

サムエル記上 14



1 あるサウルのヨナタンは、その武器を執る若者に「さあ、われわれは向こう側の、ペリシテびとの先陣へ渡って行こう」と言った。しかしヨナタンは父には告げなかった。

2 サウルギベアのはずれで、ミグロンにある、ざくろの木の下にとどまっていたが、共にいた民はおおよそ人であった。

3 またアヒヤはエポデを身に着けて共にいた。アヒヤはアヒトブの、アヒトブはイカボデの兄弟、イカボデはピネハスの、ピネハスはシロにおいて主の祭司であったエリのである。民はヨナタンが出かけることを知らなかった。

4 ヨナタンがペリシテびとの先陣に渡って行こうとする渡りには、一方に険しいがあり、他方にも険しいがあり、一方の名をボゼヅといい、他方の名をセネといった。

5 岩の一つはミクマシの前にあってにあり、一つはゲバの前にあってにあった。

6 ヨナタンはその武器を執る若者に言った、「さあ、われわれは、この割礼なき者どもの先陣へ渡って行こう。がわれわれのために何か行われるであろう。多くの人をもって救うのも、少ない人をもって救うのも、にとっては、なんの妨げもないからである」。

7 武器を執る者は彼に言った、「あなたの望みどおりにしなさい。わたしは一緒にいます。わたしはあなたと同じ心です」。

8 ヨナタンはまた言った、「われわれは、あの人々の所に渡っていって、彼らに身を現そう。

9 そして、もし彼らがわれわれに、『こちらから行くまで待て』と言うならば、われわれはその場にとどまり、彼らの所に上っていかないであろう。

10 しかし、もし彼らが『われわれのところへ上ってこい』と言うならば、われわれは上って行こう。が彼らをわれわれのに渡されるからである。これをもってしるしとしよう」。

11 こうしてふたりはペリシテびとの先陣に、その身を現したので、ペリシテびとは言った、「見よ、ヘブルびとが、隠れていた穴から出てくる」。

12 先陣の人々はヨナタンと、その武器を執る者に叫んで言った、「われわれのところに上ってこい。目に、もの見せてくれよう」。ヨナタンは、その武器を執る者に言った、「わたしのあとについて上ってきなさい。は彼らをイスラエルのに渡されたのだ」。

13 そしてヨナタンはよじ登り、武器を執る者もそのあとについて登った。ペリシテびとはヨナタンの倒れた。武器を執る者も、あとについていってペリシテびとを殺した。

14 ヨナタンとその武器を執る者とが、手始めに殺したものは、おおよそ二十人であって、このことは一くびきの牛の耕すのおおよそ半分の内で行われた。

15 そして陣営にいる者、野にいるもの、およびすべての民は恐怖に襲われ、先陣のもの、および略奪隊までも、恐れおののいた。また地は震い動き、非常に大きな恐怖となった。

16 ベニヤミンのギベアにいたサウルの番兵たちが見ると、ペリシテびとの群衆はくずれて右往左往していた。

17 その時サウルは、共にいる民に言った、「人数を調べて、われわれのうちのだれが出て行ったかを見よ」。人数を調べたところ、ヨナタンとその武器を執る者とがそこにいなかった。

18 サウルはアヒヤに言った、「エポデをここに持ってきなさい」。その時、アヒヤはイスラエルの人々の前でエポデを身に着けていたからである。

19 サウルが祭司に語っている間にも、ペリシテびとの陣営の騒ぎはますます大きくなったので、サウルは祭司に言った、「を引きなさい」。

20 こうしてサウルおよび共にいる民は皆、集まって戦いに出た。ペリシテびとはつるぎをもって同志打ちしたので、非常に大きな混乱となった。

21 また先にペリシテびとと共にいて、彼らと共に陣営にきていたヘブルびとたちも、翻ってサウルおよびヨナタンと共にいるイスラエルびとにつくようになった。

22 またエフライムの地に身を隠していたイスラエルびとたちも皆、ペリシテびとが逃げると聞いて、彼らもまた戦いに出て、それを追撃した。

23 こうしてはそのイスラエルを救われた。そして戦いはベテアベンに移った。

24 しかしそのイスラエルの人々は苦しんだ。これはサウルが民に誓わせて「夕方まで、わたしがにあだを返すまで、食物食べる者は、のろわれる」と言ったからである。それゆえ民のうちには、ひとりも食物を口にしたものはなかった。

