

Jeremías 50



1 PALABRA que habló Jehová contra Babilonia, contra la tierra de los Caldeos, por mano de Jeremías profeta.

2 Denunciad en las gentes, y haced saber; levantad también bandera: publicad, y no encubráis: decid: Tomada es Babilonia, Bel es confundido, deshecho es Merodach; confundidas son sus esculturas, quebrados son sus ídolos.

3 Porque subió contra ella gente del aquilón, la cual pondrá su tierra en asolamiento, y no habrá ni hombre ni animal que en ella more: moviéronse, se fueron.

4 En aquellos días y en aquel tiempo, dice Jehová, vendrán los hijos de Israel, ellos y los hijos de Judá juntamente; é irán andando y llorando, y buscarán á Jehová su Dios.

5 Preguntarán por el camino de Sión, hacia donde volverán sus rostros, diciendo: Venid, y juntaos á Jehová con pacto eterno, que jamás se ponga en olvido.

6 Ovejas perdidas fueron mi pueblo: sus pastores las hicieron errar, por los montes las descarriaron: anduvieron de monte en collado, olvidáronse de sus majadas.

7 Todos los que los hallaban, los comían; y decían sus enemigos: No pecaremos, porque ellos pecaron á Jehová morada de justicia, á Jehová, esperanza de sus padres.

8 Huid de en medio de Babilonia, y salid de la tierra de los Caldeos, y sed como los mansos delante del ganado.

9 Porque he aquí que yo suscito y hago subir contra Babilonia reunión de grandes pueblos de la tierra del aquilón; y desde allí se aparejarán contra ella, y será tomada: sus flechas como de valiente diestro, que no se tornará en vano.

10 Y la Caldea será para presa: todos los que la saquearen, saldrán hartos, dice Jehová.

11 Porque os alegrasteis, porque os gozasteis destruyendo mi heredad, porque os henchisteis como becerra de renuevos, y relinchasteis como caballos;

12 Vuestra madre se avergonzó mucho, afrentóse la que os engendró; he aquí será la postrera de las gentes: desierto, sequedad, y páramo.

13 Por la ira de Jehová no será habitada, sino que asolada será toda ella; todo hombre que pasare por Babilonia se asombrará, y silbará sobre todas sus plagas.

14 Apercibíos contra Babilonia alrededor, todos los que entesáis arco; tirad contra ella, no escatiméis las saetas: porque pecó contra Jehová.

15 Gritad contra ella en derredor; dió su mano; caído han sus fundamentos, derribados son sus muros; porque venganza es de Jehová. Tomad venganza de ella; haced con ella como ella hizo.

16 Talad de Babilonia sembrador, y el que tiene hoz en tiempo de la siega: delante de la espada opresora cada uno volverá el rostro hacia su pueblo, cada uno huirá hacia su tierra.

17 Ganado descarriado es Israel; leones lo amontonaron: el rey de Asiria lo devoró el primero; este Nabucodonosor rey de Babilonia lo deshuesó el postrero.

18 Por tanto, así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: He aquí que yo visito al rey de Babilonia y á su tierra como visité al rey de Asiria.

19 Y volveré á traer á Israel á su morada, y pacerá en el Carmelo y en Basán; y en el monte de Ephraim y de Galaad se hartará su alma.

20 En aquellos días y en aquel tiempo, dice Jehová, la maldad de Israel será buscada, y no parecerá; y los pecados de Judá, y no se hallarán: porque perdonaré á los que yo hubiere dejado.

21 Sube contra la tierra de Merathaim, contra ella, y contra los moradores de Pekod: destruye y mata en pos de ellos, dice Jehová, y haz conforme á todo lo que yo te he mandado.

22 Estruendo de guerra en la tierra, y quebrantamiento grande.

23 Cómo fué cortado y quebrado el martillo de toda la tierra! ­cómo se tornó Babilonia en desierto entre las gentes!

24 Púsete lazos, y aun fuiste tomada, oh Babilonia, y tú no lo supiste: fuiste hallada, y aun presa, porque provocaste á Jehová.

25 Abrió Jehová tu tesoro, y sacó los vasos de su furor: porque esta es obra de Jehová, Dios de los ejércitos, en la tierra de los Caldeos.

26 Venid contra ella desde el cabo de la tierra: abrid sus almacenes: hacedla montones, y destruidla: no le queden reliquias.

27 Matad todos sus novillos; vayan al matadero: ­ay de ellos! que venido es su día, el tiempo de su visitación.

28 Voz de los que huyen y escapan de la tierra de Babilonia, para dar las nuevas en Sión de la venganza de Jehová nuestro Dios, de la venganza de su templo.

