

耶利米哀歌 3



1 我是因耶和华忿怒的杖,遭遇困苦的人。

2 引导我,使我行在黑暗中,不行在明里。

3 他真是终日再三反攻击我。

4 他使我的枯乾;他折断(或译:压伤)我的骨头

5 他筑垒攻击我,用苦楚(原文是苦胆)和艰难围困我。

6 他使我在幽暗之处,像死了许久的人一样。

7 他用篱笆围住我,使我不能出去;他使我的铜炼沉重。

8 我哀号求救;他使我的祷告不得上达。

9 他用凿过的石头挡住我的道;他使我的弯曲。

10 他向我如埋伏,如狮子在隐密处。

11 他使我离正,将我撕碎,使我凄凉。

12 他张将我当作靶子。

13 他把箭袋中的箭射入我的肺腑。

14 我成了众民的笑话;他们终日以我为歌曲。

15 祂用苦楚充满我,使我饱用茵蔯。

16 他又用沙石碜断我的,用灰尘将我蒙蔽。

17 你使我远离平安,我忘记处。

18 我就:我的力量衰败;我在耶和华那里毫无指望!

19 耶和华啊,求祢记念我如茵蔯和苦胆的困苦窘迫。

20 我心想念这些,就在里面忧闷。

21 我想起这事,里就有指望。

22 我们不致消灭,是出於耶和华诸般的慈爱;是因他的怜悯不致断绝。

23 早晨,这都是新的;你的诚实极其广大!

24 我心里耶和华是我的分,因此,我要仰望他。

25 凡等候耶和华,心里寻求他的,耶和华必施恩给他。

26 人仰望耶和华,静默等候他的救恩,这原是的。

27 人在幼年负轭,这原是的。

28 他当独无言,因为这是耶和华加在他身上的。

29 他当贴尘埃,或者有指望。

30 他当由人打他的腮颊,要满受凌辱。

31 因为主必不永远丢弃人。

32 主虽使人忧愁,还要照他诸般的慈爱发怜悯

33 因他并不甘使受苦,使忧愁。

34 人将世上被囚的踹(原文是压)在

35 或在至者面前屈枉人,

36 或在人的讼事上颠倒是非,这都是主不上的。

37 除非主命定,谁能成就成呢?

38 祸福不都出於至者的吗?

39 活人因自己的罪受罚,为何发怨言呢?

40 我们当深深考察自己的行为,再归向耶和华

41 我们当诚心向上的神举手祷告。

42 我们犯罪背逆,你并不赦免。

43 你自被怒气遮蔽,追赶我们;你施行杀戮,并不顾惜。

44 你以黑遮蔽自己,以致祷告不得透入。

45 你使我们在万民中成为污秽和渣滓。

46 我们的仇敌都向我们大大张

47 恐惧和陷坑,残害和毁灭,都临近我们

48 因我众民遭的毁灭,我就眼泪流如河。

49 我的眼多多流泪,总不止息,

50 直等耶和华垂顾,从

51 因我本城的众民,我的眼,使我的心伤痛。

52 无故与我为仇的追逼我,像追雀一样。

53 他们使我的命在牢狱中断绝,并将一块石头抛在我身上。

54 众水流过我,我:我命断绝了!

55 耶和华啊,我从深牢中求告你的名。

56 你曾见我的声音;我求你解救,你不要掩耳不

57 我求告你的日子,你临近我,:不要惧

58 主啊,你伸明了我的冤;你救赎了我的命。

59 耶和华啊,你见了我受的委屈;求你为我伸冤。

60 他们仇恨我,谋害我,你都见了。

61 耶和华啊,你见他们辱骂我的话,知道他们向我所设的计,

62 并那些起来攻击我的人口中所说的话,以及终日向我所设的计谋。

63 求你观看,他们下,起来,都以我为歌曲。

64 耶和华啊,你要按着他们所做的向他们施行报应。

65 你要使他们里刚硬,使你的咒诅临到他们。

66 你要发怒追赶他们,从耶和华的除灭他们。




What the Bible Says about Being Born Again

Написано John Odhner

Photo by Jenny Stein

I was talking recently with someone who was looking forward to becoming a father. He asked me, "Is it hard to learn how to be a good father? How did you deal with that change in your life?"

"One of the nice things about becoming a father," I said, "is that it happened one step at a time. First we got engaged, and then some time later we got married. During that time, talking about parenting helped prepare me mentally. A few months after our marriage, my wife became pregnant, and then we still had nine months before our child was actually born."

"Of course, having a new baby was a big change, but still there were many parenting tasks that came later. For example, discipline wasn't an issue for the first year, and it was two years before we had to help our son learn to get along with his new baby sister. Being a good father all at once would be impossible, but the Lord gives us a chance to learn slowly."

Most changes in our lives are gradual. An inch of growth may take a child half a year. It can take several years to learn to speak a new language or play a musical instrument. Two people can be married in a day, but the actual marriage of minds takes decades to accomplish.

