A Bíblia


แดเนียล 7



1 ในปีต้นแห่งรัชกาลเบลชัสซาร์กษัตริย์เมืองบาบิโลน ดาเนียลมีความฝันและนิมิตผุดขึ้นในศีรษะของท่านเมื่อท่านนอนอยู่ในที่นอนของท่าน ท่านจึงบันทึกความฝันนั้นไว้ และบรรยายเนื้อเรื่องนั้น

2 ดาเนียลกล่าวว่า "ข้าพเจ้าได้เห็นในนิมิตเวลากลางคืน และดูเถิด ลมทั้งสี่ของฟ้าสวรรค์ได้ปลุกปั่นทะเลใหญ่นั้น

3 และสัตว์มหึมาสี่ตัวได้ขึ้นมาจากทะเล ต่างตัวต่างกัน

4 ตัวแรกเหมือนสิงโต มีปีกนกอินทรี เมื่อข้าพเจ้ามองดูนั้น ขนปีกก็ถูกถอนออกไป และมันถูกยกขึ้นจากแผ่นดิน และให้ยืนสองเท้าเหมือนคน และมอบใจของมนุษย์ให้แก่มัน

5 และดูเถิด มีสัตว์อีกตัวหนึ่งเป็นตัวที่สองเหมือนหมี มันขยับตัวข้างหนึ่งขึ้น มีกระดูกซี่โครงสามซี่อยู่ในปากของมันระหว่างซี่ฟัน มีเสียงบอกมันว่า `จงลุกขึ้นกินเนื้อให้มากๆ'

6 ต่อจากนี้ไปข้าพเจ้าก็ได้มองดู ดูเถิด สัตว์อีกตัวหนึ่งเหมือนเสือดาว บนหลังมีปีกนกสี่ปีก สัตว์นั้นมีหัวสี่หัวและมันรับราชอำนาจ

7 ต่อจากนี้ไปข้าพเจ้าได้เห็นในนิมิตกลางคืน และดูเถิด สัตว์ที่สี่มันร้ายกาจและเป็นที่น่ากลัวและแข็งแรงยิ่งนัก มันมีฟันเหล็กมหึมา มันกินและหักเป็นชิ้นๆ และกระทืบสิ่งที่เหลือนั้นเสีย มันต่างกับสัตว์อื่นทั้งหลายที่อยู่ก่อนมัน มันมีเขาสิบเขา

8 ข้าพเจ้าพิเคราะห์เรื่องเขาเหล่านั้น ดูเถิด มีอีกเขาหนึ่งเล็กๆงอกขึ้นมาท่ามกลางเขาเหล่านั้น เขารุ่นแรกสามเขาได้ถูกถอนรากออกไปต่อหน้ามัน และดูเถิด ในเขาอันนี้มีตาเหมือนตามนุษย์ มีปากพูดเรื่องใหญ่โต

9 ขณะที่ข้าพเจ้าดูอยู่มีหลายบัลลังก์ถูกล้มลง และผู้หนึ่งผู้เจริญด้วยวัยวุฒิมาประทับ ฉลองพระองค์ขาวอย่างหิมะ พระเกศาที่พระเศียรของพระองค์เหมือนขนแกะบริสุทธิ์ พระบัลลังก์ของพระองค์เป็นเปลวเพลิง กงจักรของบัลลังก์นั้นเป็นไฟลุก

10 ธารไฟพุ่งออกและไหลออกมาต่อเบื้องพระพักตร์พระองค์ คนนับแสนๆปรนนิบัติพระองค์ คนนับโกฏิๆเข้าเฝ้าพระองค์ ผู้พิพากษาก็ขึ้นนั่งบันลังก์ บรรดาหนังสือก็เปิดขึ้น

11 ข้าพเจ้าก็จ้องดู เพราะเสียงพูดใหญ่โตของเขาเล็กนั้น และเมื่อข้าพเจ้าจ้องดูสัตว์ตัวนั้นก็ถูกฆ่า และศพก็ถูกทำลาย มอบให้เผาเสียด้วยไฟ

