

تثنية 31



1 فذهب موسى وكلم بهذه الكلمات جميع اسرائيل

2 وقال لهم. انا اليوم ابن مئة وعشرين سنة. لا استطيع الخروج والدخول بعد والرب قد قال لي لا تعبر هذا الاردن.

3 الرب الهك هو عابر قدامك. هو يبيد هؤلاء الامم من قدامك فترثهم. يشوع عابر قدامك كما قال الرب.

4 ويفعل الرب بهم كما فعل بسيحون وعوج ملكي الاموريين اللذين اهلكهما وبارضهما.

5 فمتى دفعهم الرب امامكم تفعلون بهم حسب كل الوصايا التي اوصيتكم بها.

6 تشددوا وتشجعوا. لا تخافوا ولا ترهبوا وجوههم لان الرب الهك سائر معك. لا يهملك ولا يتركك.

7 فدعا موسى يشوع وقال له امام اعين جميع اسرائيل. تشدد وتشجع لانك انت تدخل مع هذا الشعب الارض التي اقسم الرب لآبائهم ان يعطيهم اياها وانت تقسمها لهم.

8 والرب سائر امامك. هو يكون معك. لا يهملك ولا يتركك. لا تخف ولا ترتعب

9 وكتب موسى هذه التوراة وسلمها للكهنة بني لاوي حاملي تابوت عهد الرب ولجميع شيوخ اسرائيل.

10 وامرهم موسى قائلا في نهاية السبع السنين في ميعاد سنة الابراء في عيد المظال

11 حينما يجيء جميع اسرائيل لكي يظهروا امام الرب الهك في المكان الذي يختاره تقرأ هذه التوراة امام كل اسرائيل في مسامعهم.

12 اجمع الشعب الرجال والنساء والاطفال والغريب الذي في ابوابك لكي يسمعوا ويتعلموا ان يتقوا الرب الهكم ويحرصوا ان يعملوا بجميع كلمات هذه التوراة.

13 واولادهم الذين لم يعرفوا يسمعون ويتعلمون ان يتقوا الرب الهكم كل الايام التي تحيون فيها على الارض التي انتم عابرون الاردن اليها لكي تمتلكوها

14 وقال الرب لموسى هوذا ايامك قد قربت لكي تموت. ادع يشوع وقفا في خيمة الاجتماع لكي اوصيه. فانطلق موسى ويشوع ووقفا في خيمة الاجتماع

15 فتراءى الرب في الخيمة في عمود سحاب ووقف عمود السحاب على باب الخيمة.

16 وقال الرب لموسى ها انت ترقد مع آبائك فيقوم هذا الشعب ويفجر وراء آلهة الاجنبيين في الارض التي هو داخل اليها فيما بينهم ويتركني وينكث عهدي الذي قطعته معه.

17 فيشتعل غضبي عليه في ذلك اليوم واتركه واحجب وجهي عنه فيكون ماكلة وتصيبه شرور كثيرة وشدائد حتى يقول في ذلك اليوم أما لان الهي ليس في وسطي اصابتني هذه الشرور.

18 وانا احجب وجهي في ذلك اليوم لاجل جميع الشر الذي عمله اذ التفت الى آلهة اخرى.

19 فالآن اكتبوا لانفسكم هذا النشيد وعلم بني اسرائيل اياه. ضعه في افواههم لكي يكون لي هذا النشيد شاهدا على بني اسرائيل.

20 لاني ادخلهم الارض التي اقسمت لآبائهم الفائضة لبنا وعسلا فياكلون ويشبعون ويسمنون ثم يلتفتون الى آلهة اخرى ويعبدونها ويزدرون بي وينكثون عهدي.

21 فمتى اصابته شرور كثيرة وشدائد يجاوب هذا النشيد امامه شاهدا لانه لا ينسى من افواه نسله. اني عرفت فكره الذي يفكر به اليوم قبل ان ادخله الى الارض كما اقسمت.

22 فكتب موسى هذا النشيد في ذلك اليوم وعلم بني اسرائيل اياه

23 واوصى يشوع بن نون وقال تشدد وتشجع لانك انت تدخل ببني اسرائيل الارض التي اقسمت لهم عنها وانا اكون معك

24 فعندما كمل موسى كتابة كلمات هذه التوراة في كتاب الى تمامها

25 أمر موسى اللاويين حاملي تابوت عهد الرب قائلا

26 خذوا كتاب التوراة هذا وضعوه بجانب تابوت عهد الرب الهكم ليكون هناك شاهدا عليكم.

27 لاني انا عارف تمردكم ورقابكم الصلبة. هوذا وانا بعد حيّ معكم اليوم قد صرتم تقاومون الرب فكم بالحري بعد موتي.

