A Bíblia


Ezequiel 11



1 Então me levantou o Espírito, e me levou à porta oriental da casa do Senhor, a qual olha para o oriente; e eis que estavam à entrada da porta vinte e cinco homens, e no meio deles vi a Jaazanias, filho de Azur, e a Pelatias, filho de Benaías, príncipes do povo.

2 E disse-me: Filho do homem, estes são os homens que maquinam a iniqüidade, e dão ímpio conselho nesta cidade;

3 os quais dizem: Não está próximo o tempo de edificar casas; esta cidade é a caldeira, e nós somos a carne.

4 Portanto, profetiza contra eles; profetiza, ó filho do homem.

5 E caiu sobre mim o Espírito do Senhor, e disse-me: Fala: Assim diz o Senhor: Assim tendes dito, ó casa de Israel; pois eu conheço as coisas que vos entram na mente.

6 Multiplicastes os vossos mortos nesta cidade, e enchestes as suas ruas de mortos.

7 Portanto, assim diz o Senhor Deus: Vossos mortos que deitastes no meio dela, esses são a carne, e ela é a caldeira; a vós, porém, vos tirarei do meio dela.

8 Temestes a espada, e a espada eu a trarei sobre vós, diz o Senhor Deus.

9 E vos farei sair do meio dela, e vos entregarei na mão de estrangeiros, e exercerei juizos entre vós.

10 Caireis à espada; nos confins de Israel vos julgarei; e sabereis que eu sou o Senhor.

11 Esta cidade não vos servirá de caldeira, nem vós servirei de carne no meio dela; nos confins de Israel vos julgarei;

12 e sabereis que eu sou o Senhor; pois não tendes andado nos meus estatutos, nem executado as minhas ordenanças; antes tendes procedido conforme as ordenanças das nações que estão em redor de vós.

13 E aconteceu que, profetizando eu, morreu Pelatias, filho de Benaías. Então caí com o resto em terra, e clamei com grande voz, e disse: Ah Senhor Deus! darás fim cabal ao remanescente de Israel?

14 Então veio a mim a palavra do Senhor, dizendo:

15 Filho do homem, teus irmãos, os teus próprios irmãos, os homens de teu parentesco, e toda a casa de Israel, todos eles, são aqueles a quem os habitantes de Jerusalém disseram: Apartai-vos para longe do Senhor; a nós se nos deu esta terra em possessão.

16 Portanto, dize: Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Ainda que os mandei para longe entre as nações, e ainda que os espalhei pelas terras, todavia lhes servirei de santuário por um pouco de tempo, nas terras para onde foram.

17 Portanto, dize: Assim diz o senhor Deus: Hei de ajuntar-vos do meio dos povos, e vos recolherei do meio das terras para onde fostes espalhados, e vos darei a terra de Israel.

18 E virão ali, e tirarão dela todas as suas coisas detestáveis e todas as suas abominações.

19 E lhes darei um só coração, e porei dentro deles um novo espírito; e tirarei da sua carne o coração de pedra, e lhes darei um coração de carne,

20 para que andem nos meus estatutos, e guardem as minhas ordenanças e as cumpram; e eles serão o meu povo, e eu serei o seu Deus.

21 Mas, quanto àqueles cujo coração andar após as suas coisas detestáveis, e das suas abominações, eu farei recair nas suas cabeças o seu caminho, diz o Senhor Deus.

22 Então os querubins elevaram as suas asas, estando as rodas ao lado deles; e a glória do Deus de Israel estava em cima sobre eles.

23 E a glória do Senhor se alçou desde o meio da cidade, e se pôs sobre o monte que está ao oriente da cidade.

24 Então o Espírito me levantou, e me levou na visão pelo Espírito de Deus para a Caldéia, para os exilados. Assim se foi de mim a visão que eu tinha visto.

25 E falei aos do cativeiro todas as coisas que o Senhor me tinha mostrado.





People around a village gate, by Adrianus Eversen

Gates" in ancient times had a significance that does not hold in the modern world. Cities then were enclosed by walls for protection; gates in the walls let people in and out to do their business, but were also the weak points in the cities' defenses. In the Bible, cities on one level represent the minds of individual people. On a broader level, they represent beliefs shared by a community. The gates, then, represent openings where the Lord can feed us an understanding of truth and a desire for good. They also represent points where the hells can invade and sway us with false ideas and evil desires. We are kept in balance during our lifetimes, with influences from both the Lord and from hell. Ideally, we will over our lifetimes continue to invite the Lord farther and farther in and drive the hells back until ultimately the Lord can occupy our minds completely. And that point our belief in Him and His power and love will hold the gates and deny evil any entrance. As individuals, we at that point become angels. As communities, we at that point become part of the Lord's church. And at that point the gates become an entry point, introductory truths that allow people to enter churches and start bringing the Lord into their lives.

A Bíblia


Ezekiel 10



1 Then I looked, and see, in the expanse that was over the head of the cherubim there appeared above them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne.

2 He spoke to the man clothed in linen, and said, Go in between the whirling [wheels], even under the cherub, and fill both your hands with coals of fire from between the cherubim, and scatter them over the city. He went in as I watched.

3 Now the cherubim stood on the right side of the house, when the man went in; and the cloud filled the inner court.

4 The glory of Yahweh mounted up from the cherub, [and stood] over the threshold of the house; and the house was filled with the cloud, and the court was full of the brightness of Yahweh's glory.

5 The sound of the wings of the cherubim was heard even to the outer court, as the voice of God Almighty when he speaks.

6 It came to pass, when he commanded the man clothed in linen, saying, Take fire from between the whirling wheels, from between the cherubim, that he went in, and stood beside a wheel.

7 The cherub stretched forth his hand from between the cherubim to the fire that was between the cherubim, and took [of it], and put it into the hands of him who was clothed in linen, who took it and went out.

8 There appeared in the cherubim the form of a man's hand under their wings.

9 I looked, and behold, four wheels beside the cherubim, one wheel beside one cherub, and another wheel beside another cherub; and the appearance of the wheels was like a beryl stone.

10 As for their appearance, the four of them had one likeness, like a wheel within a wheel.

11 When they went, they went in their four directions: they didn't turn as they went, but to the place where the head looked they followed it; they didn't turn as they went.

12 Their whole body, and their backs, and their hands, and their wings, and the wheels, were full of eyes all around, [even] the wheels that the four of them had.

13 As for the wheels, they were called in my hearing, the whirling [wheels].

14 Every one had four faces: the first face was the face of the cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third face the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.

15 The cherubim mounted up: this is the living creature that I saw by the river Chebar.

16 When the cherubim went, the wheels went beside them; and when the cherubim lifted up their wings to mount up from the earth, the wheels also didn't turn from beside them.

17 When they stood, these stood; and when they mounted up, these mounted up with them: for the spirit of the living creature was in them.

18 The glory of Yahweh went forth from over the threshold of the house, and stood over the cherubim.

19 The cherubim lifted up their wings, and mounted up from the earth in my sight when they went forth, and the wheels beside them: and they stood at the door of the east gate of Yahweh's house; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above.

20 This is the living creature that I saw under the God of Israel by the river Chebar; and I knew that they were cherubim.

21 Every one had four faces, and Every one four wings; and the likeness of the hands of a man was under their wings.

22 As for the likeness of their faces, they were the faces which I saw by the river Chebar, their appearances and themselves; they went every one straight forward.