A Bíblia


Jérémie 51



1 Ainsi a dit l'Eternel : voici, je m'en vais faire lever un vent de destruction contre Babylone, et contre ceux qui habitent au cœur [du Royaume] de ceux qui s'élèvent contre moi.

2 Et j'enverrai contre Babylone des vanneurs qui la vanneront, et qui videront son pays; car de tous côtés ils seront venus contre elle au jour de son mal.

3 Qu'on bande l'arc contre celui qui bande son arc, et contre celui qui se confie en sa cuirasse; et n'épargnez point ses gens d'élite, exterminez à la façon de l'interdit toute son armée;

4 Et les blessés à mort tomberont au pays des Caldéens; et les transpercés [tomberont] dans ses places;

5 Car Israël et Juda n'est point privé de son Dieu, de l'Eternel des armées; quoique leur pays ait été trouvé par le Saint d'Israël plein de crimes.

6 Fuyez hors de Babylone, et sauvez chacun sa vie, ne soyez point exterminés dans son iniquité; car c'est le temps de la vengeance de l'Eternel; il lui rend ce qu'elle a mérité.

7 Babylone a été comme une coupe d'or en la main de l'Eternel, enivrant toute la terre; les nations ont bu de son vin; c'est pourquoi les nations en ont perdu l'esprit.

8 Babylone est tombée en un instant, et a été brisée; hurlez sur elle, prenez du baume pour sa douleur, peut-être qu'elle guérira.

9 Nous avons traité Babylone, et elle n'est point guérie; laissez-la et allons-Nous-en chacun en son pays; car son procès est parvenu jusqu’aux cieux, et s'est élevé jusqu’aux nues.

10 L'Eternel a mis en évidence notre justice. Venez, et racontons en Sion l'œuvre de L'Eternel notre Dieu.

11 Fourbissez les flèches, et empoignez à pleines mains les boucliers; l'Eternel a réveillé l'esprit des Rois de Méde; car sa pensée est contre Babylone pour la détruire, parce que c'est ici la vengeance de l'Eternel, et la vengeance de son Temple.

12 Elevez l'enseigne sur les murailles de Babylone, renforcez la garnison, posez les gardes, préparez des embûches; car l'Eternel a formé un dessein, même il a fait ce qu'il a dit contre les habitants de Babylone.

13 Tu étais assise sur plusieurs eaux, abondante en trésors; ta fin est venue, et le comble de ton gain déshonnête.

14 L'Eternel des armées a juré par soi-même, en disant : si je ne te remplis d'hommes comme de hurebecs, et s'ils ne s'entre-répondent pour s'encourager contre toi.

15 C'est lui qui a fait la terre par sa vertu, et qui a rangé le monde habitable par sa sagesse, et qui a étendu les cieux par son intelligence.

16 Sitôt qu'il fait ouïr sa voix il y a un grand bruit d'eaux dans les cieux; après qu'il a fait monter du bout de la terre les vapeurs, ses éclairs annoncent la pluie, et il tire le vent hors de ses trésors.

17 Tout homme paraît abruti dans sa science; tout fondeur est rendu honteux par les images taillées; car ce qu'ils fondent est une fausseté, et il n'y a point de respiration en elles.

18 Elles ne sont que vanité, et un ouvrage propre à abuser; elles périront au temps de leur visitation.

19 La portion de Jacob n'est point comme ces choses-là; car c'est celui qui a tout formé, et il est le lot de son héritage; son Nom est l'Eternel des armées.

20 Tu m'as été un marteau [et] des instruments de guerre; par toi j'ai mis en pièces les nations, et par toi j'ai détruit les Royaumes.

21 Et par toi j'ai mis en pièces le cheval et celui qui le monte; et par toi j'ai mis en pièces le chariot et celui qui était monté dessus.

22 Et par toi j'ai mis en pièces l'homme et la femme; et par toi j'ai mis en pièces le vieillard et le jeune garçon; et par toi j'ai mis en pièces le jeune homme et la vierge.

23 Et par toi j'ai mis en pièces le pasteur et son troupeau; et par toi j'ai mis en pièces le laboureur et ses bœufs accouplés; et par toi j'ai mis en pièces les gouverneurs et les magistrats.

24 Mais je rendrai à Babylone, et à tous les habitants de la Caldée, tout le mal qu'ils ont fait à Sion, vous le voyant, dit l'Eternel.

25 Voici, j'en veux à toi, montagne qui détruis, dit l'Eternel, qui détruis toute la terre; et j'étendrai ma main sur toi, et je te roulerai en bas du haut des rochers, et je te réduirai en montagne d'embrasement.