25 ところで、民がみなの中にはいると、地のおもてに蜜があった。

26 民はにはいった時、蜜のしたたっているのを見た。しかしだれもそれをに取ってにつけるものがなかった。民が誓いを恐れたからである。

27 しかしヨナタンは、父が民に誓わせたことを聞かなかったので、を伸べてつえの先を蜜ばちの巣に浸し、に取ってにつけた。すると彼はがはっきりした。

28 その時、民のひとりが言った、「あなたの父は、かたく民に誓わせて『きょう、食物食べる者は、のろわれる』と言われました。それで民は疲れているのです」。

29 ヨナタンは言った、「父はを悩ませました。ごらんなさい。この蜜をすこしなめたばかりで、わたしのがこんなに、はっきりしたではありませんか。

30 まして、民がきょうからぶんどった物を、じゅうぶん食べていたならば、さらに多くのペリシテびとを殺していたでしょうに」。

31 そのイスラエルびとは、ペリシテびとを撃って、ミクマシからアヤロンに及んだ。そして民は、ひじょうに疲れたので、

32 ぶんどり物に、はせかかって、、牛、子牛を取って、それを地の上に殺し、のままでそれを食べた

33 人々はサウルに言った、「民はのままで食べて、に罪を犯しています」。サウルは言った、「あなたがたはそむいている。この所へ、わたしのもとに大きなをころがしてきなさい」。

34 サウルはまた言った、「あなたがたは分れて、民の中にはいって、彼らに言いなさい、『おのおの牛または、羊を引いてきてここでほふって食べなさい。のままで食べて、に罪を犯してはならない』」。そこで民は皆、その、おのおの牛を引いてきて、それを、その所でほふった。

35 こうしてサウルに一つの祭壇を築いた。これはサウル主のために築いた最初の祭壇である。

36 サウルは言った、「われわれはのうちにペリシテびとを追って下り、夜明けまで彼らをかすめて、ひとりも残らぬようにしよう」。人々は言った、「良いと思われることを、なんでもしてください」。しかし祭司は言った、「われわれは、ここで、に尋ねましょう」。

37 そこでサウルに伺った、「わたしはペリシテびとを追って下るべきでしょうか。あなたは彼らをイスラエルのに渡されるでしょうか」。しかしはそのは答えられなかった。

38 そこでサウルは言った、「民の長たちよ、みなこの所に近よりなさい。あなたがたは、よく見きわめて、きょうのこのが起きたわけを知らなければならない。

39 イスラエルを救うは生きておられる。たとい、それがわたしのヨナタンであっても、必ず死ななければならない」。しかし民のうちにはひとりも、これに答えるものがいなかった。

40 サウルイスラエルのすべての人に言った、「あなたがたは向こう側にいなさい。わたしとわたしのヨナタンはこちら側にいましょう」。民はサウルに言った、「良いと思われることをしてください」。

41 そこでサウルは言った、「イスラエルのよ、あなたはきょう、なにゆえしもべに答えられなかったのですか。もしこの罪がわたしにあるか、またはわたしの子ヨナタンにあるのでしたら、イスラエルのよ、ウリムをお与えください。しかし、もしこの罪が、あなたの民イスラエルにあるのでしたらトンミムをお与えください」。こうしてヨナタンとサウルとが、くじに当り、民はのがれた。

42 サウルは言った、「わたしか、わたしのヨナタンかを決めるために、くじを引きなさい」。くじはヨナタンに当った。

43 サウルはヨナタンに言った、「あなたがしたことを、わたしに言いなさい」。ヨナタンは言った、「わたしは確かににあったつえの先に少しばかりの蜜をつけて、なめました。わたしはここにいます。死は覚悟しています」。

44 サウルは言った、「がわたしをいくえにもしてくださるように。ヨナタンよ、あなたは必ず死ななければならない」。

45 その時、民はサウルに言った、「イスラエルのうちにこの大いなる勝利をもたらしたヨナタンが死ななければならないのですか。決してそうではありません。は生きておられます。ヨナタンの髪の毛一すじも地に落してはなりません。彼はと共にきょう働いたのです」。こうして民はヨナタンを救ったので彼は死を免れた。