12 ส่วนเรื่องสัตว์ที่เหลืออยู่นั้น ราชอำนาจของมันก็ถูกนำไปเสีย แต่ชีวิตของมันนั้นยังต่อไปให้ถึงฤดูหนึ่งและวาระหนึ่ง

13 ข้าพเจ้าเห็นในนิมิตกลางคืน และดูเถิด มีท่านผู้หนึ่งเหมือนบุตรมนุษย์มาพร้อมกับบรรดาเมฆในท้องฟ้า และท่านมาหาผู้เจริญด้วยวัยวุฒินั้น เขานำท่านมาเฝ้าต่อเบื้องพระพักตร์พระองค์

14 ราชอำนาจ สง่าราศี กับราชอาณาจักร ก็ได้มอบให้แก่ท่าน เพื่อบรรดาชนชาติ ประชาชาติทั้งปวงและภาษาทั้งหลายจะปรนนิบัติท่าน ราชอาณาจักรของท่านเป็นราชอาณาจักรนิรันดร์ซึ่งจะไม่สิ้นสุดไป และอาณาจักรของท่านเป็นอาณาจักรซึ่งจะไม่ถูกทำลายเลย

15 ส่วนข้าพเจ้า คือดาเนียล จิตใจข้าพเจ้าก็เป็นทุกข์ในตัวข้าพเจ้า เพราะนิมิตในศีรษะของข้าพเจ้าก็กระทำให้ข้าพเจ้าตกใจ

16 ข้าพเจ้าเข้าไปใกล้ท่านผู้หนึ่งที่ยืนอยู่ที่นั่น และไต่ถามความจริงของเรื่องราวนี้ ท่านก็บอกข้าพเจ้า และให้ข้าพเจ้ารู้ความหมายของเรื่องเหล่านี้

17 สัตว์มหึมาทั้งสี่คือ กษัตริย์สี่พระองค์ซึ่งจะเกิดมาจากพิภพ

18 แต่บรรดาวิสุทธิชนแห่งองค์ผู้สูงสุดจะรับราชอาณาจักร และถือกรรมสิทธิ์ราชอาณาจักรนั้นสืบๆไปเป็นนิตย์ คือเป็นนิตย์นิรันดร์

19 แล้วข้าพเจ้าก็อยากจะทราบถึงความจริงอันเกี่ยวกับสัตว์ตัวที่สี่นั้นซึ่งผิดแปลกกับสัตว์อื่นๆทั้งสิ้น ร้ายกาจเหลือเกิน มีฟันเหล็กและเล็บตีนทองสัมฤทธิ์ ซึ่งกินและหักเป็นชิ้นๆและกระทืบสิ่งที่เหลือนั้นเสีย

20 และเกี่ยวกับเขาสิบเขาซึ่งอยู่บนหัวของมัน และเขาอีกเขาหนึ่งซึ่งงอกขึ้นมาต่อหน้าเขารุ่นแรกสามเขาที่หลุดไป เขาซึ่งมีตาและมีปากซึ่งพูดสิ่งใหญ่โต และซึ่งดูเหมือนจะใหญ่โตกว่าเพื่อนเขาด้วยกัน

21 เมื่อข้าพเจ้ามองดู เขานี้ทำสงครามกับวิสุทธิชนและชนะ

22 จนถึงผู้เจริญด้วยวัยวุฒิเสด็จมาถึงและทรงให้มีการพิพากษาให้แก่วิสุทธิชนขององค์ผู้สูงสุดนั้น และจนสมัยเมื่อวิสุทธิชนรับราชอาณาจักรมาถึง

23 ท่านผู้นั้นกล่าวดังนี้ว่า `เรื่องสัตว์ตัวที่สี่จะมีราชอาณาจักรที่สี่บนพิภพซึ่งจะผิดกับราชอาณาจักรทั้งสิ้น และจะกินทั้งพิภพนี้เสียและเหยียบพิภพลง และหักพิภพนั้นให้แตกออกเป็นชิ้นๆ

24 ส่วนเรื่องเขาสิบเขานั้นจากราชอาณาจักรนี้จะมีกษัตริย์สิบพระองค์เกิดขึ้น และมีกษัตริย์อีกองค์หนึ่งเกิดขึ้นภายหลัง ผิดแปลกกว่ากษัตริย์ที่มีมาก่อน และจะโค่นกษัตริย์เสียสามองค์

