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Arcana Coelestia # 9819

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/ 10837  

9819. 'And they shall make Aaron's garments' means through whom the spiritual kingdom exists. This is clear from the meaning of 'Aaron's garments' as a representative sign of the Lord's spiritual kingdom lying adjacent to His celestial kingdom, dealt with above in 9814. The reason why the wise at heart, filled with the spirit of wisdom, were to make those garments is that by these people those in the celestial kingdom are meant, and the spiritual kingdom is what springs from and so what covers that celestial kingdom like a garment next to the body, as also becomes clear from the things that have been stated in 9818.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Psalms 104:29-30



29 You hide your face: they are troubled; you take away their breath: they die, and return to the dust.

30 You send forth your Spirit: they are created. You renew the face of the ground.


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Arcana Coelestia # 5976

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/ 10837  


It was shown in the section at the end of the previous chapter [in 5849] that two spirits from hell and two angels from heaven are present with each person; that they provide communication both with hell and with heaven and also enable a person to be in freedom.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.