

如申命记 33



1 以下是摩西在未死之先為以色列人所祝的福:

2 耶和華從西乃而,從西珥向他們顯現,從巴蘭發出光輝,從萬萬者中臨,從他右手為百姓傳出烈火的律法。

3 他疼愛百姓;眾聖徒都在他中。他們在他的下,領受他的言語。

4 摩西將律法傳給我們,作為雅各會眾的產業。

5 百姓的眾首領,以色列的各支派,一同聚會的時候,耶和華(原文作他)在耶書崙中為王。

6 願流便存活,不至亡;願他人數不致稀少。

7 猶大祝福:求耶和華猶大的聲音,引導他歸於本族;他曾用為自己爭戰,你必幫助他攻擊敵人

8 論利未:耶和華阿,你的土明和烏陵都在你的虔誠那裡。你在瑪撒曾試驗他,在米利巴水與他爭論。

9 他論自己的父母:我未曾見;他也不承認弟兄,也不認識自己的兒女。這是因利未人遵行你的話,謹守你的約。

10 他們要將你的典章教訓雅各,將你的律法教訓以色列。他們要把香焚在你面前,把全牲的燔祭獻在你的上。

11 耶和華降福在他的財物上,悅納他裡所辦的事。那些起來攻擊他和恨惡他的人,願你刺透他們的腰,使他們不得再起來

12 論便雅憫耶和華所親愛的必同耶和華安然居住;耶和華終日遮蔽他,也住在他兩之中。

13 論約瑟:願他的耶和華賜福,得上的寶物、甘,以及裡所藏的泉水;

14 太陽所曬熟的美果,月亮所養成的寶物;

15 得上古之山的至寶,永世之嶺的寶物;

16 和其中所充滿的寶物,並住荊中上主的喜悅。願這些福都歸於約瑟的上,歸於那與弟兄迥別之人的頂上。

17 他為牛群中頭生的,有威嚴;他的角是野牛的角,用以牴觸萬邦,直到極。這角是以法蓮的萬萬,瑪拿西

18 論西布倫:西布倫哪,你出外可以歡喜。以薩迦阿,在你帳棚裡可以快樂。

19 他們要將列邦召到上,在那裡獻公的祭;因為他們要裡的豐富,並沙中所藏的珍寶。

20 論迦得:使迦得擴張的應當稱頌!迦得住如母獅;他撕裂,連頭頂也撕裂

21 他為自己選擇一段地,因在那裡有設立律法者的分存留。他與百姓的首領同來;他施行耶和華的耶和華以色列所立的典章。

22 論但:但為小獅子,從巴珊跳出來。

23 論拿弗他利:拿弗他利阿,你足沾恩惠,滿得耶和華的福,可以得西方和方為業。

24 論亞設:願亞設享受多子的福樂,得他弟兄的喜悅,可以把蘸在中。

25 你的門閂(門閂或作:鞋)是銅的,的。你的日子如何,你的力量也必如何。

26 耶書崙哪,沒有能比神的。他為幫助你,乘在天空,顯其威榮,駕行穹蒼。

27 永生的是你的居所;他永久的膀在你以。他在你前面攆出仇敵,:毀滅罷。

28 以色列安然居住;雅各的本源獨居五穀新酒。他的也滴甘

29 以色列阿,你是有福的!誰像你這蒙耶和華所拯的百姓呢?他是你的盾牌,幫助你,是你威榮的刀。你的仇敵必投降你;你必踏在他們的處。


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Apocalypse Revealed # 241

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241. The first living creature was like a lion. (4:7) This symbolizes the Divine truth of the Word in respect to its power.

A lion symbolizes truth in its power, here the Divine truth of the Word in respect to its power, as can be seen from the power of the lion, which surpasses that of every other animal on the earth. It can be seen as well from lions in the spiritual world and the fact that they are images representative of the power of Divine truth. And it can be seen, too, from the Word, in which lions symbolize Divine truth in its power. The nature of the power of Divine truth in the Word may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture 49, and in the book Heaven and Hell, nos. 228-233.

So it is that Jehovah or the Lord is likened to a lion, and also called a lion, as in the following passages:

A lion has roared! Who does not fear? The Lord Jehovih has spoken! Who does not prophesy? (Amos 3:8)

I will not turn back to destroy Ephraim... They shall walk after Jehovah. He roars like a lion. (Hosea 11:9-10)

As a lion roars, and a young lion..., so Jehovah... will come down to fight upon Mount Zion... (Isaiah 31:4)

Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed... (Revelation 5:5)

Judah is a lion's whelp... He bowed down, he lay down... as an old lion. Who rouses him? (Genesis 49:9)

[2] A lion in these passages describes the power of the Divine truth emanating from the Lord. Roaring symbolizes His speaking and acting with power against the hells, which try to carry off a person as a lion does its prey, but from which the Lord rescues him. To bow down means to put Himself into a condition of power. Judah, in the highest sense, symbolizes the Lord (nos. 96, 266).

(The angel) cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars. (Revelation 10:3)

He bows down, he lies down... as an old lion. Who rouses him? (Numbers 24:9)

Lo, the people rises like an old lion, and like a young lion lifts itself up. (Numbers 23:24)

This last declaration is said of Israel, which symbolizes the church, whose power, which lies in Divine truths, is thus described.

So likewise:

The remnant of Jacob shall be... in the midst of... peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest, like a young lion among flocks of sheep... (Micah 5:7-8)

And so on in many other places, as in Isaiah 11:6; 21:6-9; 35:9; Jeremiah 2:15; 4:7; 5:6; 12:8; 50:17; 51:38; Ezekiel 19:3, 5-6; Deuteronomy 33:20.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.