25 ท่านจะพูดคำกล่าวร้ายองค์ผู้สูงสุด และจะให้วิสุทธิชนขององค์ผู้สูงสุดนั้นอิดหนาระอาใจ และจะคิดเปลี่ยนแปลงบรรดาวาระและพระราชบัญญัติ และเขาทั้งหลายจะถูกมอบไว้ในมือของท่าน ตลอดหนึ่งวาระ สองวาระ กับครึ่งวาระ

26 แต่ผู้พิพากษาก็จะขึ้นนั่งบัลลังก์และจะทรงนำเอาราชอาณาจักรของท่านไปเสีย เพื่อจะทรงเผาผลาญและทำลายเสียให้สิ้นสุด

27 และอาณาจักรกับราชอาณาจักรและความยิ่งใหญ่แห่งบรรดาอาณาจักรภายใต้สวรรค์ทั้งสิ้น จะต้องถูกมอบไว้แก่ชุมนุมแห่งวิสุทธิชนขององค์ผู้สูงสุดนั้น อาณาจักรของท่านจะเป็นอาณาจักรนิรันดร์ และราชอาณาจักรทั้งสิ้นจะปรนนิบัติและเชื่อฟังท่าน'

28 เรื่องราวก็สิ้นสุดลงเพียงนี้ ส่วนข้าพเจ้าคือดาเนียล ความคิดของข้าพเจ้าก็ทำให้ข้าพเจ้าตกใจมาก และสีหน้าของข้าพเจ้าก็เปลี่ยนไป แต่ข้าพเจ้าก็เก็บเรื่องราวนี้ไว้ในใจ"


Many thanks to Philip Pope for the permission to use his 2003 translation of the English King James Version Bible into Thai. Here's a link to the mission's website: www.thaipope.org

Das Obras de Swedenborg


Apocalypse Revealed # 840

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/ 962  


1. Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

2. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, which is the Devil and Satan, and bound it for a thousand years;

3. and he cast it into the bottomless pit, and shut it up, and set a seal on it, so that it should not lead the nations astray any more till the thousand years were completed. But after that it must be released for a little while.

4. And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was entrusted to them. I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the Word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or its image, and had not received its mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

5. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection.

6. Blessed and holy is he who shares in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.

7. Then, when the thousand years have been completed, Satan will be released from his prison,

8. and he will go out to lead astray the nations which are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea.

9. And they went up over the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them.

10. Then the devil who led them astray was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

11. Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away. And there was not found any place for them.

12. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and their books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, in accordance with the things which were written in their books.

13. Then the sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hell delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works.

14. Then Death and Hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

15. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.


The Contents of the Whole Chapter

The removal of those people meant by the dragon (verses 1-3), and the ascent then of those in the lower earth, 1 who worshiped the Lord and refrained from evils as being sins (verses 4-6). The judgment on those having no religion in their worship (verses 7-9). The damnation of the dragon (verse 10). The universal judgment on all the rest (verses 11-15).

The Contents of the Individual Verses:

Verse ContentsSpiritual Meaning
1. Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.The Lord's Divine operation into the lower regions by virtue of His Divine power to close and open and to bind and loose.
2. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, which is the Devil and Satan,Those meant by the dragon were detained, who because they think about matters of faith sensually and not spiritually, are called that serpent of old, who because they are caught up in evils in the way they live, are called the Devil, and who because they are caught up in falsities as regards their doctrine, are called Satan.
and bound it for a thousand years;Those meant by the dragon here were forcibly drawn away and separated from the rest of the people in the world of spirits to keep them from having any communication with the rest for a while or a period of time.
3. and he cast it into the bottomless pit, and shut it up, and set a seal on it, so that it should not lead the nations astray any moreThe Lord removed entirely those who were caught up in faith alone and took away all their communication with the rest, to keep them from inspiring any of their heresy in people who were being raised into heaven.
till the thousand years were completed. But after that it must be released for a little while.This was the case for a while or for a period of time until people with truths springing from goodness were raised by the Lord into heaven, after which those meant by the dragon would for a short time be set loose and have a communication opened with those who were left.
4. And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was entrusted to them.The Word's truths were laid open, in accordance with which all people are judged, and those in the lower earth were then raised up, who had been hidden away by the Lord to keep the dragon and its beasts from leading them astray;
I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the Word of God,who had been rejected by those caught up in falsities hatched out of their own intelligence, because they worshiped the Lord and lived in accordance with the truths in His Word,
who had not worshiped the beast or its image, and had not received its mark on their foreheads or on their hands.and did not acknowledge or accept the doctrine of faith alone;
And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.who possessed a conjunction with the Lord already and had been in His kingdom for some time.
5. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were completed.Besides these just described, no others were raised into heaven until after the dragon was set loose and they were then tried and examined to discover their character.
This is the first resurrection.Salvation and eternal life consist primarily in worshiping the Lord and living according to His commandments in the Word, because these are the means to conjunction with the Lord and affiliation with angels in heaven.
6. Blessed and holy is he who shares in the first resurrection.Through conjunction with the Lord those who enter heaven enjoy the felicity of eternal life and enlightenment.
Over such the second death has no power,They do not suffer damnation,
but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,because they are kept by the Lord in the goodness of love and so in truths of wisdom.
and shall reign with Him a thousand years.They were already in heaven when the rest who did not live again, that is, who did not accept the life of heaven, were still in the world of spirits.
7. Then, when the thousand years have been completed, Satan will be released from his prison,After the Lord raised into heaven those who previously had been hidden away and protected in the lower earth, and the New Christian Heaven was increased by their number, all those who had confirmed themselves in falsities of faith were let loose.
8. and he will go out to lead astray the nations which are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for battle,Those meant by the dragon here drew to their side from any land throughout the world of spirits all who lived the life of an external, natural worship only and no internal, spiritual worship, and roused them up against those who worshiped the Lord and lived according to His commandments in the Word.
whose number is as the sand of the sea.The multitude of such people.
9. And they went up over the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city.Being roused up by followers of the dragon, they scorned every truth in the church and attempted to destroy everything connected with the New Church and its fundamental doctrine regarding the Lord and life.
And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them.They were destroyed by the lusts of their hellish love.
10. Then the devil who led them astray was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.People who were caught up in evils in the way they lived and in falsities as regards their doctrine were cast into hell.
11. Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away. And there was not found any place for them.A universal judgment executed by the Lord on all the former heavens that were occupied by people possessing a civil and moral goodness, but no spiritual goodness, thus who gave the appearance of being Christians outwardly, but who inwardly were devils. These heavens with their lands were totally dispersed so that no part of them was seen anymore.
12. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God,All people of every condition and character, who had died from earthly lands and were now among those in the world of spirits, gathered by the Lord for judgment.
and their books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life.The interiors of their minds were opened, of both the good and the evil, and by an influx of light and warmth from heaven their characters were seen and perceived in respect to the affections of their love or will, and so in respect to the thoughts of their faith or intellect.
And the dead were judged according to their works, in accordance with the things which were written in their books.All were judged in accordance with the inner life within their outward appearances.
13. Then the sea gave up the dead who were in it,External and natural people in the church called together for judgment.
and Death and Hell delivered up the dead who were in them.The impious at heart in the church, who in themselves were devils and satanic spirits, called together for judgment.
And they were judged, each one according to his works.The same as before.
14. Then Death and Hell were cast into the lake of fire.The impious at heart, who in themselves were devils and satanic spirits, and yet in outward appearances seemed to be people of the church, were cast down into hell among spirits who were caught up in a love of evil and so in a love of falsity according with evil.
This is the second death.This is their final damnation.
15. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.Those who had not lived in accordance with the Lord's commandments in the Word and did not believe in the Lord were condemned.


20:1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. This symbolizes the Lord's operation into the lower regions by virtue of His Divine power to close and open and to bind and loose.

