

دانيال 8



1 في السنة الثالثة من ملك بيلشاصر الملك ظهرت لي انا دانيال رؤيا بعد التي ظهرت لي في الابتداء

2 فرأيت في الرؤيا وكان في رؤياي وانا في شوشن القصر الذي في ولاية عيلام. ورأيت في الرؤيا وانا عند نهر أولاي

3 فرفعت عينيّ ورأيت واذا بكبش واقف عند النهر وله قرنان والقرنان عاليان والواحد اعلى من الآخر والاعلى طالع اخيرا.

4 رأيت الكبش ينطح غربا وشمالا وجنوبا فلم يقف حيوان قدامه ولا منقذ من يده وفعل كمرضاته وعظم.

5 وبينما كنت متأملا اذا بتيس من المعز جاء من المغرب على وجه كل الارض ولم يمسّ الارض وللتيس قرن معتبر بين عينيه.

6 وجاء الى الكبش صاحب القرنين الذي رايته واقفا عند النهر وركض اليه بشدة قوته.

7 ورأيته قد وصل الى جانب الكبش فاستشاط عليه وضرب الكبش وكسر قرنيه فلم تكن للكبش قوة على الوقوف امامه وطرحه على الارض وداسه ولم يكن للكبش منقذ من يده.

8 فتعظم تيس المعز جدا ولما اعتزّ انكسر القرن العظيم وطلع عوضا عنه اربعة قرون معتبرة نحو رياح السماء الاربع.

9 ومن واحد منها خرج قرن صغير وعظم جدا نحو الجنوب ونحو الشرق ونحو فخر الاراضي.

10 وتعظم حتى الى جند السموات وطرح بعضا من الجند والنجوم الى الارض وداسهم.

11 وحتى الى رئيس الجند تعظم وبه ابطلت المحرقة الدائمة وهدم مسكن مقدسه.

12 وجعل جند على المحرقة الدائمة بالمعصية فطرح الحق على الارض وفعل ونجح.

13 فسمعت قدوسا واحدا يتكلم فقال قدوس واحدا لفلان المتكلم الى متى الرؤيا من جهة المحرقة الدائمة ومعصية الخراب لبذل القدس والجند مدوسين.

14 فقال لي الى الفين وثلاث مئة صباح ومساء فيتبرأ القدس

15 وكان لما رأيت انا دانيال الرؤيا وطلبت المعنى اذا بشبه انسان واقف قبالتي.

16 وسمعت صوت انسان بين أولاي فنادى وقال يا جبرائيل فهّم هذا الرجل الرؤيا.

17 فجاء الى حيث وقفت ولما جاء خفت وخررت على وجهي. فقال لي افهم يا ابن آدم ان الرؤيا لوقت المنتهى.

18 واذ كان يتكلم معي كنت مسبخا على وجهي الى الارض فلمسني واوقفني على مقامي.

19 وقال هانذا اعرّفك ما يكون في آخر السخط. لان لميعاد الانتهاء.

20 اما الكبش الذي رأيته ذا القرنين فهو ملوك مادي وفارس.

21 والتيس العافي ملك اليونان والقرن العظيم الذي بين عينيه هو الملك الاول.

22 واذا انكسر وقام اربعة عوضا عنه فستقوم اربع ممالك من الامة ولكن ليس في قوته.

23 وفي آخر مملكتهم عند تمام المعاصي يقوم ملك جافي الوجه وفاهم الحيل.

24 وتعظم قوته ولكن ليس بقوته. يهلك عجبا وينجح ويفعل ويبيد العظماء وشعب القديسين.

25 وبحذاقته ينجح ايضا المكر في يده ويتعظم بقلبه وفي الاطمئنان يهلك كثيرين ويقوم على رئيس الرؤساء وبلا يد ينكسر.

26 فرؤيا المساء والصباح التي قيلت هي حق. اما انت فاكتم الرؤيا لانها الى ايام كثيرة.

27 وانا دانيال ضعفت ونحلت اياما ثم قمت وباشرت اعمال الملك وكنت متحيّرا من الرؤيا ولا فاهم


Из Сведенборгових дела


Conjugial Love # 25

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25. After expressing their thanks, the visitors went home, and there the angel said to them, "Today is the third day since your ascent into the society of this heaven, and you were prepared by the Lord to stay here for three days. Consequently it is time for us to part. Take off the garments sent by the prince, therefore, and put on your own."

Then, when they were in their own clothing, they were filled with a desire to leave, and they left and descended, with the angel accompanying them till they reached the place of assembly. And there they gave thanks to the Lord, that He had deigned to bless them with knowledge and so with understanding regarding heavenly joys and eternal happiness.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.



Mark 16



1 When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, that they might come and anoint him.

2 Very early on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when the sun had risen.

3 They were saying among themselves, "Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?"

4 for it was very big. Looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back.

5 Entering into the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were amazed.

6 He said to them, "Don't be amazed. You seek Jesus, the Nazarene, who has been crucified. He has risen. He is not here. Behold, the place where they laid him!

7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He goes before you into Galilee. There you will see him, as he said to you.'"

8 They went out, and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had come on them. They said nothing to anyone; for they were afraid.

9 Now when he had risen early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons.

10 She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept.

11 When they heard that he was alive, and had been seen by her, they disbelieved.

12 After these things he was revealed in another form to two of them, as they walked, on their way into the country.

13 They went away and told it to the rest. They didn't believe them, either.

14 Afterward he was revealed to the eleven themselves as they sat at the table, and he rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they didn't believe those who had seen him after he had risen.

15 He said to them, "Go into all the world, and preach the Good News to the whole creation.

16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who disbelieves will be condemned.

17 These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new languages;

18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it will in no way hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

19 So then the Lord, after he had spoken to them, was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.

20 They went out, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word by the signs that followed. Amen.