

撒母耳记上 1


1 以法莲地的拉玛琐非有一个以法莲,名叫以利加拿,是苏弗的玄孙,托户的曾孙,以利户的孙子,耶罗罕的儿子

2 他有两个妻:名哈拿,名毗尼拿。毗尼拿有儿女,哈拿没有儿女。

3 每年从本城上到示罗,敬拜祭祀万军之耶和华;在那里有以利的两个儿子何弗尼、非尼哈当耶和华的祭司

4 以利加拿每逢献祭的日子,将祭肉分他的妻毗尼拿和毗尼拿所生的儿女;

5 哈拿的却是双分,因为他哈拿。无奈耶和华不使哈拿生育。

6 毗尼拿见耶和华不使哈拿生育,就作他的对头,大大激动他,要使他生气。

7 每年上到耶和华殿的时候,以利加拿都以双分给哈拿;毗尼拿仍是激动他,以致他哭泣不饭。

8 丈夫以利加拿对他:哈拿啊,你为何哭泣,不饭,心里愁闷呢?有我不比儿子还好麽?

9 他们在示罗完了,哈拿就站起来。祭司以利在耶和华殿的门框旁边,在自己的位上。

10 哈拿心里愁苦,就痛痛哭泣,祈祷耶和华

11 许愿:万军之耶和华啊,你若垂顾婢女的苦情,眷念不忘婢女,赐我一个儿子,我必使他终身归与耶和华,不用剃刀剃他的

12 哈拿在耶和华面前不住地祈祷,以利定睛看他的嘴。

13 (原来哈拿中默祷,只动嘴唇,不出声音,因此以利以为他喝醉了。)

14 以利对他:你要醉到几时呢?你不应该喝酒。

15 哈拿回答啊,不是这样。我是心里愁苦的妇人,清酒浓酒都没有,但在耶和华面前倾心吐意。

16 不要将婢女看作不正经的女子。我因被人激动,愁苦太多,所以祈求到如今。

17 以利:你可以平平安安地回去。愿以色列的允准你向他所求的!

18 哈拿:愿婢女在你眼前蒙恩。於是妇人走去饭,面上再不带愁容了。

19 次日清,他们起来,在耶和华面前敬拜,就回拉玛。到了家里,以利加拿和妻哈拿同房,耶和华顾念哈拿,

20 哈拿就怀孕。日期满足,生了一个儿子,给他起名撒母耳,:这是我从耶和华那里求来的。

21 以利加拿和他全家都上示罗去,要向耶和华献年祭,并还所许的愿。

22 哈拿却没有上去,对丈夫:等孩子断了奶,我便他上去朝见耶和华,使他永远在那里。

23 丈夫以利加拿:就随你的意行罢!可以等儿子断了奶。但愿耶和华应验他的。於是妇人儿子,直到断了奶;

24 既断了奶,就把孩子上示罗,到了耶和华的殿;又只公牛,伊法细面,皮袋酒。(那时,孩子还小。)

25 宰了一只公牛,就领孩子到以利面前。

26 妇人啊,我敢在你面前起誓,从前在你这里站着祈求耶和华的妇人,就是我。

27 我祈求为要得这孩子;耶和华已将我所求的赐我了。

28 所以,我将这孩子归与耶和华,使他终身归与耶和华。於是在那里敬拜耶和华




"Hunting Camp on the Plains" by Henry Farny

To “dwell” somewhere, then, is significant – it’s much more than just visiting – but is less permanent than living there. And indeed, to dwell somewhere in the Bible represents entering that spiritual state and engaging it, but not necessary permanently. A “dwelling,” meanwhile, represents the various loves that inspire the person who inhabits it, from the most evil – “those dwelling in the shadow of death” in Isaiah 9, for example – to the exalted state of the tabernacle itself, which was built as a dwelling-place for the Lord and represents heaven in all its details. Many people were nomadic in Biblical times, especially the times of the Old Testament, and lived in tents that could be struck, moved and raised quickly. Others, of course, lived in houses, generally made of stone and wood and quite permanent. In between the two were larger, more elaborate tent-style structures called tabernacles or dwellings; the tabernacle Moses built for the Ark of the Covenant is on this model.