29 Haced juntar sobre Babilonia flecheros, á todos los que entesan arco; asentad campo sobre ella alrededor; no escape de ella ninguno: pagadle según su obra; conforme á todo lo que ella hizo, haced con ella: porque contra Jehová se ensoberbeció, contra el S

30 Por tanto sus mancebos caerán es sus plazas, y todos su hombres de guerra serán talados en aquel día, dice Jehová.

31 He aquí yo contra ti, oh soberbio, dice el Señor Jehová de los ejércitos: porque tu día es venido, el tiempo en que te visitaré.

32 Y el soberbio tropezará y caerá, y no tendrá quien lo levante: y encenderé fuego en sus ciudades, y quemaré todos sus alrededores.

33 Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos: Oprimidos fueron los hijos de Israel y los hijos de Judá juntamente: y todos los que los tomaron cautivos, se los retuvieron; no los quisieron soltar.

34 El redentor de ellos es el Fuerte; Jehová de los ejércitos es su nombre: de cierto abogará la causa de ellos, para hacer quietar la tierra, y turbar los moradores de Babilonia.

35 Cuchillo sobre los Caldeos, dice Jehová, y sobre los moradores de Babilonia, y sobre sus príncipes, y sobre sus sabios.

36 Cuchillo sobre los adivinos, y se atontarán; Cuchillo sobre sus valientes, y serán quebrantados.

37 Cuchillo sobre sus caballos, y sobre sus carros, y sobre todo el vulgo que está en medio de ella, y serán como mujeres: Cuchillo sobre sus tesoros, y serán saqueados.

38 Sequedad sobre sus aguas, y secaránse: porque tierra es de esculturas, y en ídolos enloquecen.

39 Por tanto, allí morarán bestias monteses con lobos, morarán también en ella pollos de avestruz: y no más será poblada para siempre, ni se habitará de generación en generación.

40 Como en el trastornamiento de Dios á Sodoma y á Gomorra y á sus ciudades vecinas, dice Jehová, no morará allí hombre, ni hijo de hombre la habitará.

41 He aquí viene un pueblo del aquilón; y una nación grande, y muchos reyes se levantarán de los lados de la tierra.

42 Arco y lanza manejarán; serán crueles, y no tendrán compasión; su voz sonará como la mar, y montarán sobre caballos: apercibirse han como hombre á la pelea, contra ti, oh hija de Babilonia.

43 Oyó su fama el rey de Babilonia, y sus manos se descoyuntaron: angustia le tomó, dolor como de mujer de parto.

44 He aquí que como león subirá de la hinchazón del Jordán á la morada fuerte: porque muy pronto le haré correr de sobre ella, y al que fuere escogido la encargaré: porque ¿quién es semejante á mí? ¿y quién me emplazará? ¿ó quién será aquel pastor que me pod

45 Por tanto, oid el consejo de Jehová, que ha acordado sobre Babilonia, y sus pensamientos que ha formado sobre la tierra de los Caldeos: Ciertamente los más pequeños del hato los arrastrarán, y destruirán sus moradas con ellos.

46 Del grito de la toma de Babilonia la tierra tembló, y el clamor se oyó entre las gentes.


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Heaven and Hell #365

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365. We may gather from this that rich people arrive in heaven just as much as poor people do, one as easily as the other. The reason people believe that it is easy for the poor and hard for the rich is that the Word is misunderstood when it talks about the rich and the poor. In the spiritual meaning of the Word, "the rich" means people who are amply supplied with understandings of what is true and good, that is, people in the church where the Word is. "The poor" means people who lack these understandings but who long for them, or people outside the church, where the Word is not found.

[2] The rich person dressed in purple and fine linen who was cast into hell means the Jewish nation. Because they had the Word and were therefore amply supplied with understandings of what is good and true, they are called "rich." The garments of purple actually mean understandings of what is good, and the fine linen means understandings of what is true. 1 The poor person who was lying in the gateway and who longed to feast on the crumbs that were falling from the rich person's table, who was carried up into heaven by angels, means the non-Jews who did not have understandings of what is good and true but who still longed for them (Luke 16:19, 31).

The rich who were invited to the great feast but who excused themselves also mean the Jewish nation, and the poor who were brought in to replace them mean the non-Jews who were outside the church (Luke 12:16-24, 14:16-24).

[3] We need also to explain who are meant by the rich of whom the Lord said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God" (Matthew 19:24). "The rich person" here means the rich in both senses, natural and spiritual. Rich people in the natural sense are people who have abundant wealth and set their hearts on it, while in a spiritual sense they are people who are amply supplied with insights and knowledge (for these are spiritual wealth) and who want to use them to get themselves into heavenly and ecclesiastical circles by their own intellect. Since this is contrary to the divine design, it says that it is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle. On this level of meaning, a camel means our cognitive and informational level in general, and the eye of a needle means spiritual truth. 2

Nowadays people do not know that this is the meaning of the camel and the eye of a needle because there has not yet been any access to the knowledge that teaches what is meant spiritually by the things that the Word says literally. There is spiritual meaning in the details of the Word, and natural meaning as well; because the Word was written in pure correspondences of natural realities with spiritual ones in order to effect a union of heaven and the world, or of angels with us, once the direct union had ceased. We can see from this exactly who are meant by the rich in the Word.

