

以西結書 44



1 他又帶我回到聖地朝東的外;那關閉了。

2 耶和華對我:這必須關閉,不可敞開,誰也不可由其中進入;因為耶和華以色列的已經由其中進入,所以必須關閉

3 至於王,他必按王的位分,在其內,在耶和華面前餅。他必由這的廊而入,也必由此而出。

4 他又我由來到殿前。我觀,見耶和華的榮光充滿耶和華的殿,我就俯伏在地。

5 耶和華對我:人子啊,我對你所耶和華殿中的一切典章則,你要放在上,用眼,用耳,並要留殿宇和聖地一切出入之處。

6 你要對那悖逆的以色列耶和華如此以色列家啊,你們行一切可憎的事,當夠了罷!

7 你們把我的食物,就是脂油和血獻上的時候,將身未受割禮的外邦人領進我的聖地,玷污了我的殿;又背了我的約,在你們一切可憎的事上,加上這一層。

8 你們也沒有看守我的物,卻派別人在地替你們看守我所吩咐你們的。

9 耶和華如此以色列中的外邦人,就是身未受割禮的,都不可入我的聖地。

10 以色列人走迷的時候,有利未人遠離我,就是走迷離開我、隨從他們的偶像,他們必擔當自己的罪孽。

11 然而他們必在我的聖地當僕役,照管殿,在殿中供職;必為民宰殺燔祭牲和平安祭牲,必站在民前伺候他們。

12 因為這些利未人曾在偶像前伺候這民,成了以色列家罪孽的絆腳石,所以我向他們起誓:他們必擔當自己的罪孽。這是耶和華的。

13 他們不可親我,給我供祭司的職分,也不可挨我的一件物,就是至的物;他們卻要擔當自己的羞辱和所行可憎之事的報應。

14 然而我要使他們看守殿宇,辦理其中的一切事,並做其內一切當做之工。

15 以色列人走迷離開我的時候,祭司利未人撒督的子孫仍看守我的聖所。他們必親近我,事奉我,並且侍立在我面前,將脂油與血獻給我。這是耶和華的。

16 他們必進入我的聖所,就近我的桌前事奉我,守我所吩咐的。

17 他們進內院必穿細麻衣。在內院和殿內供職的時候不可穿羊毛衣服

18 他們上要戴細麻布頭巾,腰穿細麻布褲子;不可穿使身體出汗的衣服。

19 他們出到外院的民那裡,當脫下供職的衣服,放在屋內,穿上別的衣服,免得因衣使民成聖

20 不可剃,也不可容髮綹長長,只可剪髮。

21 祭司進內院的時候都不可喝酒

22 不可娶寡婦和被休的婦人為妻,只可娶以色列後裔中的處女,或是祭司遺留的寡婦。

23 他們要使我的民知道俗的分別,又使他們分辨潔淨的和不潔淨的。

24 有爭訟的事,他們應當站立判斷,要按我的典章判斷。在我一切的節期必守我的律條例,也必以我的安息日為日。

25 他們不可挨近屍沾染自己,只可為父親母親兒子、女兒、弟兄,和未嫁的姊妹沾染自己。

26 祭司潔淨之,必再計算日。

27 當他進內院,進所,在所中事奉的日子,要為自己獻贖祭。這是耶和華的。

28 祭司必有產業,我是他們的產業。不可在以色列他們基業;我是他們的基業。

29 素祭、贖祭,和贖愆祭他們都可以以色列中一切永獻的物都要歸他們。

30 首先初熟之物和一切所獻的供物都要歸祭司。你們也要用初熟的麥子磨麵祭司;這樣,福氣就必臨到你們的家了。

31 無論是,凡自死的,或是撕裂的,祭司都不可


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天意 #134

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134. a.⑵没人能靠异象或与死者交谈被更新, 因为它们强迫. 异象分为两类, 即圣境与魔境. 圣境由天堂象征物产生, 而魔境则由地狱巫术产生. 还有一类是由于心神不宁而产生的幻觉. 就象刚才说的, 由天堂象征物产生的圣境就是众先知所经历的这类, 当他们身处圣境时, 不是在身体里, 而在灵里, 因为异象无法在人体醒觉的状态显现. 因此, 当它们显现给众先知时, 也可以说那时他们在灵里, 对此, 可从以下经文明显看出:

以西结说:灵将我举起, 在异象中藉著神的灵将我带进迦勒底地, 到被掳的人那里; 我所见的异象就离我上升去了(以西结书11:1, 24).