An angel coming down from heaven means the Lord, as may be seen in nos. 5, 258, 344, 465, 657, 718, and also the Lord's operation, nos. 415, 631, 633, 649, here His operation into the lower regions, because the angel is described as coming down. Having the key to the bottomless pit symbolizes the Divine power to open and close hell, as may be seen in nos. 62, 174. And having a great chain in his hand symbolizes the endeavor and so the action of binding and loosing.

It follows, therefore, that there was no key or chain in the Lord's hand, but that its appearing so to John was representative of the Lord's Divine power. This chapter also refers two or three times to the opening and closing of hell.

Notas de rodapé:

1. Cf. references to the lower parts of the earth in Psalms 63:9, Isaiah 44:23, Ezekiel 32:24, and also Ephesians 4:9.

/ 962  

Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.

Das Obras de Swedenborg


True Christian Religion # 113

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/ 853  

113. The fourth experience. 1

I looked out into the world of spirits and saw an army mounted on chestnut and black horses. Those who sat upon them looked like monkeys, their faces and chests turned towards the hind quarters and tails of the horses, the backs of their heads and bodies towards the horses' necks and heads; the reins hung loosely about the necks of the riders. They raised a shout against those who rode on white horses, and pulled on the reins with both hands to keep their horses away from the battle, and they kept on doing this.

Then two angels came down from heaven, and on approaching me said: 'What do you see?' I described this ridiculous cavalry and asked: 'What is this, and who are they?'

The angels replied: 'They come from the place called Armageddon (Revelation 16:16), where some thousands have gathered to do battle with the members of the Lord's new church, which is called the New Jerusalem. They were talking there about the church and religion; yet there was not a trace of the church in them, because they were without any spiritual truth, or any trace of religion, because they were without any spiritual good. There was much talk there on their lips about both subjects, but their motive was to exercise power by their means.

[2] 'As young men they had learned to believe in faith alone, and they knew a little about God. After being promoted to the higher offices of the church, they retained their beliefs for a while. But since they then began to think no more about God and heaven, and only about themselves and the world, and so abandoned blessedness and everlasting happiness for temporal distinction and wealth, they pushed the doctrines they had learned in youth out of the interiors of the rational mind, which are in contact with heaven and so illuminated by its light, and banished them to the exteriors of the rational mind, which are in contact with the world and are illuminated only by its faint beams. They ended by relegating those doctrines to the level of the natural senses. This made them treat the doctrines of the church merely as formulas to be repeated, and no longer thought about rationally, much less affectionately loved. By making themselves like this, they do not receive the Divine truth which the church provides, nor any real good which comes from religion. To use a simile, the interiors of their minds have become like leather bags filled with a mixture of iron filings and powdered sulphur; if then water is poured in, there is first heat generated, and then flame, which makes the bags burst. In like manner, when these people hear anything about living water, which is the real truth of the Word, and it penetrates through their ears, they become furiously heated and angry, and reject it as something which would burst their heads.

[3] 'These are the people who appeared to you like monkeys riding back to front on chestnut and black horses with the reins about their necks. This is because those who do not love the truth and good which the church has from the Word, are unwilling to look towards the front of a horse, but only its hinder parts. For 'horse' means the understanding of the Word, 'a chestnut horse' understanding of the Word bereft of good, 'a black horse' understanding of the Word bereft of truth. The reason why they yelled to do battle against the riders on white horses is that 'a white horse' means the understanding of the truth and good of the Word. They seemed to be holding their horses back by the neck because they were frightened of fighting, for fear the truth of the Word might reach many people and so come to light. That is the interpretation.'

[4] The angels went on to say: 'We are from the community in heaven named Michael, and we have been ordered by the Lord to go down to the place called Armageddon, from which the cavalry you saw had broken out. Armageddon for us in heaven means the state of wishing to fight with falsified truths, which arises from the love of controlling and surpassing all others. Since we perceive you have a desire to learn about that battle, we will tell you something about it. After coming down from heaven we approached the place called Armageddon and saw several thousands of people gathered there. However, we did not go into that assembly, but there were some houses on the south side where there were boys with their teachers; we went into these, where we were made welcome, and we enjoyed their company. They were all good-looking because of the liveliness of their eyes and the animation of their conversation. The liveliness in their eyes came from their perception of truth, the animation of their conversation from their affection for good. Because of this we presented them with hats, the brims of which were ornamented with bands of gold thread intertwined with pearls, and also with clothes of a white and dark blue pattern.