26 Et on ne pourra prendre de toi aucune pierre pour la placer à l'angle de l'édifice, ni aucune pierre pour servir de fondement, car tu seras des désolations perpétuelles, dit l'Eternel.

27 Levez l'enseigne sur la terre, sonnez de la trompette parmi les nations; préparez les nations contre elle; convoquez contre elle les Royaumes d'Ararat, de Minni, et d'Askenas; établissez contre elle des Capitaines, faites monter ses chevaux comme le hurebec qui se hérisse.

28 Préparez contre elle les nations, les Rois de Méde, ses gouverneurs, et tous ses magistrats, et tout le pays de sa domination.

29 Et la terre en sera ébranlée, et en sera en travail, parce que tout ce que l'Eternel a pensé a été effectué contre Babylone, pour réduire le pays en désolation, tellement qu'il n'y ait personne qui [y] habite.

30 Les hommes forts de Babylone ont cessé de combattre, ils se sont tenus dans les forteresses, leur force est éteinte, et ils sont devenus [comme] des femmes; on a brûlé ses demeures; et ses barres ont été rompues.

31 Le courrier viendra à la rencontre du courrier, et le messager viendra à la rencontre du messager, pour annoncer au Roi de Babylone que sa ville est prise par un bout;

32 Et que ses gués sont surpris, et que ses marais sont brûlés au feu, et que les hommes de guerre sont épouvantés.

33 Car ainsi a dit l'Eternel des armées, le Dieu d'Israël : la fille de Babylone est comme une aire; il est temps qu'elle soit foulée; encore un peu, et le temps de sa moisson viendra.

34 Nébucadnetsar Roi de Babylone, [dira Jérusalem], m'a dévorée et m'a froissée; il m'a mise dans le même état qu'un vaisseau qui ne sert de rien; il m'a engloutie comme un dragon; il a rempli son ventre de mes délices, il m'a chassée au loin.

35 Ce qu'il m'a ravi par violence, et ma chair [est] à Babylone, dira l'habitante de Sion; et mon sang est chez les habitants de la Caldée, dira Jérusalem.

36 C'est pourquoi ainsi a dit l'Eternel : voici, je m'en vais plaider ta cause, et je ferai la vengeance pour toi; je dessécherai sa mer, et je ferai tarir sa source.

37 Et Babylone sera réduite en monceaux, en demeure de dragons, en étonnement, et en opprobre, sans que personne [y] habite.

38 Ils rugiront ensemble comme des lionceaux, et bruiront comme des faons de lions.

39 Je les ferai échauffer dans leurs festins, et les enivrerai, afin qu'ils se réjouissent, et qu'ils dorment d'un sommeil perpétuel, et qu'ils ne se réveillent plus, dit l'Eternel.

40 Je les ferai descendre comme des agneaux à la tuerie, et comme [on y mène] les moutons avec les boucs.

41 Comment a été prise Sésac? et [comment] a été saisie celle qui était la louange de toute la terre? comment Babylone a-t-elle été réduite en désolation parmi les nations?

42 La mer est montée sur Babylone, elle a été couverte de la multitude de ses flots.

43 Ses villes ont été un sujet d'étonnement, une terre sèche et de landes, un pays où personne ne demeure, et où il ne passe pas un fils d'homme.

44 Je punirai aussi Bel à Babylone, et je tirerai hors de sa bouche ce qu'il avait englouti, et les nations n'aborderont plus vers lui; la muraille même de Babylone est tombée.

45 Mon peuple, sortez du milieu d'elle, et sauvez chacun sa vie de l'ardeur de la colère de l'Eternel.

46 De peur que votre cœur ne s'amollisse, et que vous n'ayez peur des nouvelles qu'on entendra dans tout le pays; car des nouvelles viendront une année, et après cela [d'autres] nouvelles une [autre] année, et il y aura violence dans la terre, et dominateur sur dominateur.

47 C'est pourquoi voici, les jours viennent que je punirai les images taillées de Babylone, et tout son pays sera rendu honteux, et tous ses blessés à mort tomberont au milieu d'elle.

48 Les cieux, et la terre, et tout ce qui y est, se réjouiront avec chant de triomphe contre Babylone, parce qu'il viendra de l'Aquilon des destructeurs contre elle, dit l'Eternel.

49 Et comme Babylone a fait tomber les blessés à mort d'Israël, ainsi les blessés à mort de tout le pays tomberont à Babylone.