28 اجمعوا اليّ كل شيوخ اسباطكم وعرفائكم لانطق في مسامعهم بهذه الكلمات واشهد عليهم السماء والارض.

29 لاني عارف انكم بعد موتي تفسدون وتزيغون عن الطريق الذي اوصيتكم به ويصيبكم الشر في آخر الايام لانكم تعملون الشر امام الرب حتى تغيظوه باعمال ايديكم.

30 فنطق موسى في مسامع كل جماعة اسرائيل بكلمات هذا النشيد الى تمامه




Explanation of Deuteronomy 31

Написано Alexander Payne

Verses 1-8. The guidance of the soul must now be undertaken by the principle of Truth combating against the interior evils of the soul.

Verses 9-13. The law delivered to the faculties receptive of good in the soul, and all things in the soul attentive to it when a state of good prevails.

Verses 14-15. The change of state in which an active warfare against evil takes the place of the implantation of truth.

Verses 16-30. Before the soul ceases to be led by truth the testimony of the Word as to the fundamental principles of salvation is deeply impressed on the interiors of the soul to testify against it when it strays into evil, which it is prone to do, from its hereditary evil tendencies when the visible guidance of truth is withdrawn.

Из произведений Сведенборга


Arcana Coelestia # 1361

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1361. The fact that the Church became representative as the result of idolatry nobody is able to know unless he knows what a representative is. The things that were represented in the Jewish Church, and in the Word, are the Lord and His kingdom, and therefore the celestial things of love and the spiritual things of faith. These are the things that are represented, in addition to many things that go with them, such as everything belonging to the Church. Those that represent are either persons or else things in the universe or on this earth; in short, all things that are objects of the senses, so much so that scarcely any object is incapable of being representative. It is a general law of representation however that no attention is paid to the representative person or thing, but to the actual subject being represented.

[2] For example: Every king who has lived - in Judah or Israel, or even in Egypt and elsewhere - could represent the Lord Their royal status itself is representative, and thus the worst king of all was able to represent Him, such as the Pharaoh who promoted Joseph over the land of Egypt, or Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon, Daniel 2:37-38, or Saul and all the other kings of Judah and Israel, no matter what kind of men they were. The anointing of them, by virtue of which they were called 'Jehovah's anointed', carried that representation with it. In the same way all priests, however many there were, represented the Lord. Their priestly status itself is representative. This applies even to priests who were evil and immoral, for in representatives no attention is paid to the character of the person involved. And not only human beings but also animals were representative, for example all those used in sacrifice. Lambs and sheep represented celestial things, doves and turtle doves spiritual, as did rams, he-goats, young bulls, and oxen, though these latter represented lower types of celestial and spiritual things.

[3] Nor, as has been stated, was it just living creatures that were representative but also inanimate objects, such as the altar and even the stones of the altar; also the Ark and the Tabernacle together with everything in it; and the Temple too together with everything in it, a fact that anyone is capable of seeing. The lamps, the loaves, and Aaron's garments were accordingly representative. And not only these but also all the religious ceremonies in the Jewish Church. In the Ancient Churches representatives extended to every object of the senses, such as mountains and hills, and valleys, plains, rivers, streams, springs, reservoirs, woods, trees in general, and every kind of tree in particular, so that every single tree had some definite meaning. Once the Church of meaningful signs had come to an end these things became representatives. These considerations make clear what is to be understood by representatives. And seeing that not only human beings, no matter who or of what character, but also animals and even inanimate objects, could represent celestial and spiritual things - which are things belonging to the Lord's kingdom in heaven and those belonging to the Lord's kingdom on earth - it is consequently clear what a representative Church is.

[4] Representatives were such that to spirits and angels all things that were carried out according to the prescribed ritual appeared holy, as when the high priest, who had washed himself with water, ministered dressed in the robes of his office, and stood before the lighted candles, no matter what kind of man he was, even the most immoral and an idolater at heart. And the same applied to all other priests, for, as has been stated, in representatives no attention is paid to the person, but only to the actual thing being represented. The representation was completely abstracted from the person, as it was from the oxen, young bulls, or lambs that were sacrificed, or from the blood that was poured out around the altar, or again from the altar itself, and so on.

[5] This representative Church was established after all internal worship had perished, when worship became not only wholly external but also idolatrous It was established so that heaven might be joined in some measure to the earth, that is, the Lord might be joined to human beings by means of heaven. And this came about after conjunction by means of the internal things of worship had perished. The nature of this conjunction by means of representatives alone will in the Lord's Divine mercy be discussed later on. Representatives do not start until the next chapter, where every single thing from then on is purely representative. At the moment the subject is the state of those who were their forefathers, before some of them and their descendants became representative, whose worship, as shown above, was idolatrous.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.