Changes in our spiritual life are also gradual. They take place one step at a time, and spiritual growth will be easier if we know that it does not take place in a moment. It is an ongoing process. Jesus said,

"Unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3)

Many passages in the Bible indicate that being born again spiritually will be just as much a step by step process as physical conception, gestation, birth, growth, and development. For example, Peter describes it in seven distinct steps:

"Add to your faith, virtue, and to virtue, knowledge, and to knowledge, self-control, and to self-control, perseverance, and to perseverance, godliness, to godliness, brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness, love." Only by completing this process can we be sure to enter the Kingdom of God. (2 Peter 1:5)

One reason why being born again must be a gradual process is that it involves a complete change of character. Paul describes it this way:

"If any one be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:5)

Rebirth involves new knowledge, new habits, new activities, new loves, and new awareness of the Lord.

New Knowledge

Rebirth does not take place through a blind leap of faith, but through gradual education, study and enlightenment. Jesus said,

"If you continue in My Word, ...the truth shall make you free." (John 15:3)

Truth is the tool of change, the means to a new life. Jesus said,

"Now you are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you." (John 15:3)

Instead of accepting dogmas without question we must make sense of the truth in order to be reborn. Being "childlike" does not mean being childish in our beliefs.

"In malice be children, but in understanding be adults." (1 Corinthians 14:20)

In one of His stories, Jesus describes a good person as one "who hears the Word, and understands it, and also bears fruit." (Matthew 12:23)

Most important of all is the understanding of God. If God's nature is a mystery to us, we can hardly say that we are born again, or that we are His sons. (Compare John 15:15.)

Knowing God goes hand in hand with being born from Him. (1 John 4:7)

"The pure in heart shall see God." (Matthew 5:8)

When we are born again, God "shines in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Corinthians 4:6)

New Habits

Anyone who is in the habit of doing or thinking evil things is living the "old" life, and is incapable of the genuine goodness of the person who has overcome them.

"Can the leopard change its spots? Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil." (Jeremiah 13:23)

"He who commits sin is the servant of sin." (John 8:34)

Receiving the new life requires fighting against the old habits.

"Cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. For why should you die? ...Turn and live!" (Ezekiel 18:21, 31-32.)

"Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean, put away the evil of your doing from My eyes! Cease to do evil, learn to do good." (Isaiah 1:16.)

This kind of repentance cannot take place merely by praying for forgiveness. It requires a struggle, an ongoing battle to overcome the old ways of life. Paul called this a struggle between the "flesh" and the "spirit." (Galatians 4:29, Romans 8:7.)

It is a battle that requires our greatest effort -- "all your heart and all your soul and all your might." (Deuteronomy 6:4)

Eventually, through constant effort, God gives us such power over our habits that we no longer would think of doing something evil. When this time finally comes, we can be called "born again."

"Whoever is born of God does not commit sin.... He cannot sin, because he is born of God." (1 John 3:9)

"Whatever is born of God overcomes the world.... We know that whoever is born of God does not sin, but he who is born of God keeps himself and the wicked one does not touch him." (1 John 5:4, 18)

New Activities

Along with new habits come new activities. A person who neglects to be useful cannot be born again, and cannot go to heaven. Jesus indicated that some Christians would not be saved because they lacked good works.

"Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, ' shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in the heavens." (Matthew 7:21)

In one of His parables, Jesus told of some people who would go into everlasting punishment, not because they had lacked faith, but because they had failed to help people who were in need. (Matthew 25:41-46)

After death, the Lord "renders unto everyone according to his deeds." (Matthew 16:27)

A person who is born again is concerned for others, and orients his life around the work he can do to help others.

"Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead... A person is justified by works, and not by faith alone." (James 2:17, 24)

To be born again, you must "bring forth fruits worthy of repentance." (Luke 3:8) Service and usefulness are marks of the new life.

New Loves

Even more than faith and more than works, the power that causes a person to be born again is love. Peter tells us that we are reborn by means of loving and for the purpose of loving others.

"Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, being born again...by the word of God." (1 Peter 1:22, 23)

John also makes it very clear that only those who love others can receive the new life:

"We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death." (1 John 3:14)

"Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love, does not know God, for God is love." (1 John 4:7-8)

New Awareness of the Lord

We must take it upon ourselves to have faith, to fight the evil impulses within ourselves, to serve others, and to love others if we wish to be born again. Yet in all these things we need also to realize that it is the Lord who is working within us.

"You have also done all our works in us." (Isaiah 26:12)

"There are many forms of work, but all of them, in all people, are the work of the same God." (1 Corinthians 12:6)

In the process of rebirth we come to realize that it is the Lord working within us that enables us to work, believe, struggle, and love. These abilities are His merciful gift. He says,

"I will give you a new heart, and put a new spirit within you...and cause you to walk in my statutes." (Ezekiel 36:26-27)


In order to be reborn we must renew our knowledge, habits, actions, loves and relationship with the Lord. All this takes time, even a lifetime. Just as childbirth and growth require patience and endurance, so does being born again.

"In your patience you will possess your souls." (Luke 21:19)

"Whoever endures to the end shall be saved." (Matthew 10:22)

God will give eternal life to those who seek it "by patient continuance in doing good." (Romans 2:7)

We cannot expect to be born again in a single moment. Again and again, the Bible advises steadfastness and endurance if we wish to gain the promise of heaven.

"It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." (Lamentations 3:26, 27)

For although it takes time, if we do our part, the Lord will certainly make it happen.

"Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." (Psalms 37:5, 7)