50 Vous qui êtes échappés de l'épée, marchez, ne vous arrêtez point; souvenez-vous de l'Eternel dans ces pays éloignés où vous êtes, et que Jérusalem vous revienne au cœur.

51 [Mais vous direz] : nous sommes honteux des reproches que nous avons entendus; la confusion a couvert nos faces, en ce que les étrangers sont venus contre les Sanctuaires de la maison de l'Eternel.

52 C'est pourquoi voici, les jours viennent, dit l'Eternel, que je ferai justice de ses images taillées, et les blessés à mort gémiront par tout son pays.

53 Quand Babylone serait montée jusqu'aux cieux, et qu'elle aurait fortifié le plus haut de sa forteresse, toutefois les destructeurs y entreront de par moi, dit l'Eternel.

54 Un grand cri s'entend de Babylone, et un grand débris du pays des Caldéens.

55 Parce que l'Eternel s'en va détruire Babylone, et il abolira du milieu d'elle la voix magnifique, et leurs flots bruiront comme de grosses eaux, l'éclat de leur bruit retentira.

56 Car le destructeur est venu contre elle, contre Babylone; ses hommes forts ont été pris, et leurs arcs ont été brisés; car le [Dieu] Fort des rétributions, l'Eternel, ne manque jamais à rendre la pareille.

57 J'enivrerai donc ses principaux et ses sages, ses gouverneurs et ses magistrats, et ses hommes forts; ils dormiront d'un sommeil perpétuel, et ils ne se réveilleront plus, dit le Roi dont le Nom est l'Eternel des armées.

58 Ainsi a dit l'Eternel des armées : Il n'y aura aucune muraille de Babylone, quelque large qu'elle soit, qui ne soit entièrement rasée; et ses portes, qui sont si hautes, seront brûlées au feu; ainsi les peuples auront travaillé inutilement, et les nations pour le feu, et elles s'y seront lassées.

59 C'est ici l'ordre que Jérémie le Prophète donna à Séraja, fils de Nérija, fils de Mahaséja, quand il alla de la part de Sédécias Roi de Juda en Babylone, la quatrième année de son Règne; or Séraja était principal Chambellan.

60 Car Jérémie écrivit dans un livre tout le mal qui devait venir sur Babylone; savoir toutes ces paroles qui sont écrites contre Babylone.

61 Jérémie donc dit à Séraja : Sitôt que tu seras venu à Babylone, et que tu l'auras vue, tu liras toutes ces paroles-là;

62 Et tu diras : Eternel, tu as parlé contre ce lieu-ci pour l'exterminer, en sorte qu'il n'y ait aucun habitant, depuis l'homme jusqu'à la bête, mais qu'il soit réduit en désolations perpétuelles.

63 Et sitôt que tu auras achevé de lire ce livre, tu le lieras à une pierre, et le jetteras dans l'Euphrate;

64 Et tu diras : Babylone sera ainsi plongée, et elle ne se relèvera point du mal que je m'en vais faire venir sur elle, et ils en seront accablés. Jusques ici sont les paroles de Jérémie.


Das Obras de Swedenborg


Arcanes Célestes # 1327

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1327. Jéhovah confondit la lèvre de toute la terre, signifie l'état de cette Eglise Ancienne, dans laquelle le culte interne commençait à se détruire : c'est ce qui est évident, en ce qu'il est dit : la lèvre de toute la terre, et non ; comme au verset 1, la lèvre de ceux qui avaient commencé de bâtir la ville et la tour ; la face de toute la terre signifie l'état de l'Eglise, car la terre c'est l'Eglise, comme je l'ai déjà expliqué, numéros 662, 1066. Voici ce qui arriva à l'égard des Eglises après le déluge. Il y eut trois Eglises dont il est spécialement fait mention dans la Parole, savoir : la Première Eglise Ancienne, qui fut nommée Noach ; la Seconde Eglise Ancienne, qui tira son nom d'Eber ; et la Troisième Eglise Ancienne, qui prit son nom de Jacob, et ensuite de Judah et d'Israël. Quant à ce qui concerne la Première Eglise, savoir, celle qui fut nommée Noach, elle fut comme la mère de celles qui suivirent ; et selon ce qui a coutume d'arriver aux Eglises dans leurs commencements, elle eut plus de pureté et d'innocence, comme on le voit aussi par le premier Verset de ce Chapitre, où il est dit qu'il y avait en elle une seule lèvre, c'est-à-dire une même doctrine, en ce sens que la charité était pour tous l'essentiel ; mais par succession de temps, ainsi qu'il arrive ordinairement aux Eglises, elle commença aussi à tomber, et surtout en ce que plusieurs de ceux qui la composaient commencèrent à tourner le culte sur eux-mêmes pour s'élever ainsi au-dessus des autres, comme on le voit ci-dessus, Vers. 4 ; car ils dirent :

