The Scapegoat

Это оригинальный текст: The Scapegoat по Todd Beiswenger


There's an ancient ritual that God commanded the Israelites to do, when the high priest laid his hands on a goat, and transferred all the sins of the people to this scapegoat, and banished it to the wilderness. It seems a rather odd ritual, but within it there's a key teaching that evil does not belong to us. Evil comes from hell. We can banish evil from our life just as we would kick out uninvited party guests who are causing trouble.

Создано или переведено: Todd Beiswenger

Дата создания: 2017

Благодаря: Thanks to the Rev. Todd Beiswenger and the Hurstville New Church, NSW, Australia.

Авторские права: Copyright by the author

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