill him,

24 but their plot became known to Saul. They watched the gates both day and night that they might kill him,

25 but his disciples took him by night, and let him down through the wall, lowering him in a basket.

26 When Saul had come to Jerusalem, he tried to join himself to the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple.

27 But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared to them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how at Damascus he had preached boldly in the name of Jesus.

28 He was with them entering into Jerusalem,

29 preaching boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus. He spoke and disputed against the Hellenists, but they were seeking to kill him.

30 When the brothers knew it, they brought him down to Caesarea, and sent him off to Tarsus.

31 So the assemblies throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace, and were built up. They were multiplied, walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

32 It happened, as Peter went throughout all those parts, he came down also to the saints who lived at Lydda.

33 There he found a certain man named Aeneas, who had been bedridden for eight years, because he was paralyzed.

34 Peter said to him, "Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and make your bed!" Immediately he arose.

35 All who lived at Lydda and in Sharon saw him, and they turned to the Lord.

36 Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which when translated, means Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and acts of mercy which she did.

37 It happened in those days that she fell sick, and died. When they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room.

38 As Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, hearing that Peter was there, sent two men to him, imploring him not to delay in coming to them.

39 Peter got up and went with them. When he had come, they brought him into the upper room. All the widows stood by him weeping, and showing the coats and garments which Dorcas had made while she was with them.

40 Peter put them all out, and kneeled down and prayed. Turning to the body, he said, "Tabitha, get up!" She opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up.

41 He gave her his hand, and raised her up. Calling the saints and widows, he presented her alive.

42 And it became known throughout all Joppa, and many believed in the Lord.

43 It happened, that he stayed many days in Joppa with one Simon, a tanner.