« Bâtissons-nous une ville et une tour, et que son sommet » soit dans le ciel, et faisons-nous un nom. de tels hommes ne purent être dans l'Eglise que comme une sorte de ferment ou comme des torches incendiaires. Lorsque par là le danger de la profanation de la sainteté, dont j'ai parlé numéros 571, 582, fut imminent, l'état de cette Eglise fut changé par la Providence du Seigneur, c'est-à-dire que son culte interne périt et que le culte externe resta, ce qui est signifié ici par ces mots : Jéhovah confondit la lèvre de toute la terre. De là il est évident aussi qu'un tel culte, qui est appelé Babel, n'eut point de force dans la Première Eglise Ancienne, mais qu'il prévalut dans les Eglises suivantes, lorsqu'on commença à adorer les hommes comme des Dieux, surtout après leur mort ; de là tant de Dieux chez les nations. Pourquoi fut-il permis que le culte interne périt et que l'externe restât ? Ce fut pour qu'il n'y eut pas profanation de la sainteté. La profanation de la sainteté entraîne avec soi à damnation éternelle. Nul ne peut profaner la sainteté, à moins qu'il n'ait les connaissances de la foi et qu'il ne les reconnaisse ; or celui qui ne les a point ne peut les reconnaître, ni à plus forte raison les profaner. Ce sont les internes qui peuvent être profanés ; car la sainteté est dans les internes et non dans les externes il en est de cela comme d'un homme qui fait le mal sans penser au mal ; le mal qu'il fait ne peut lui être imputé, de même qu'on ne peut l'imputer non plus à celui qui le fait sans propos délibéré, ou à celui qui manque de rationalité : ainsi celui qui ne croit pas qu'il existe une vie après la mort, mais qui a néanmoins un culte externe, ne peut profaner les choses qui appartiennent à la vie éternelle, parce qu'il ne croit pas qu'elles existent. Il en est autrement pour ceux qui connaissent et qui reconnaissent. Voilà aussi pourquoi il est permis à l'homme de vivre plutôt dans les voluptés et dans les cupidités, et de s'éloigner par elles des internes, que d'arriver à la connaissance et à la reconnaissance des internes et de les profaner. C'est pour cela qu'il est permis aux Juifs de se plonger aujourd'hui dans l'avarice, pour qu'ils s'éloignent ainsi le plus possible de la reconnaissance des internes ; car ils sont tels que s'ils les reconnaissaient, il ne pourraient s'empêcher de profaner : rien n'éloigne plus des internes que l'avarice, parce que c'est la plus basse cupidité terrestre. Il en est de même d'un grand nombre de personnes qui sont dans l'Eglise, et il en est aussi de même des nations qui sont hors de l'Eglise ; celles-ci, savoir, les nations, peuvent moins que tous autres profaner. C'est donc par cette raison qu'il est dit ici que Jéhovah confondit la lèvre de toute la terre ; et que ces mots signifient qu'il y eut dans cette Eglise un changement d'état, c'est-à-dire que son culte devint externe sans renfermer en lui aucun culte interne. La même chose fut représentée et signifiée par la captivité de Babylone où furent emmenés les Israélites et ensuite les Juifs ; il en est ainsi parlé dans Jérémie :

« Et il arrivera que la nation et le royaume qui ne serviraient pas le roi de Babel, et quiconque ne met pas son cou sous le joug du roi de Babel, je visiterai cette nation par l'épée, et par la famine, et par la peste, jusqu'à ce que je les consumé par sa main. » - Jérémie 27:8, [Il manque du texte ici], Jérémie 29:16-17.

Rester dans la ville et n'en point sortir pour aller vers le roi de Babel, représentait et signifiait ceux qui étaient dans les connaissances des internes ou des vérités de la foi et qui les profanaient ; il est dit que l'épée, la famine et la peste, qui sont les peines de la profanation, seraient envoyées centre eux, et qu'ils deviendraient comme des figues sauvages. Que par Babel soient signifiés ceux qui privent les autres de toute connaissance et de toute reconnaissance du vrai, c'est aussi ce qui a été représenté et signifié dans le même Prophète par ces paroles :

« Je livrerai tout Juda dans la main du roi de Babel ; et il les transportera dans Babel, et il les frappera de l'épée ; et je livrerai toutes les richesses de cette ville, et tout son travail, et tout ce qu'elle a de précieux, et tous les trésors des rois de Juda ; je (les) livrerai dans la main de leurs ennemis, et ils les pilleront, et ils s'en empareront. » - Jérémie 20:4-5.