46 サウルはペリシテびとを追うことをやめて引きあげ、ペリシテびとはその国へ帰った。

47 サウルイスラエルの王となって、周囲のもろもろの、すなわちモアブアンモンの人々、エドム、ゾバの王たちおよびペリシテびとと戦い、すべて向かう所で勝利を得た。

48 サウルは勇ましく働き、アマレクびとを撃って、イスラエルびとを略奪者のから救い出した。

49 さて、サウルのむすこたちはヨナタン、エスイ、およびマルキシュアである。ふたりのの名は次のとおりである。すなわち姉の名はメラブ、妹の名はミカルである。

50 サウルの妻の名はアヒノアムといい、アヒマアズの娘である。またの長の名はアブネルといい、サウルのおじネルのである。

51 サウルの父キシとアブネルの父ネルとは、アビエルのである。

52 サウルの一生の間、ペリシテびとと激しい戦いがあった。サウルは力の強い人や勇気のある人を見るごとに、それを召しかかえた。


От "Съчиненията на Сведенборг


Apocalypse Explained #395

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395. Verse 11. And white robes were given to every one of them, signifies Divine truth from the Lord with them, and protection. This is evident from the signification of "a white robe" as being Divine truth from the Lord, for "robe" signifies truth in general, because it is a general covering; and "white" is predicated of truths which are from the Lord; for whiteness pertains to light, and the light proceeding from the Lord as a sun is in its essence Divine truth. That "white robes were given to everyone of them" signifies also protection, will be told further on; but let it first be told why "a white robe" signifies Divine truth from the Lord. All spirits and angels are clothed according to their intelligence, or according to their reception of truth in the life, this constituting intelligence; for the light of their intelligence is formed into garments, and when these are thus formed they do not merely appear as garments, but they also are garments. For all things that exist in the spiritual world, and appear before the eyes of those there, exist from the light and heat that proceed from the Lord as a sun; from that origin have been created and formed not only all things in the spiritual world, but also all things in the natural world; for the natural world exists and subsists by means of the spiritual world from the Lord. From this it can be seen that the appearances that exist in heaven before the angels are altogether real; in like manner also the garments. As spirits and angels are clothed according to intelligence, and all intelligence is of truth, and angelic intelligence is of Divine truth, so they are clothed according to truths; this is why "garments" signify truths; "the garments" that are next to the body, that is, the inner garments, signify interior truths; but the garments that are outside of these and encompass them, signify exterior truths; therefore "a robe," "a mantle," and "a cloak," which are general coverings, signify truths in general, and "a white robe" Divine truth in general, which they have from the Lord. (But see what has been shown respecting The Garments with which Angels are Clothed, in the work on Heaven and Hell 177-182; and what has been said above about the signification of garments, n. 64-65, 195, 271.)

[2] "There were given to those who were under the altar white robes" signifies also protection by the Lord, because "the white robes" given to them represented the presence about them of the Lord with Divine truth; and by means of Divine truth the Lord protects His own, for He surrounds them with a sphere of light, from which they have white robes; and when encompassed by this sphere they can no longer be infested by evil spirits; for, as said above, they were infested by evil spirits, and were therefore hidden by the Lord. This also takes place with those who are elevated by the Lord into heaven. They are then clothed with white garments, which is an indication that they are in Divine truth, and thus in safety. But respecting those who were clothed in white robes more will be shown in the explanation of the following chapter (Revelation 7:9, 13-17).

[3] That "robe," "mantle," and "cloak" signify Divine truth in general can be seen also from the following passages. In Zechariah:

The prophets shall be ashamed every man of his vision which he hath prophesied; neither shall they wear a mantle of hair to dissemble (Zechariah 13:4).

"Prophets" signify those who teach truths from the Word, and in an abstract sense, the truths of doctrine from the Word; and because of this signification of "prophets" they were clothed with a mantle of hair, "the mantle of hair" signifying Divine truth in ultimates, which is Divine truth in general, for the ultimate contains all things interior; "hair," too, signifies the ultimate. This is why:

Elijah, from his mantle, was called a hairy man (2 Kings 1:7-8);

And John the Baptist, who was as Elijah by reason of a like representation, had a garment of camel's hair (Matthew 3:4).

This makes clear the signification of "the prophets shall not wear a mantle of hair to dissemble," namely, that they shall not declare truths to be falsities, and falsities to be truths; this is what is signified by "dissembling."

[4] Because Elijah represented the Lord in relation to the Word, which is the doctrine of truth itself, and Elisha continued the representation, and because "mantle" signified Divine truth in general, which is the Word in ultimates, so the mantle divided the waters of Jordan, according to the following in the books of the Kings:

When Elijah found Elisha he cast his mantle upon him (1 Kings 19:19).

Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and smote the waters of Jordan, and they were divided hither and thither, and they two passed over on the dry ground (2 Kings 2:8).

Elisha seeing when Elijah was carried up by a whirlwind into heaven, took up the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of Jordan; and he took that mantle and smote the waters; and they were divided hither and thither, and he passed over (2 Kings 2:12-14).

"Elijah's casting his mantle upon Elisha" signified the transference to Elisha of the representation of the Lord in relation to the Word; and that "the mantle fell from Elijah when he was taken away, and was taken up by Elisha," signified that this representation was then transferred to Elisha, for Elijah and Elisha represented the Lord in relation to the Word, and they were clothed according to what they represented, "the mantle" signifying the Word in which is Divine truth in general, or Divine truth in the whole complex. "The dividing of the waters of Jordan by Elijah's mantle," first by Elijah and afterwards by Elisha, signified the power of Divine truth in ultimates; "the waters of Jordan" signifying, moreover, the first truths through which there is introduction into the church, and these first truths are such as are in the ultimates of the Word. From this, too, it can be seen that "a mantle" and "a robe" signify Divine truth in general. (That "Elijah" represented the Lord in relation to the Word, so, too, "Elisha," see Arcana Coelestia 2762, 5247. That the ultimate contains the interior things, and thus signifies all things in general, n. 634, 6239, 6465, 9215, 9216, 9828; that thus strength and power are in ultimates, n. 9836; that "Jordan" signifies the entrance into the church, and thus "the waters of Jordan" signify the first truths through which there is entrance, n. 1585, 4255; and that "waters" mean truths, see above, n. 71.) First truths are also ultimate truths, such as are in the sense of the letter of the Word, for through these entrance is effected, for these are first learned, and in them are all interior things which constitute the internal sense of the Word.

[5] One who does not know what "robe" or "mantle" signifies, does not know what "cloak" signifies, for a cloak, as well as a mantle, was a general garment, encompassing the tunic or inner garment, therefore it has a like signification. Neither does he know what was signified by Saul's rending the skirt of Samuel's cloak; by David's cutting off the skirt of Saul's cloak; by Jonathan's giving David his cloak and garments; and by kings' daughters being arrayed in cloaks of various colors; neither does he know the meaning of many other passages in which cloaks are mentioned in the Word. Of Saul's rending the skirt of Samuel's cloak, we read:

Samuel turned to go away, but he laid hold upon the skirt of his cloak and it was rent. And Samuel said, Jehovah hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to thy companion, who is better than thou (1 Samuel 15:27-28).

The words of Samuel make clear that "the rending of the skirt of the cloak" signified the rending of the kingdom from Saul, for he said after it was done, "Jehovah hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day," "a king" and "his kingdom" signifying the Divine truth of the church, and "the skirt of a cloak" signifying Divine truth in ultimates, that is, all Divine truth in general; for the kings that were over the sons of Israel represented the Lord in relation to Divine truth, and their kingdom signified the church in relation to Divine truth; therefore this historical fact signifies that king Saul was such that he could no longer represent the Lord, and that the representation of the church would perish if the kingdom were not rent from him. (That "kings" represented the Lord in relation to Divine truth, and thus "a kingdom" signified the church in relation to Divine truth, see above, n. 29, 31.)

[6] The same is signified by David's cutting off the skirt of Saul's cloak, of which we read:

David entered into the cave where Saul was, and cut off the skirt of his cloak, and when he afterwards showed it to Saul, Saul said, Now I know that thou shalt reign, and the kingdom of Israel shall be established in thy hand (1 Samuel 24:3-5, 11, 20).

This was done by David of Divine Providence, that the like might be represented as above, "the skirt of the cloak," and "King Saul and his kingdom," having the like meaning as above.

[7] That Jonathan the son of Saul stripped himself of his cloak and his garments, and gave them to David, of which we read as follows, has a like signification:

Jonathan stripped off the cloak that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, and even his sword and his bow and even to his girdle (1 Samuel 18:4).

This signified that Jonathan, the heir of the kingdom, transferred all his right to David; for all the things that Jonathan gave to David were representative of the kingdom, that is, of the Divine truth of the church, which Saul represented; for as was said above, all the kings who were over the sons of Israel represented the Lord in relation to Divine truth, and their kingdom represented the church in relation to Divine truth.

[8] Because "cloaks" and "robes" signify Divine truth in general:

The king's daughters that were virgins were clad in robes of diverse colors (2 Samuel 13:18).

