

約書亞記 3



1 約書亞清起來,和以色列眾人都離開什亭,到約但河,就住在那裡,等候過河。

2 過了長走遍中,

3 吩咐百姓說:你們耶和華─你們的約櫃,又見祭司利未人抬著,就要離開所住的地方,跟著約櫃去。

4 只是你們和約櫃相離要量二肘,不可與約櫃相近,使你們知道所當走的,因為這條你們向來沒有走過。

5 約書亞吩咐百姓:你們要自潔,因為明天耶和華必在你們中間行奇事。

6 約書亞又吩咐祭司:你們抬起約櫃,在百姓前頭過去。於是他們抬起約櫃,在百姓前頭走。

7 耶和華對約書亞:從今日起,我必使你在以色列眾人眼前尊大,使他們知道我怎樣與摩西同在,也必照樣與你同在。

8 你要吩咐抬約櫃的祭司:你們到了約但河的邊上,就要在約但河裡站住。

9 約書亞對以色列人:你們前來,耶和華─你們

10 約書亞:看哪,普天下主的約櫃必在你們前頭過去,到約但河裡,因此你們就知道在你們中間有永生神;並且他必在你們面前趕出迦南人、赫人、希未人、比利洗人、革迦撒人、亞摩利人、耶布斯人。

11 a

12 你們現在要從以色列支派中揀選十二個,每支派

13 等到抬普天耶和華約櫃的祭司站在約但河水裡,約但河的水,就是從上往流的水,必然斷絕,立起成壘。

14 百姓離開帳棚要過約但河的時候,抬約櫃的祭司乃在百姓的前頭。

15 他們到了約但河,一入(原約但河在收割的日子漲過兩岸),

16 那從上往流的水便在極遠之地、撒拉但旁的亞當城那裡停住,立起成壘;那往亞拉巴的,就是流的水全然斷絕。於是百姓在耶利哥的對面過去了。

17 耶和華約櫃的祭司在約但河中的乾地上站定,以色列眾人都從乾地上過去,直到國民盡都過了約但河。






A company might have executives setting policy and strategy, engineers designing products, managers handling personnel and others handling various functions. They all do different things -- but if they're doing them with a shared underlying purpose, the company -- and the individuals in it -- will likely be successful. The Lord wants all human society to function in a similar way. We have different skills and individual loves, but if we all share a mutual love -- a love of serving others -- then society will function as one, will be a reflection of heaven and will be a good receptacle for the Lord's love. This can also happen within each of us, as we unify our talents and ideas around a central love. And in an abstract sense, it illustrates how a wide collection of varying ideas can be unified around a shared good intention. That is the kind of love pictured when “one” is used in the Bible, either as a specific number or in the sense of several people or objects “being one.” In more casual references -- when used to identify a specific person or object -- the meaning is relatively literal, and is connected to that person or object.