Là, toutes les richesses, tout le travail, tout ce qu'il y a de précieux, tous les trésors des rois de Juda, signifient, dans le sens interne, les connaissances de la foi.

Dans le Même :

« J'amènerai avec les familles du septentrion le roi de Babel sur cette terre, et » sur ses habitants et sur toutes ces nations des environs, et je les dévouerai à l'extermination, et je les mettrai en désolation, et en sifflement et en dévastations du siècle ; et toute cette terre sera en dévastation. » - Jérémie 25:9, 11.

Ici est décrite la dévastation par Babel des intérieurs de la foi ou du culte interne ; car celui qui est dans le culte de soi-même n'a aucun vrai de la foi, et il détruit, dévaste et conduit en captivité tout ce qui est vrai ; aussi Babel est-elle appelée montagne de corruption, - Jérémie 51:25.

Voir en outre ce qui a déjà été dit de Babel, numéro 1182.

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Das Obras de Swedenborg


Apocalypse Explained # 518

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518. And it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of the waters, signifies that consequently all understanding of truth perished and thereby the doctrine of the church. This is evident from the signification of "falling" from heaven, as being, in reference to stars, to perish (of which presently); also from the signification of "the third part," as being everything (of which above, n. 506, here all, because it is said of the understanding of truth and of doctrine, which are signified by "rivers" and "fountains of waters;" also from the signification of "rivers," as being the understanding of truth (of which presently); and from the signification of "fountains of waters," as being the Word and doctrine from the Word, thus "fountains" mean the truths of the Word and doctrinals (of which above, n. 483).

[2] When "to fall" is predicated of stars, which mean the knowledges of truth and good from the Word (as above), it signifies to perish, because when Divine truth in the spiritual world falls out of heaven to the earth there, where the evil are, it is turned into falsity, and when Divine truth becomes falsity it perishes. This is signified also by:

The stars shall fall from heaven (Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:25);

namely, that in the last time of the church the knowledges of truth and good will perish. That when Divine truth in the spiritual world falls out of heaven to the earth there, where the evil are, it is changed into falsity and thus perishes, may be seen above (n. 413, 418, 419, 489); for Divine truth is changed into falsity of the same character as the evil belonging to those into whom it flows. This becomes evident from the following experience: It has been granted me to observe carefully how Divine truth was changed into falsity while it was passing down deep into hell, and it was perceived that it was changed successively as it flowed down, at length even into what was most false.

[3] "Rivers" signify the understanding of truth, likewise intelligence, because "waters" signify truths, and the understanding is the receptacle and complex of truths, as a river is of waters, and because thought from the understanding, which is intelligence, is like a stream of truth. From the same origin, namely, from the signification of "waters" as being truths, a "fountain" signifies the Word and the doctrine of truth, and "pools," "lakes," and "seas," signify the knowledges of truth in the complex. That "waters" signify truths, and "living waters" truths from the Lord, may be seen above (n. 71, 483); and also in the following passages in this article.

[4] That "rivers" and "streams" signify the understanding of truth and intelligence can be seen from the Word where "rivers" and "streams" are mentioned. Thus in Isaiah:

Then shall the lame leap as a hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing; for waters shall break out in the wilderness, and brooks in the plain of the desert (Isaiah 35:6).

This is said of the Lord, also of the reformation of the Gentiles, and of the establishment of the church among them. "The lame who shall leap as a hart" signifies one who is not in genuine good because he is not in the knowledges of truth and good; "the tongue of the dumb which shall sing" signifies confession of the Lord by those who are in ignorance of the truth; "waters shall break out in the wilderness" signifies that there shall be truths where there were none before; "and brooks in the plain of the desert" signifies that there shall be intelligence where there was none before, "wilderness" meaning where there is no truth, and "plain of the desert" where there is no intelligence; "waters" mean truths, and "brooks" intelligence.

[5] In the same:

I will open rivers on the heights, and fountains will I place in the midst of the valleys, I will make the wilderness into a pool of waters, and the dry land into springs of waters (Isaiah 41:18).

