

Бытие 2



1 Так совершены небо и земля и все воинство их.

2 И совершил Бог к седьмому дню дела Свои, которые Он делал, и почил в день седьмый от всех дел Своих, которые делал.

3 И благословил Бог седьмой день, и освятил его, ибо в оный почил от всех дел Своих, которые Бог творил и созидал.

4 Вот происхождение неба и земли, при сотворении их, в то время, когда Господь Бог создал землю и небо,

5 и всякий полевой кустарник, которого еще не было на земле, и всякую полевую траву, которая еще не росла, ибо Господь Бог не посылал дождя на землю, и не было человека для возделывания земли,

6 но пар поднимался с земли и орошал все лице земли.

7 И создал Господь Бог человека из праха земного, и вдунул в лице его дыхание жизни, и стал человек душею живою.

8 И насадил Господь Бог рай в Едеме на востоке, и поместил там человека, которого создал.

9 И произрастил Господь Бог из земли всякое дерево, приятное на вид и хорошее для пищи, и дерево жизни посреди рая, и дерево познания добра и зла.

10 Из Едема выходила река для орошения рая; и потом разделялась на четыре реки.

11 Имя одной Фисон: она обтекает всю землю Хавила, ту, где золото;

12 и золото той земли хорошее; там бдолах и камень оникс.

13 Имя второй реки Гихон: она обтекает всю землю Куш.

14 Имя третьей реки Хиддекель: она протекает пред Ассириею. Четвертая река Евфрат.

15 И взял Господь Бог человека, и поселил его в саду Едемском, чтобы возделывать его и хранить его.

16 И заповедал Господь Бог человеку, говоря: от всякого дерева в саду ты будешь есть,

17 а от дерева познания добра и зла не ешь от него, ибо в день, в который ты вкусишь от него, смертью умрешь.

18 И сказал Господь Бог: не хорошо быть человеку одному; сотворим ему помощника, соответственного ему.

19 Господь Бог образовал из земли всех животных полевых и всех птицнебесных, и привел к человеку, чтобы видеть, как он назовет их, и чтобы, как наречет человек всякую душу живую, так и было имя ей.

20 И нарек человек имена всем скотам и птицам небесным и всем зверямполевым; но для человека не нашлось помощника, подобного ему.

21 И навел Господь Бог на человека крепкий сон; и, когда он уснул,взял одно из ребр его, и закрыл то место плотию.

22 И создал Господь Бог из ребра, взятого у человека, жену, и привел ее к человеку.

23 И сказал человек: вот, это кость от костей моих и плоть от плоти моей; она будет называться женою, ибо взята от мужа.

24 Потому оставит человек отца своего и мать свою и прилепится к жене своей; и будут одна плоть.

25 И были оба наги, Адам и жена его, и не стыдились.


Из Сведенборгових дела


Coronis (An Appendix to True Christian Religion) # 37

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37. "On a time, when I was meditating on conjugial love, the desire seized my mind of knowing what that love had been like with those who lived in the Golden Age, and what, afterwards, in the succeeding ones which are called the Silver, Copper and Iron ages. And, as I knew that all who lived well in those ages are in the heavens, I prayed to the Lord that it might be permitted me to speak with them and be instructed.

"And, lo! an angel stood by me, and said, 'I am sent by the Lord to be your guide and companion; and I will lead and accompany you, first, to those who lived in the first era, or Age, which is called the Golden.' (The Golden Age is the same as the age of the Most Ancient Church, which is meant by the head of fine gold, on the statue seen by Nebuchadnezzar in a dream - Dan. 2:32- of which we have spoken before.) The angel said, 'The way to them is laborious; it lies through a dense wood, which no one can traverse unless a guide be given him by the Lord.'

[2] "I was in the spirit, and prepared myself for the journey, and we turned our faces to the east; and as we proceeded, I saw a mountain, whose summit towered beyond the region of the clouds. We crossed a great desert, and reached a wood crowded with all kinds of trees, and dark by reason of the dense growth thereof, of which the angel told me beforehand. But that wood was intersected by numerous narrow paths. The angel said that these were so many windings of error, and that unless the eyes were opened by the Lord, and the olive-trees girt about with vine tendrils seen, and the steps led from olive-tree to olive-tree, the traveller would stray into Tartarus. This wood is of such a nature, to the end that the approach may be guarded; for no other race but the primeval one dwells on that mountain.

