

撒母耳记上 28



1 那时,非利士人聚集军旅,要与以色列人打仗。亚吉对大卫:你当知道,你和跟随你的人都要随我出战。

2 大卫对亚吉仆人所能做的事,王必知道。亚吉对大卫:这样,我立你永远作我的护卫长。

3 那时撒母耳已经死了以色列众人为他哀哭,葬他在拉玛,就是在他本城里。扫罗曾在国内不容有交鬼的和行巫术的人。

4 非利士人聚集,到书念安营;扫罗聚集以色列众人在基利波安营。

5 扫罗见非利士的军旅就惧中发颤。

6 扫罗求问耶和华耶和华却不藉梦,或乌陵,或先知回答他。

7 扫罗吩咐臣仆:当为我找一个交鬼的妇人,我好去问他。臣仆:在隐多珥有一个交鬼的妇人

8 於是扫罗改了装,穿上别的衣服着两个人,夜里去见那妇人扫罗:求你用交鬼的法术,将我所告诉你的死人,为我招上

9 妇人对他:你知道扫罗从国中剪除交鬼的和行巫术的。你为何陷害我的性命,使我呢?

10 扫罗向妇人指着耶和华起誓说:我指着永生的耶和华起誓,你必不因这事受刑。

11 妇人:我为你招谁上来呢?回答:为我招撒母耳上来。

12 妇人见撒母耳,就声呼叫,对扫罗:你是扫罗,为甚麽欺哄我呢?

13 王对妇人:不要惧,你见了甚麽呢?妇人扫罗:我见有里上来。

14 扫罗:他是怎样的形状?妇:有一个老上来,身穿长衣。扫罗知道是撒母耳,就屈身,脸伏於下拜。

15 撒母耳对扫罗:你为甚麽搅扰我,招我上来呢?扫罗回答:我甚窘急;因为非利士人攻击我,也离开我,不再藉先知或梦回答我。因此请你上来,好指示我应当怎样行。

16 撒母耳耶和华已经离开你,且与你为敌,你何必问我呢?

17 耶和华照他藉我的话,已经从你里夺去国权,赐与别人,就是大卫

18 因你没有耶和华的命令;他恼怒亚玛力人,你没有灭绝他们,所以今日耶和华向你这样行,

19 并且耶和华必将你和以色列人交在非利士人里。明日你和你众子必与我在一处了;耶和华必将以色列的军兵交在非利士人里。

20 扫罗猛然仆倒,挺身在,因撒母耳的甚是惧;那一昼一夜没有甚麽,就毫无气力。

21 妇人扫罗面前,见他极其惊恐,对他:婢女听从你的,不顾惜自己的性命,遵从你所吩咐的。

22 现在求你婢女的话,容我在你面前摆上一点食物,你吃了,可以有气力行

23 扫罗不肯,:我不。但他的仆人妇人再三劝他,他才了他们的话,从起来在床上。

24 妇人急忙将家里的一只肥犊宰了,又拿面抟成无酵了,

25 摆在扫罗和他仆人面前。他们完,当夜就起身走了。






Like so many common verbs, the meaning of "know" in the Bible is varied and dependent on context. And in some cases -- when it is connected to ideas or objects -- its spiritual meaning and natural meaning are essentially the same. When the Bible talks about people knowing each other and especially when it talks about the Lord knowing people, the meaning has more to do with the states of love within people than it does with any factual knowledge. This makes sense if you think about it. When we really "know" somebody, what we mean is that we know what kind of person they are, what their motivations are, what they love, what they hate, what makes them tick. Those things are far more important than knowing their parents' names, where they were born or what year they graduated from school. Most often then, especially applied to people, "knowing" has to do with the perceptions we have about other people's loves and the conjunction that can exist between those with similar loves, not just a collection of facts.