

撒母耳記下 20



1 在那裡恰巧有一個匪徒,名叫示巴,是便雅憫比基利的兒子。他吹角,:我們與大衛無分,與耶西的兒子無涉。以色列人哪,你們各回各家去罷!

2 於是以色列人都離開大衛跟隨比基利的兒子示巴。但猶大從約但河直到耶路撒冷,都緊緊跟隨他們的王。

3 大衛耶路撒冷,進了宮殿,就把從前留下看守宮殿的個妃嬪禁閉在冷宮,養活他們,不與他們親近。他們如同寡婦被禁,直到死的日子。

4 王對亞瑪撒:你要在日之內將猶大招聚了來,你也回到這裡來。

5 亞瑪撒就去招聚猶大人,卻耽延過了王所限的日期。

6 大衛對亞比篩:現在恐怕比基利的兒子示巴加害於我們比押沙龍更甚。你要帶領你僕人追趕他,免得他得了堅固城,躲避我們

7 約押的人和基利提人、比利提人,並所有的勇士,都跟著亞比篩,從耶路撒冷出去追趕比基利的兒子示巴。

8 他們到了基遍那裡,亞瑪撒迎接他們。那時約押穿著戰衣,腰束佩刀的帶子,刀在鞘內;約押前行,刀從鞘內掉出

9 約押拾起刀來,對亞瑪撒:我兄弟,你好啊!就用右抓住亞瑪撒的鬍子,要與他親嘴。

10 亞瑪撒沒有防備約押裡所拿的刀;約押用刀刺入他的肚腹,他的腸子流在上,沒有再刺他,就死了約押和他兄弟亞比篩往前追趕比基利的兒子示巴。

11 約押的一個少年站在亞瑪撒屍身旁邊,對眾:誰喜悅約押,誰歸順大衛,就當跟隨約押去。

12 亞瑪撒在道路上滾在自己的血裡。那見眾民經過都站住,就把亞瑪撒的屍身從上挪到田間,用衣服遮蓋。

13 屍身從上挪移之,眾民就都跟隨約押去追趕比基利的兒子示巴。

14 他走遍以色列各支派,直到伯瑪迦的亞比拉,並比利人的全地;那些地方的人也都聚集跟隨他。

15 約押和跟隨的人到了伯瑪迦的亞比拉,圍困示巴,就對著城築壘;跟隨約押的眾民用錘撞城,要使城塌陷。

16 有一個聰明婦人從城上呼叫啊,啊,請約押近前來,我好與他說話

17 約押就近前來,婦人問他:你是約押不是?他:我是。婦人:求你婢女的約押:我

18 婦人:古時有話,當先在亞比拉求問,然後事就定妥。

19 我們這城的人在以色列人中是和平、忠厚的。你為何要毀壞以色列中的大城,耶和華的產業呢?

20 約押回答:我決不滅毀壞,

21 乃因以法蓮地的一個─比基利的兒子示巴─舉攻擊大衛王,你們若將他一交出來,我便離城而去。婦約押:那的首級必從城牆上丟你。

22 就憑他的智慧去勸眾。他們便割下比基利的兒子示巴的首級,丟給約押約押吹角,眾就離城而散,各歸各家去了。約押耶路撒冷,到王那裡。

23 約押以色列全軍的元帥;耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅統轄基利提人和比利提人;

24 亞多蘭掌管服苦的人;亞希律的兒子約沙法作史官;

25 示法作書記;撒督和亞比亞他作祭司長;

26 睚珥人以拉作大衛的宰相。






The Philistines play a large role in the Bible as one of the longest-standing and most bitter rivals of the people of Israel, clashing with them in repeated wars. The Philistines were a remnant of the Ancient Church, or church of Noah, but had turned the deep wisdom of that church into a worship that focused solely on knowledge of religious ideas and the details of ritual, with no concept of putting religious ideas to work in living a good life. People would be esteemed for their knowledge, no matter how evil they might be in their lives. This was a particularly attractive trap for the people of Israel, who lived in a state of obedience to a long list of spiritually meaningful rules. It was easy for them to forget about the “obedience” part and focus instead on the “rules” part, which made them akin to the Philistines. This is also a threat to us in our own lives. We need to remember that simply knowing a lot and believing the right things will not make us good people -- we have to use that knowledge to treat other people in a loving, caring way.

In 1 Samuel 5,6, this signifies people in faith separated from charity. (Divine Providence 326[12])

In Jeremiah 47:2, 3, this represents people who hold false ideas, and reason about spiritual things from them. (Arcana Coelestia 705) Philistia signifies this religion. (Arcana Coelestia 727)