'We asked them whether they had looked towards the neighbouring place called Armageddon. They said they had done so through the window they had under the roof of their house. They said they had seen a great gathering of people there, who took on varying appearances. At one time they resembled tall 2 men, at another no longer people at all, but they looked like images and carved statues, and around them was a crowd kneeling. These too seemed to us to have varying appearances; some looked like human beings, some like leopards, some like goats, and these had downward-pointing horns, which they used to dig up the ground. We were able to interpret their transformations, and know whom they represented and what they meant.

[5] 'But to return to the story; when the people assembled heard that we had gone into those houses, they said to one another: "What are they doing, going to see those boys? Let us send some of our number to turn them out." They did so, and when they came they said to us: "Why have you gone into those houses? Where do you come from? We have authority to tell you to go away."

'But we replied: "You have no authority to tell us that. In your own eyes you may be like the Anakim, and the people here like dwarfs, but still you have no power or right here, except through trickery, and that will not work. So go back and report to your people, that we have been sent here from heaven to investigate whether there is any religion among you or not; if not, you will be thrown out of the place you occupy. So set before them the following question, which touches the very essence of the church and religion, what is the meaning of these words from the Lord's Prayer: Our Father, who art in the heavens, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come."

'Their first reaction on hearing this was indignation, but then they agreed to put the question. So they went away and told their people what had happened, and they replied: "What does this question mean and what sort of a question is it?" But they understood the concealed point, that the questioners wished to know whether these words favoured the way their faith approaches God the Father. So they said: "These words clearly mean that we should pray to God the Father, and because Christ is our mediator, that we should pray to God the Father for the sake of His Son."

'Then in their indignation they resolved to approach us and to assert this face to face, saying too that they would tweak our ears. They actually left the place where they were, and went into the park adjacent to the houses where the boys were with their teachers. In the middle of the park there was a raised platform like an arena, and holding one another's hands they went into the arena where we stood waiting for them. There were small mounds of earth there covered with turf, and they sat on these, saying to one another: "In such company we will not remain standing, but sit down."

'Then one of them who had the trick of making himself look like an angel of light, and who had been appointed by the rest to act as their spokesman, said: "You have asked us to reveal our opinion on how we should understand the first words of the Lord's Prayer. So I beg to inform you that we understand them like this: we should pray to God the Father; and because Christ is our mediator, and our salvation depends upon His merit, we should pray to God the Father trusting in Christ's merit."

[6] 'Then we told them: "We are from the community in heaven known as Michael. We have been sent to visit you, and enquire whether you who are gathered here have any religion or not. For the idea of God enters into every part of religion, and it is this which establishes a link with God, and that link is the means of salvation. We in heaven recite that prayer every day, just as people on earth do; but then we do not think of God the Father, since He is invisible, but we think of Him in His Divine Human, since in this He is visible. In this you call Him Christ, we call Him the Lord; thus the Lord is our Father in the heavens. The Lord too taught that He and the Father are one, that the Father is in Him and He is in the Father; that he who sees Him, sees the Father; and that no one comes to the Father except through Him. He also taught that it is the Father's will that people should believe in the Son; that he who does not believe in the Son will not see life; rather the wrath of God remains upon him. From these passages it is clear that the Father is to be approached through the Son and in Him. For that reason too He also taught that all power in heaven and on earth was given to Him. The Prayer says, "Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come," and we have proved from the Word that the Father's name is His Divine Human, and that the Father's kingdom comes when the Lord is directly approached, and not at all when God the Father is directly approached. So too the Lord told His disciples to preach the kingdom of God, and this is what is meant by the kingdom of God."

[7] 'On hearing this our opponents said: "You quote many passages from the Word. We may have read such things there, but we do not remember them. So open the Word in our presence, and read us those passages from it, especially the ones which say that the Father's kingdom comes when the Lord's kingdom does." Then they told the boys to fetch the Word, and when they did so, we read to them from it the following passages:

John 3 preaching the Gospel of the kingdom said, The time has come, the kingdom of God is at hand, Mark 1:14-15; Matthew 3:2.