This is said of the salvation of the Gentiles by the Lord; "to open rivers on the heights" means to bestow interior intelligence; and "to place fountains in the midst of valleys" means to instruct the external man in truths. (The rest may be seen explained in n. 483.)

[6] In the same:

Behold I am doing a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even place a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The wild beast of the field shall honor Me, the dragons and the daughters of the owl; because I will give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen (Isaiah 43:19, 20).

This treats of the Lord and of a new church to be established by Him, which is meant by "Behold I am doing a new thing; now it shall spring forth;" "to place a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert" signifies that there shall be truth and the understanding of truth where there were none before, "way" meaning truth leading to heaven, and "rivers" understanding; "to give drink to the people" signifies to instruct those who desire it; "the wild beast of the field, the dragons, and the daughters of the owl" signify those who know truths and goods merely from memory, and do not understand and perceive them; these speak about truth with no idea of truth, depending solely upon others.

[7] In the same:

I will pour out waters upon him that is thirsty, and streams upon the dry ground; I will pour out My spirit upon thy seed, and My blessing upon thine offspring (Isaiah 44:3).

"To pour out waters upon him that is thirsty" signifies to instruct in truths those who are in the affection of truth; "to pour streams upon the dry land" signifies to give intelligence to those who are in a desire for truth from good; the like is signified by "pouring out the spirit and the blessing;" for God's "spirit" signifies Divine truth, and "blessing" its multiplication and fructification, thus intelligence. Who does not see that here and above, waters and streams, wilderness and desert, are not meant, but such things as pertain to the church? Therefore it is here added, "I will pour out My spirit upon thy seed, and My blessing upon thine offspring."

[8] In Moses:

For Jehovah leadeth thee to a land of brooks of water, of fountains, of depths flowing forth in valley and mountain (Deuteronomy 8:7).

The land of Canaan, to which Jehovah was to lead them, signifies the church, therefore "brooks of water, fountains, and depths flowing forth in valley and mountain," signify such things as belong to the church; "brooks of water" signifying the understanding of truth, "fountains" doctrinals from the Word, and "depths flowing forth in valley and mountain" the knowledges of truth and good in the natural and in the spiritual man.

[9] In Isaiah:

Look upon Zion and Jerusalem, where the glorious Jehovah will be with us a place of rivers, of streams, of breadth of spaces; no ship of oar shall go therein, and no magnificent ship shall pass through it (Isaiah 33:20, 21).

Here, too, "a place of rivers and streams" signifies wisdom and intelligence (the signification of the rest is explained above, n. 514.

[10] In Joel:

In that day the mountains shall drop down must, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the watercourses of Judah shall flow with waters, and a fountain shall go forth out of the house of Jehovah and shall water the brook of Shittim (Joel 3:18).

(This also has been explained above, n. 433, 483.) "The fountain that shall go forth out of the house of Jehovah" signifies the truth of doctrine out of heaven from the Lord; and "the brook of Shittim that it shall water," signifies the illustration of the understanding.

[11] In Ezekiel:

The waters issued out from under the threshold of the house of God towards the east. The man led me and brought me back upon the bank of the river. When I returned, behold upon the bank of the river very many trees on the one side and on the other. He said, Every living soul that creepeth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live; whence there are exceeding many fish, because these waters come thither and are healed, that everything may live whither the river cometh. And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, cometh up every tree for food, whose leaf falleth not, neither is the fruit thereof consumed; it is renewed in its months, because its waters flow out of the sanctuary (Ezekiel 47:1-12).

This, too, has been explained above (n. 422, 513), which makes evident that "the waters flowing out of the house of God towards the east" signify Divine truth proceeding from the Lord and flowing in with those who are in the good of love; and that "the river, upon the bank of which was every tree for food, and by the waters of which every soul that creepeth lived, whence there were many fish," signifies intelligence from the reception of Divine truth, from which all things with man, his affections and perceptions, as well as his cognitions and knowledges and the thoughts therefrom acquire spiritual life.

[12] In Jeremiah:

Blessed is the man that trusteth in Jehovah; He shall be like a tree planted by the waters and that sendeth forth his roots by the stream, and he shall not see when the heat shall come, his leaf shall be green (Jeremiah 17:7, 8).

"The tree planted by the waters" means a man with whom there are truths from the Lord; "he sendeth forth his roots by the stream" means the extension of intelligence from the spiritual man into the natural. (The rest may be seen explained above, n. 481.)