"The king's daughters that were virgins" signified the affections of truth, and thus the church, as can be seen from a thousand passages in the Word in which "the king's daughter," "the daughter of Zion," "the daughter of Jerusalem," also "the virgin of Zion," and "the virgin of Jerusalem" are mentioned; therefore "the king's daughters" represented also the truths of that affection by their garments, and in general by their robes, which, were therefore, variegated with diverse colors. So also truths from good, or truths from affection, are represented by the garments of the virgins in heaven; which truths are more fully described by:

The garments of the king's daughter (Psalms 45:9-10, 13-14).

[9] As mourning in the Ancient Churches signified spiritual mourning, which is from the deprivation of truth, they represented this in their mourning, then by rending their mantles or cloaks, as is evident in Job:

When Job had lost all things, then he arose, rent his mantle, and said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return (Job 1:20-21).

Job's three friends, when they saw him, wept and rent their cloaks (Job 2:12).

(That "rending the garments" was a representative of mourning because of truth injured or destroyed, see Arcana Coelestia 4763.) And again in Ezekiel:

All the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones, and shall put away their cloaks and strip off their broidered garments; they shall be clothed with terrors; they shall sit upon the earth (Ezekiel 26:16).

This is said of Tyre, which signifies the church in respect to the knowledges of truth and good, here the church where these are destroyed. That there are no longer any truths through which there can be a church, is signified by "all the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones;" "the princes of the sea" meaning true primary knowledges [scientifica]; "to come down from thrones" signifying that these have been destroyed, and consequently that there is no intelligence. The like is signified by "they shall cast away their cloaks and strip off their broidered garments," "cloaks" meaning truths in general, and "broidered garments" the knowledges of truth; the consequent damnation is signified by "they shall be clothed with terrors; they shall sit upon the earth."

[10] In Micah:

My people have set up an enemy for themselves for the sake of a garment; ye strip off the mantle from them that pass by securely, returning from war (Micah 2:8).

These words do not mean that "the sons of Israel have set up an enemy for the sake of a garment, and have stripped off the mantle from those that pass by securely;" but they mean that they held as enemies those who spoke truths, and deprived of all truth those who had lived well and had shaken off falsities, "garment" meaning truth, "mantle" all truth because it means truth in general; "to pass by securely" means to live well; "men returning from war" mean those who have shaken off falsities, "war" meaning the combat of truth against falsity. Who cannot see that this is the spiritual meaning of the Word; and not that the people of Israel held some one as an enemy for the sake of a garment, or stripped off the mantle from those who passed by?

[11] In Matthew:

The scribes and Pharisees do all their works that they may be seen of men, and make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their robes (Matthew 23:5).

This the scribes and Pharisees did, but it also represented and signified that they talked about, and applied to life and to their traditions many things from the ultimates of the Word, in order that they might appear holy and learned. "Their phylacteries which they make broad," signify goods in outward form, for "phylacteries" were worn upon the hands, and "hands" signify deeds, because these are done by the hands; "the borders of their robes which they enlarge," signify external truths; external truths are those that are in the ultimate sense of the letter; "robes" mean truths in general, and "borders" their ultimates. (That "borders of robes" signify such truths, see Arcana Coelestia 9917.)

[12] In Isaiah:

I will rejoice in Jehovah, my soul shall exult in my God; for He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation; He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10).

"To rejoice in Jehovah" signifies to rejoice in Divine good; "to exult in God" signifies to exult in Divine truth; for the Lord is called "Jehovah" from Divine good, and "God" from Divine truth, and from these is all spiritual joy. "To clothe with the garments of salvation" signifies to instruct and to gift with truths; and "to cover with the robe of righteousness" signifies to fill with every truth from good, "robe" meaning all truth, because it means truth in general, and "righteousness" is predicated of good.

[13] In the same:

He put on the garments of vengeance, and covered Himself with zeal as with a robe (Isaiah 59:17).

This is said of the Lord and of His combat with the hells; for when He was in the world He reduced all things in the hells and in the heavens to order, and this by Divine truth from Divine love. "Garments of vengeance" signify the truths by which, and "zeal as a robe" the Divine love from which this was done; "robe" is mentioned to signify that it was done through Divine truths from Divine love. (But what "the robe of the ephod" signifies, in which Aaron was arrayed, and upon the borders of which were pomegranates and bells, of which in Exodus 28:31-35 and Leviticus 8:7, see Arcana Coelestia 9910-9928).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.