

出埃及記 35



1 摩西招聚以色列全會眾,對他們:這是耶和華所吩咐的,叫你們照著行:

2 日要做工,第七日乃為日,當向耶和華守為安息日。凡這日之內做工的,必把他治

3 當安息日,不可在你們一切的處生

4 摩西以色列全會眾耶和華所吩咐的是這樣:

5 你們中間要拿禮物獻給耶和華,凡樂意獻的可以拿耶和華的禮物來,就是、銅,

6 藍色紫色、朱紅色線,細麻,山羊毛,

7 染紅的公羊皮,海狗,皂莢

8 點燈的,並做膏香料

9 紅瑪瑙與別樣的寶,可以鑲嵌在以弗得和胸牌上

10 你們中間凡裡有智慧的都要耶和華一切所吩咐的:

11 就是帳幕和帳幕的罩棚,並帳幕的蓋、鉤子、板、閂、子、帶卯的座,

12 櫃和櫃的杠,施恩座和遮掩櫃的幔子,

13 桌子桌子的杠與桌子的一切器具,並陳設餅,

14 臺和臺的器具,盞並點

15 的杠,膏和馨料,並帳幕口的簾子,

16 祭壇的銅網,的杠並的一切器具,洗濯盆和盆座,

17 院子的帷子和帷子的子,帶卯的座和院子的簾,

18 帳幕的橛子並院子的橛子,和這兩處的繩子,

19 精工做的禮服和祭司亞倫並他兒子在所用以供祭司職分的衣。

20 以色列全會眾從摩西面前退去。

21 裡受感和甘樂意的都拿耶和華的禮物,用以做會幕和其中一切的使用,又用以做衣。

22 裡樂意獻禮物的,連帶女,各將器,就是胸前鍼、耳環(或作:鼻環)、打印的戒指,和手釧帶獻給耶和華

23 凡有藍色紫色、朱紅色線,細麻,山羊毛,染紅的公羊皮,海狗的,都拿了來;

24 凡獻子和銅給耶和華為禮物的都拿了來;凡有皂莢可做甚麼使用的也拿了來。

25 中有智慧的婦女親紡線,把所紡的藍色紫色、朱紅色線,和細麻都拿了來。

26 凡有智慧、裡受感的婦女就紡山羊毛。

27 眾官長把紅瑪瑙和別樣的寶,可以鑲嵌在以弗得與胸牌上的,都拿了來;

28 又拿香料,拿點燈,做膏

29 以色列人,無論女,凡甘樂意獻禮物給耶和華的,都將禮物拿來,做耶和華摩西所吩咐的一切工。

30 摩西以色列人猶大支派中,戶珥的孫子、烏利的兒子比撒列,耶和華已經題他的名召他,

31 又以的靈充滿了他,使他有智慧、聰明、知識,能做各樣的工,

32 能想出巧工,用、銅製造各物,

33 又能刻寶,可以鑲嵌,能雕刻頭,能做各樣的巧工。

34 耶和華又使他,和但支派中亞希撒抹的兒子亞何利亞伯,裡靈明,能教導人。

35 耶和華使他們的滿有智慧,能做各樣的工,無論是雕刻的工,巧匠的工,用藍色紫色、朱紅色線,和細麻、繡花的工,並機匠的工,他們都能做,也能想出奇巧的工。




以斯拉记 2



1 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒從前擄到巴比倫之猶大省的,現在他們的子孫從被擄到之地回耶路撒冷猶大,各歸本城

2 他們是同著所羅巴伯、耶書亞、尼希米、西萊雅、利雅、末底改、必珊、米斯拔、比革瓦伊、利宏、巴拿回的。

3 以色列人民的數目記在下面:巴錄的子孫七十名;

4 示法提雅的子孫七十名;

5 亞拉的子孫十五名;

6 巴哈•摩押的後裔,就是耶書亞和約押的子孫一十名;

7 以攔的子孫一五十名;

8 薩土的子孫四十五名;

9 薩改的子孫六十名;

10 巴尼的子孫四十名;

11 比拜的子孫二十三名;

12 押甲的子孫一二十名;

13 亞多尼干的子孫六十名;

14 比革瓦伊的子孫二五十六名;

15 亞丁的子孫五十名;

16 亞特的後裔,就是希西家的子孫,九十名;

17 比賽的子孫二十名;

18 約拉的子孫一一十二名;

19 哈順的子孫二二十三名;

20 吉罷珥人九十五名;

21 伯利恆人一二十三名;

22 尼陀法人五十六名;

23 亞拿突人一二十名;

24 亞斯瑪弗人四十名;

25 基列•耶琳人、基非拉人、比錄人共四十三名;

26 拉瑪人、迦巴人共二十名;

27 默瑪人一二十名;

28 伯特利人、艾人共二二十三名;

29 尼波人五十名;

30 末必人一五十六名;

31 別的以攔子孫一五十名;

32 哈琳的子孫二十名;