Where trees and gardens are treated of in the Word, waters and rivers to water them are also mentioned, for the reason that "trees" signify perceptions and knowledges, and "waters" and "rivers" truths and understanding therefrom; for without the understanding of truths man is like a garden where there is no water, whose trees wither away.

[13] As in Moses:

As the valleys are they planted, as gardens by the river, as lign-aloes – three times which Jehovah hath planted, and as cedar-trees beside the waters (Numbers 24:6).

This is said of the sons of Israel, by whom the church is signified which was then to be planted. This church is compared to valleys which are planted, and to a garden by the river, because "valleys" signify the intelligence of the natural man, and a "garden" the intelligence of the spiritual man, and it is compared to lign-aloes – three times and cedar-trees, because "lign-aloes – three times" signify the things of the natural man, and "cedar-trees" the things of the rational man; since these all live from the influx of Divine truth from the Lord they are said to be planted "by the river and beside the waters," which signifies Divine truth flowing in, from which is intelligence.

[14] As "the garden in Eden" or "paradise" means the wisdom and intelligence that the most ancient people had who lived before the flood, so where their wisdom is described, the influx of Divine truth, and of intelligence thence, is also described in these words:

A river went forth from Eden to water the garden, and from thence it was parted and was in four heads (Genesis 2:10, et seq.). "A river from Eden" signifies wisdom from love, which is Eden; "to water the garden" means to bestow intelligence; intelligence is described by the four rivers there treated of. (This may be seen explained in Arcana Coelestia 107-121.)

[15] In Ezekiel:

Asshur, a cedar in Lebanon. The waters made it grow, the abyss made it high, so that with its rivers it went round about its plant, and sent out its conduits unto all the trees of the field (Ezekiel 31:3, 4).

"Asshur" signifies the rational man, or the rational of man, likewise "the cedar in Lebanon;" and because the genuine rational is perfected by the knowledges of truth and good it is said that "the waters made it grow, and the abyss made it high," "waters" meaning truths, and "the abyss" the knowledges of truth in the natural man; the increase of intelligence is signified by "with its rivers it went round about its plant;" and the multiplication of the knowledges of truth by "it sent out its conduits unto all the trees of the field."

[16] In David:

Thou hast caused a vine to go forth out of Egypt. Thou hast sent out its boughs unto the sea, and its shoots unto the river (Psalms 80:8, 11).

"A vine out of Egypt" means the sons of Israel, who are called a "vine" because they represented the spiritual church, which is what "vine" signifies in the Word; their tarrying in Egypt represented their first initiation into the things of the church, for "Egypt" signified the knowledges [scientifica] subservient to the things of the church when, therefore, "the vine" signifies the church, and "Egypt" the knowledge serving it, it is evident what is signified in the spiritual sense by "Thou hast caused a vine to go forth out of Egypt." The extension of the intelligence of the church even to things known and things rational is signified by "Thou hast sent out its boughs unto the sea, and its shoots unto the river;" "to send out boughs and shoots" meaning multiplication and extension, the "sea" knowledge []scientificum]; and the "river," which here is the Euphrates, the rational. The extension of the church and the multiplication of its truths and of intelligence therefrom are described by the extension of the land of Canaan to the Sea Suph, to the sea of the Philistines, and to the river Euphrates.

[17] In Moses:

And I will set thy border from the Sea Suph even to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness even to the river (Exodus 23:31).

"The borders of the land of Canaan" signify the ultimates of the church, which are true knowledges [scientifica vera], cognitions of truth and good from the Word, and things rational. "The Sea Suph" signifies true knowledge; "the sea of the Philistines," where Tyre and Sidon were, signifies the knowledges of truth and good from the sense of the letter of the Word; and "the river Euphrates" signifies the rational; for knowledges [scientifica] serve the cognitions of truth and good from the Word, and both these serve the rational, and the rational serves intelligence, which is given by means of spiritual truths joined to spiritual good.

[18] The like that is here said of the church and its extension is said of the Lord's power over all things of heaven and the church, in David:

I will set his hand in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers (Psalms 89:25).

This is said of David, by whom is here meant the Lord; the Lord's power, even to the ultimates of heaven and the church, thus over the whole heaven, and over everything of the church, is signified by "setting the hand in the sea, and the right hand in the rivers," "hand" and "right hand" signify power, and the "sea" and "rivers" the ultimates of heaven and the church. The ultimates of heaven are seas and rivers, as has been several times said above. These were represented by the two seas and by the two rivers that formed the boundaries of the land of Canaan. The two seas were the sea of Egypt and the sea of the Philistines, where were Tyre and Sidon; and the two rivers were the Euphrates and the Jordan. But the Jordan was the boundary between the interior land of Canaan and the exterior; in the exterior were the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh. Likewise in Zechariah:

His dominion shall be from sea even to sea, and from the river even to the ends of the earth (Zechariah 9:10).