[3] "After we entered the wood, our eyes were opened, and we saw here and there the olive-trees entwined with vines, from which hung bunches of grapes of a dark-blue colour, and the olive-trees were arranged in perpetual windings; wherefore, we walked round and round as they came into view; and at length we saw a grove of lofty cedars, and some eagles on their branches. When he saw these, the angel said, 'Now we are on the mountain, not far from its summit.'

And we went on; and lo! behind the grove was a circular plain, where were feeding male and female lambs, which were forms representative of the state of innocence and peace of the inhabitants of the mountain.

"We crossed this plain, and lo! there were seen thousands and thousands of tents to the front, and at the sides in every direction, as far as the sight could reach. And the angel said, 'Now we are in the camp where dwell the armies of the Lord Jehovih, for so they call themselves and their habitations. These most ancient people, while they were in the world, dwelt in tents; for which reason they also dwell in them now.' But I said, 'Let us bend our way to the south, where the wiser of them dwell, that we may meet some one with whom we may enter into conversation.'

[4] "On the way, I saw at a distance three boys and three girls sitting at the door of their tent; but as we drew near, both the boys and the girls were seen as men and women of medium height. And the angel said, 'All the inhabitants of this mountain appear at a distance as young children, because they are in the state of innocence, and early childhood is the appearance of innocence.'

"On seeing us, the three men (viri) ran towards us, and said, 'Whence are you, and how have you come hither? your faces are not of the faces belonging to this mountain.'

"But the angel replied, and told the means by which we obtained access through the wood, and the reason of our coming.

"On hearing this, one of the three men invited and conducted us into his tent. The man was clad in a coat of a purple colour, and a tunic of white wool; and his wife was dressed in a crimson robe, and had, underneath, a vest of fine embroidered linen.

[5] "But inasmuch as the desire of knowing about the marriages of the most ancient people was in my mind, I looked at the husband and the wife by turns, and observed as it were a unity of their souls in their faces; and I said, 'You two are one.

"And the man answered, 'We are one; her life is in me and mine in her. We are two bodies, but one soul. There is between us a union like that of the two tents in the breast, which are called the heart and the lungs; she is the substance of my heart, and I am her lungs; but as by heart we here mean love, and by lungs wisdom-we understand the latter by the former on account of correspondence-she is the love of my wisdom, and I am the wisdom of her love. Hence, as you said, there is the appearance of the unity of our souls in our faces. Hence, it is as impossible to us, here, to look in lust upon the wife of a companion, as it is to look at the light of our heaven from the shade of Tartarus.'

"And the angel said to me, 'You hear now the speech of these angels, that it is the speech of wisdom, because they speak from causes.'

[6] "After this conversation, I saw a great light on a hill among the tents, and I asked, 'Whence is that light?'

"He said, 'From the sanctuary of our tabernacle of worship.'

"I enquired whether it was allowed to approach; and he said that it was. Then I drew near, and saw the tabernacle exactly according to the description without and within, of the Tabernacle which was set up for the Sons of Israel in the wilderness, the form of which was shown to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exod. 25:40; 26:30). I asked, further, 'What is there within, in its sanctuary, whence so great a light proceeds?'

"And he answered, 'There is a tablet, on which is written, "THE COVENANT BETWEEN THE LORD JEHOVIH AND HEAVEN."' He said no more.

"Then, also, I questioned them about the LORD JEHOVIH, whom they worship; and I said, 'Is He not God the Father, the Creator of the universe?'

"And they replied, 'He is; but, by the Lord Jehovih we understand Jehovah in His Human; for we are not able to look upon Jehovah in His inmost Divinity, except through His Human': and then they explained what they understood, and also what at this day they understand, by the

Seed of the woman trampling the serpent's head (Gen. 3:15);

namely, that the Lord Jehovih would come into the world, and redeem and save all who believed on Him, and who would believe thereafter.

"When we had finished this conversation, the man ran to his tent, and returned with a pomegranate in which was a vast number of golden seeds, which he presented to me, and I brought away: this was a token that we had been with those who lived in the Golden Age." [See the little work on CONJUGIAL LOVE , n. 75.] - For an account of the heavens of the remaining Churches which succeeded the Most Ancient, in their order, see in the same little work on CONJUGIAL LOVE (n. 76-82).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.