[4] We may gather from a number of passages that on the spiritual level "the rich" in the Word refers to people who enjoy insights into what is good and true and that wealth means those insights themselves, which are spiritual riches: see Isaiah 10:12-14; 30:6-7; 45:3, Jeremiah 17:3; 47:7 [Jeremiah 48:7?], Jeremiah 50:36-37; 51:13, Daniel 5:2-4, Ezekiel 26:7, 12; 27:1-36; Zechariah 9:3-4; Psalms 45:12; Hosea 12:9; Revelation 3:17-18, Luke 14:33, and elsewhere. On the poor in the spiritual sense as people who do not have insights into what is good and true but who long for them, see Matthew 11:5; Luke 6:20-21; 14:21; Isaiah 14:30; 29:19; 41:17-18; Zephaniah 3:12, 18 [13]. An explanation of the spiritual meaning of all these passages may be found in 10227 of Secrets of Heaven.

Бележки под линия:

1. [Swedenborg's footnote] Garments mean things that are true, and therefore insights: 1033 [1073?], 2576, 5319, 5954, 9212, 9216, 9952, 10536. Purple means heavenly good: 9467. Linen means truth of a heavenly origin: 5319, 9469, 9744.

2. [Swedenborg's footnote] A camel in the Word means our cognitive and informational level in general: 3048, 3071, 3143, 3145. What embroidery, embroidering, and therefore needles Arcana Coelestia 9688. To start from outward facts in order to gain access to truths of faith is contrary to the divine design: 10236. People who do this become insane in matters of heaven and the church: 128-130, 232-233, 6047; and in the other life, when they think about spiritual things, they become virtually drunk: 1072. More about their nature: 196. Examples to illustrate the fact that spiritual things cannot be grasped if they are approached on this basis: 233, 2094, 2196, 2203, 2209. It is all right to go from spiritual truth into the knowledge appropriate to our natural level, but not the other way around, because there is an inflow of the spiritual into the natural but not an inflow of the natural into the spiritual: 3219, 5119, 5259, 5427-5428, 5478, 6322, 9110-9111 [10199?]. We need first to acknowledge the truths of the Word and the church, and then it is all right to take our secular learning into account; but not the other way around: 6047.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia #5955

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5955. 'And to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver' means that to the intermediary a complete amount of truth from good was imparted. This is clear from the representation of 'Benjamin' as the intermediary, dealt with in 5600, 5631, 5639, 5688, 5822; from the representation of Joseph, the one who 'gave', as internal good, dealt with in 5826, 5827, 5869, 5877; from the meaning of 'three hundred' as a complete amount, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'silver' as truth, dealt with in 1551, 2954, 5658. From all this it is evident that 'to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver' means that he imparted to the intermediary a complete amount of truth from good; for the intermediary, represented by 'Benjamin', is interior truth, through an influx into it from the internal celestial, 5600, 5631. The reason why 'three hundred' means a complete amount is that this number is the product of three multiplied by a hundred - 'three' meaning what is complete, 2788, 4495, and 'a hundred' meaning much, 4400. For the meaning held by compound numbers is clear from the simple numbers that are their factors.

[2] 'Three hundred' holds a similar meaning when mentioned elsewhere in the Word, as in Genesis 6:15, where it says that Noah's ark was three hundred cubits long, also in the reference to the three hundred men whom Gideon used to strike a blow at Midian, spoken of in Judges as follows,

The number of those who lapped in their hand to their mouth was three hundred men. Jehovah said to Gideon, By the three hundred men who were lapping I will give Midian into your hand. Gideon divided the three hundred men into three lines of battle, and he put a trumpet into the hand of each one of them, and empty water-pots, and torches in the middle of the water-pots. When they sounded the blast on the three hundred trumpets, Jehovah set the sword of [each] man against his companion and against the whole camp. Judges 7:6-8, 16, 22.

By 'the three hundred men' in this description too a complete amount is meant, and the same is meant by 'three lines of battle' into which the three hundred were divided. And by 'a hundred', the number in each line of battle, is meant much or enough, consequently that there were enough men to stand against Midian. Besides, every detail in this description was representative - the selection of those who lapped the water in their hand; the trumpet given to each man; and the water-pots with the torches inside them. This was so because 'Midian', whom they were opposing, represented truth that was not truth because there was no goodness of life in it. But such details will in the Lord's Divine mercy be explained elsewhere. The fact that numbers too were representative is evident from many other places, for example the number seven in Joshua, when they were going to capture Jericho. The command was given for seven priests to carry seven trumpets of rejoicing in front of the Ark; and on the seventh day they were to go round the city seven times, Joshua 6:4.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.