灵就将我举到天地中间, 在神的异象中, 带我到耶路撒冷朝北的内院门口. (以西结书8:3-4)

当他看见四个兽, 也就是基路伯时, 就在神的异象中, 在灵里. (以西结书 1, 10)

还有, 他看见新殿和新地, 天人正测量它们. (以西结书 40-48

他说:那时他在神的异象. (以西结书40:2, 26)

他在灵里. (以西结书43:5)


石榴树中的骑士. (撒迦利亚书1:8 )

四角. (撒迦利亚书1:18)

见一人手拿准绳. (撒迦利亚书2:13 )

烛台和两株橄榄树. (撒迦利亚书4:1 )

飞行的书卷和量器. (撒迦利亚书5:1, 6)

四辆马车从两座山之间出来以及马. (撒迦利亚书6:1)

类似状态中, 但以理看见:

有四个大兽从海中上来,(但以理书 7 :1 ).

以及山羊与绵羊之间的战斗,(但以理书8:1 ).

他在灵里看见这些事物还被记述在(但以理书7:1-2, 7, 13; 8:2; 10:1, 7-8), 先前在异象中所见的那位加百列, 奉命迅速飞来. (但以理书9:21)

当约翰看见他在启示录里描述的事物时, 也处于灵的异象中:

七个金灯台和灯台中间有一位好像人子. (启示录1:12-16)

一个宝座安置在天上, 又有一位坐在宝座上. 宝座中和宝座周围有四个活物, 前后遍体都满了眼睛. (启示录 4)

一个新天新地, 以及圣城新耶路撒冷由神那里从天而降. (启示录 21)羔羊拿走了生命之书. (启示录 5)

当他看见马从书印中来. (启示录 6)

七位天使吹号. (启示录 8)

无底坑开了, 有蝗虫飞出来. (启示录 9)

一条龙及与与米迦勒的战斗. (启示录 12)

两只野兽, 一只从海里升上来, 另一只从陆地升上来. (启示录 13)

一个女人骑在朱红色的兽上. (启示录 17)

巴比伦毁灭. (启示录 18)

一匹白马, 有一人骑在马上. (启示录 19)

一个新天新地, 以及圣城新耶路撒冷由神那里从天而降. (启示录 21)一道生活水的河. (启示录 22)

也阐述了他在灵的异象里看见这些事物 启示录1:10; 4:2; 5:1; 6:1; 21:1-2.

这就是从天堂显现在他们灵而非肉眼里的异象. 现如今这样的异象不再显现, 即便它们显现, 人们也不理解, 因为它们是由象征物产生, 其细节象征了教会内在事物和天堂的属灵真理. 但以理书9:24也预言, 当主降世后, 这些异象就停止. 然而, 魔境有时会显现, 它们是由因陷入疯狂而称自己为圣灵的狂热与幻想灵引发. 但这些灵已被主集中投入到远离其他地狱的另一地狱里. 通过这些事清楚看出, 除了圣言记载的异象外, 没人能通过任何异象被更新. 还有一些是幻觉, 但这些只不过是由于心神不宁引发的错觉.

134b:没人通过与死者交谈被更新, 可从主说的, 地狱富人与亚伯拉罕怀里拉撒路的对话明显看出:

财主说:“我祖啊! 既是这样, 求你打发拉撒路到我父家去; 因为我还有五个弟兄, 他可以对他们作见证, 免得他们也来到这痛苦的地方. ’亚伯拉罕说:“他们有摩西和先知的话可以听从. ”他说:“我祖亚伯拉罕哪里, 不是的, 若有一个从死里复活的, 到他们那里去的, 他们必要悔改. ”亚伯拉罕说:“若不听从摩西和先知的话, 就是有一个从死里复活的, 他们也是不听劝. ”(路加福音16:27-31)

与死者交谈与神迹的效果一样, 对此刚才已说了一些, 即短时间内, 人的确能被说服并被驱使敬拜. 但由于这会剥夺他的理性, 且同时封闭他的邪恶, 如前所述, 因此这魔法或内在约束一旦松开, 被封闭在内的邪恶, 连同对神的侮慢与亵渎就会一并爆发出来. 然而, 只有当灵对心智强加某些宗教教义时, 这种情况才会发生, 而善灵从不做这种事, 更别说天人了.

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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

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Arcana Coelestia #3540

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3540. 'And she put the skins of the kids of the she-goats' means the external truths clothing homeborn good. This is clear from the meaning of 'skins' as external things, dealt with below, and from the meaning of 'the kids of the she-goats', coming as they did from the flock bred within the homestead, as the truths which clothe homeborn good, dealt with in 3518, 3519, where it is also evident what homeborn good is and what truths from that source are. Any good whatever has its own truths, and any truths whatever have their own good. And they must be joined together - good to truths - if anything at all is to exist. The reason why 'skins' means external things is that the skin is the outer covering of an animal to which its exterior parts extend, even as the skin or the cuticles is such with a human being. The latter receives its spiritual meaning from what is representative in the next life, where there are people who belong to the province of the skin. These will in the Lord's Divine mercy be described at the ends of chapters below where the Grand Man will be presented as a separate subject. They are people in whom none but external good and the truths which go with this are present. This is why the skin, human or animal, means things that are external. The same is also evident from the Word, as in Jeremiah,

On account of the greatness of your iniquity your skirts have been uncovered, your heels have suffered violence. Can the Ethiopian change his skin and the leopard its spots? Also are you able to do good, having been taught to do evil? Jeremiah 13:22-23.