Jesus Himself preached the Gospel of the kingdom, and said that the kingdom of God was at hand, Matthew 4:17, 23; 9:35.

Jesus ordered His disciples to preach and proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God (Mark 16:15; Luke 8:1; 9:60); likewise the seventy whom He sent out (Luke 10:9, 11)

And many passages besides, such as Matthew 11:5; 16:27-28; Mark 8:35; 9:1, 47; 10:29-30; 11:10; Luke 1:19; 2:10-11; 4:43; 7:22; 17:20-21; 4 Luke 21:31; 22:18. The kingdom of God, the good news of which they were to proclaim, was the Lord's kingdom, and so the Father's kingdom. This is plain from the following passages: The Father gave all things into the Son's hand (John 3:35); The Father gave the Son power over all flesh (John 17:2).

All things are handed over to me by the Father, Matthew 11:27.

All power has been given to me in heaven and on earth, Matthew 28:18.

Further from the following:

Jehovah Zebaoth is His name and the Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, He shall be called the God of the whole earth, Isaiah 54:5.

I saw and behold, one like the Son of Man, to whom was given dominion, glory and the kingdom; and all peoples and nations shall worship Him. His dominion is a dominion for ever, which will not pass away, and His kingdom one which will not perish, Daniel 7:13-14.

When the seventh angel sounded, mighty voices were heard in the heavens saying, The kingdoms of the world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever, Revelation 11:15; 12:10.

[8] 'In addition we instructed them from the Word that the Lord came into the world not only to redeem angels and men, but also so that they might be united with God the Father through Him and in Him. For He taught that He is in those who believe in Him and they are in Him (John 6:56; 14:20; 15:4-5). On hearing this they asked: "How then can your Lord be called Father"? We said: "It follows from the passages we have read, and also from these:

A child is born for us, a son is given to us, whose name is God, Hero, the everlasting Father, Isaiah 9:6.

You are our Father, Abraham does not recognise us, neither does Israel acknowledge us; You, Jehovah, are our Father, our Redeemer from of old is your name, Isaiah 63:16.

Did He not say to Philip, when he wanted to see the Father.

Philip, do you not know me? He who sees me sees the Father, John 14:9; 12:45.

What other Father then is there, than the one whom Philip saw with his own eyes?"

'To this we added the following. "It is said throughout the Christian world that the members of the church constitute the body of Christ, and that they are in His body. How then can any person in the church approach God the Father, except through Him in whose body he is? Otherwise he would inevitably leave the body to approach Him." Finally we informed them that at the present time a new church is being established by the Lord, which is meant by the New Jerusalem in Revelation. In this church worship will be directed to the Lord alone, as it is in heaven, and thus all will be accomplished which the Lord's Prayer contains from beginning to end.

'We proved everything from the Gospels and the Prophets in the Word, and from Revelation, which deals from beginning to end with that church, and went on at such length that they became tired of listening.

[9] 'The Armageddon party listened with indignation, and wanted repeatedly to interrupt our speech. Eventually they broke in and cried: "You have spoken against the doctrine of our church, which states that God the Father is to be approached directly, and is to be believed in. You have thus become guilty of violating our faith. So begone from here, or you will be thrown out." Their tempers were so roused they passed from threats to attempted action. But then by the powers we had been given we struck them blind, so that, being unable to see us, they broke out and ran blindly in all directions. Some fell into the abyss described in Revelation (Revelation 9:2), which is now in the southern quarter towards the east; this is where those are to be found who are convinced that justification is effected by faith alone. Those there who prove that doctrine by quoting the Word are cast out into a desert, where they are driven to the edge of the Christian world and mix with the pagans.'

Notas de rodapé:

1. The first part of this section is repeated from Apocalypse Revealed 839.

2. The Latin has 'leading men' (proceres), but the following reference to giants (Anakim) shows that this must be a misprint for 'tall men' (proceros).

3. Apparently a slip for 'Jesus'; John is mentioned earlier in the verse.

4. This reference was inserted in the author's copy.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.