33 羅德人、哈第人、阿挪人共二十五名;

34 耶利哥四十五名;

35 西拿人三十名。

36 祭司:耶書亞家耶大雅的子孫七十三名;

37 音麥的子孫一五十名;

38 巴施戶珥的子孫一四十名;

39 哈琳的子孫一零一十七名。

40 利未人:何達威雅的後裔,就是耶書亞和甲篾的子孫七十名。

41 的:亞薩的子孫一二十名。

42 守門的:沙龍的子孫、亞特的子孫、達們的子孫、亞谷的子孫、哈底大的子孫、朔拜的子孫,共一三十名。

43 尼提寧(就是殿役):西哈的子孫、哈蘇巴的子孫、答巴俄的子孫、

44 基綠的子孫、西亞的子孫、巴頓的子孫、

45 利巴拿的子孫、哈迦巴的子孫、亞谷的子孫、

46 哈甲的子孫、薩買的子孫、哈難的子孫、

47 吉德的子孫、迦哈的子孫、利亞雅的子孫、

48 利汛的子孫、尼哥大的子孫、迦散的子孫、

49 烏撒的子孫、巴西亞的子孫、比賽的子孫、

50 押拿的子孫、米烏寧的子孫、尼普心的子孫、

51 巴卜的子孫、哈古巴的子孫、哈忽的子孫、

52 巴洗律的子孫、米希大的子孫、哈沙的子孫、

53 巴柯的子孫、西西拉的子孫、答瑪的子孫、

54 尼細亞的子孫、哈提法的子孫。

55 所羅門僕人的後裔,就是瑣太的子孫、瑣斐列的子孫、比路大的子孫、

56 雅拉的子孫、達昆的子孫、吉德的子孫、

57 示法提雅的子孫、哈替的子孫、玻黑列哈斯巴音的子孫、亞米的子孫。

58 尼提寧和所羅門僕人的後裔共九十名。

59 從特•米拉、特•哈薩、基綠、押但、音麥上來的,不能指明他們的宗族譜系是以色列人不是;

60 他們是第來雅的子孫、多比雅的子孫、尼哥大的子孫,共五十名。

61 祭司中,哈巴雅的子孫、哈哥斯的子孫、巴西萊的子孫;因為他們的先祖娶了基列人巴西萊的女兒為妻,所以起名巴西萊。

62 這三家的人在族譜之中尋查自己的譜系,卻尋不著,因此算為不潔,不准供祭司的職任。

63 省長對他們說:「不可的物,直到有用烏陵和土明決疑的祭司興起來。」

64 會眾共有萬二六十名。

65 此外,還有他們的僕婢三十名,又有歌的男女二名。

66 他們有三十六匹,騾四十五匹,

67 駱駝三十五隻,二十匹。

68 有些族長到了耶路撒冷耶和華殿的地方,便為的殿甘心獻上禮物,要重新建造。

69 他們量力捐入工程子六萬一達利克,子五彌拿,並祭司的禮服一件。

70 於是祭司、利未人、民中的一些人、歌的、守門的、尼提寧,並以色列眾人,各在自己的城裡。






At the inmost level, the story of Moses -- like all of the Bible -- is about the Lord and his spiritual development during his human life as Jesus. Moses's role represents establishing forms of worship and to make the people obedient. As such, his primary representation is "the Law of God," the rules God gave the people of Israel to follow in order to represent spiritual things. This can be interpreted narrowly as the Ten Commandments, more broadly as the books of Moses, or most broadly as the entire Bible. Fittingly, his spiritual meaning is complex and important, and evolves throughout the course of his life. To understand it, it helps to understand the meaning of the events in which he was involved. At a more basic level, Moses's story deals with the establishment of the third church to serve as a container of knowledge of the Lord. The first such church -- the Most Ancient Church, represented by Adam and centered on love of the Lord -- had fallen prey to human pride and was destroyed. The second -- the Ancient Church, represented by Noah and the generations that followed him -- was centered on love of the neighbor, wisdom from the Lord and knowledge of the correspondences between natural and spiritual things. It fell prey to the pride of intelligence, however -- represented by the Tower of Babel -- and at the time of Moses was in scattered pockets that were sliding into idolatry. On an external level, of course, Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt through 40 years in the wilderness to the border of the homeland God had promised them. Along the way, he established and codified their religious system, and oversaw the creation of its most holy objects. Those rules and the forms of worship they created were given as containers for deeper ideas about the Lord, deeper truth, and at some points -- especially when he was first leading his people away from Egypt, a time before the rules had been written down -- Moses takes on the deeper representation of Divine Truth itself, truth from the Lord. At other times -- especially after Mount Sinai -- he has a less exalted meaning, representing the people of Israel themselves due to his position as their leader. Through Moses the Lord established a third church, one more external than its predecessors but one that could preserve knowledge of the Lord and could, through worship that represented spiritual things, make it possible for the Bible to be written and passed to future generations.