Here 'skirts' means external truths, 'heels' the lowest goods - 'the heel' and 'shoes' being the lowest natural things, see 259, 1748. And because those truths and goods, as it is said, spring from evil, they are compared to an 'Ethiopian', who was black, and his 'skin', and also to 'a leopard and its spots'.

[2] In Moses,

If you take your neighbour's clothing as a pledge you shall restore it to him before the sun goes down; for this is his only covering; it is his clothing for his skin, in which he will lie down. Exodus 22:26-27.

Inasmuch as all the laws contained in the Word, including civil and judicial ones, have a correspondence with laws in heaven concerning what is good and true, and from this correspondence came to be laid down, so it was with the law just quoted. For why else would it have ever been laid down that they were to restore clothing that had been pledged before the sun went down, and why else is it said that 'it is his clothing for his skin, in which he lies down'? The correspondence is evident from the internal sense, which is that people were not to cheat their neighbour of external truths, which are the matters of doctrine by which they conduct their lives, and also religious observances - 'clothing' meaning such truths, see 297, 1073, 2576, and 'the sun' the good of love or of life that ensues from those truths, 1529, 1530, 2441, 2495. The prevention of that good from perishing is meant by the statement about the restoration of the pledge before the sun went down. And since the things laid down in those laws are the external coverings of interior things, or the outermost aspects of these, the words 'his clothing for his skin in which he lies down' are used.

[3] Because 'skins' meant external things it was commanded that there should be for the tent a covering made of red ram skins and over that a covering of badger skins, Exodus 26:14. For the tent was representative of the three heavens, and so of the celestial and spiritual things of the Lord's kingdom. The curtains enveloping it represented natural things, which are external, 3478; and these are the ram skins and the badger skins. And since external things are those which cover internal, or natural things are those which cover spiritual and celestial, in the way that the body does the soul, that command was therefore given. It was for a like reason commanded that when the camp was on the move Aaron and his sons were to cover the ark of the testimony with the veil and were to place a badger-skin covering over it. And over the table and what was on it they were to spread a twice-dyed scarlet cloth and then cover that with a badger-skin covering. They were likewise required to place the lampstand and all its vessels under a covering made of badger skin - also all the vessels for ministering they were to place under a violet cloth, and then cover them with a badger-skin covering, Numbers 4:5-6, 8, 10-12. Anyone who thinks about the Word in a devout way may see that Divine things were represented by all these objects, such as the ark, the table, the lampstand, and the vessels for ministering, also the coverings of twice-dyed scarlet and of violet, as well as the coverings of badger skin, and that these objects represented Divine things contained within external ones.

[4] Because the prophets represented those who teach, and therefore represented teaching from the Word concerning what is good and true, 2534; and because Elijah represented the Word itself, 2762, as also did John, who for that reason is called the Elijah who is to come, Matthew 17:10-13; and in order that these might represent the nature of the Word in its external form, that is, in the letter,

Elijah wore a skin girdle around his loins. 2 Kings 1:8. And John had a garment of camel hair and a skin girdle around his waist. Matthew 3:4.

Because animal 'skin' and human 'skin' means external things, which in relation to spiritual and celestial are natural things, and because it was customary in the Ancient Church to speak and to write by means of meaningful signs, reference is also made to both types of skin, and with the same meaning, in Job, a book of the Ancient Church. This becomes clear from a number of places in that book, including the following,

I know my Redeemer; He is alive; and at the last He will rise above the dust; and afterwards these things will be encompassed by my skin, and out of my flesh shall I see God. Job 19:25-26.

'Encompassed by skin' stands for the natural as it exists with someone after he has died, dealt with in 3539. 'Out of one's flesh seeing God' is doing so from a proprium made alive. For the proprium is meant by 'flesh', see 148, 149, 780; and the Book of Job is a book of the Ancient Church, a fact which is evident, as has been stated, from its style which draws on representatives and meaningful signs. It is not however one of the books called the Law and the Prophets, the reason being that it has no internal sense in which the one subject is the Lord and His kingdom. For it is this alone that determines whether any book is a Book of the true Word.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.