This, too, is said of the Lord, and has a like meaning; His dominion even to the ultimates of heaven and the church means over all things of heaven and the church, for the ultimates are the boundaries.

[19] In David:

Thy throne is established from then; Thou art from everlasting. The rivers have lifted up, O Jehovah, the rivers have lifted up their voice; the rivers have lifted up their roaring. More than the voices of many glorious waters, more than the waves of the sea, Jehovah is glorious (Psalms 93:2-4).

This, too, is said of the Lord; His dominion from eternity to eternity over heaven and earth is signified by "Thy throne is established from then; Thou art from everlasting." The glorification of the Lord because of His coming and because of the consequent salvation of mankind is signified by "the rivers have lifted up their voice (and their roaring);" for "rivers," here three times mentioned, signify all things of man's intelligence, both in the internal and in the external man. Divine truth from the Lord, through which there is power and through which there is salvation, is signified by "more than the voices of many glorious waters, more than the waves of the sea," "waters" meaning truths, and "the voices of many glorious waters" Divine truths.

[20] The glorification and celebration of the Lord from joy of heart are thus described elsewhere in David:

Let the sea and the fullness thereof give forth a sound, the world and they that dwell therein. Let the rivers clap their hands; let the mountains sing aloud together (Psalms 98:7, 8).

The glorification of the Lord by the universal heaven is signified by these words. The glorification from its ultimates is signified by "Let the sea and the fullness thereof give forth a sound;" the glorification from the whole heaven is signified by "let the world and they that dwell therein give forth a sound," "the world" signifying the universal heaven in respect to its truths, and "they that dwell therein" signifying the universal heaven in respect to its goods; for "inhabitants" signify in the Word those who are in the goods of heaven and the church, and thus the goods of such. The glorification of the Lord by the truths of intelligence and by the goods of love, is signified by "let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing aloud together," "rivers" meaning the truths of intelligence, and "mountains" the goods of love.

[21] Divine truth from the Lord, the reception of which is the source of intelligence, is signified by "the waters from the rock in Horeb" (Exodus 17:6), thus spoken of in David:

He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and made them to drink out of the great abysses, and He brought flowing waters out of the rock, and made the waters to run down like rivers. He smote the rock, so that the waters gushed out and the brooks overflowed (Psalms 78:15, 16, 20).

And again:

He opened the rock that the waters might flow; the rivers ran in the dry places (Psalms 105:41).

The "rock" here means the Lord; and the "waters that flowed out therefrom" mean Divine truth from Him; and the "rivers" signify intelligence and wisdom therefrom; "to drink of the great abysses" signifies to imbibe and perceive the arcana of wisdom.

[22] In John:

Jesus said, If anyone thirst, let him come unto Me and drink. He that cometh unto Me, as the Scripture saith, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. This saith He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him were to receive (John 7:37-39).

"To come to the Lord and drink" signifies to receive from Him the truths of doctrine and belief therein; that spiritual intelligence is therefrom is signified by "out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water," "living water" being Divine truth which is from the Lord alone, "rivers" the things belonging to intelligence, and the "belly" thought from memory, for to this the belly corresponds; and as "rivers of living water" signify intelligence through Divine truth from the Lord it is added, "this saith He of the spirit which they that believe on Him were to receive," "the spirit that they were to receive from the Lord," meaning Divine truth and intelligence therefrom; so, too, the Lord called the spirit that they received "the spirit of truth" (John 14:16-18; 16:7-15).

[23] In David:

Jehovah hath founded the world upon the seas, and established it upon the rivers (Psalms 24:2).

The "world" signifies heaven and the church in the whole complex, the "seas" signify cognitions and knowledges which are the ultimates of the church, and in particular, the cognitions of truth and good, such as are in the sense of the letter of the Word; "rivers" signify introduction through knowledges into heavenly intelligence. This makes clear the meaning of these words in the spiritual sense, namely, that the interior things of heaven and the church, which are called celestial and spiritual, are founded upon the cognitions of truth and good which are in the sense of the letter of the Word rationally understood. It is said, "He hath founded the world upon the seas and established it upon the rivers," because there are seas and rivers in the boundaries of heaven, represented by the Sea Suph, the sea of the Philistines, the river Euphrates, and the river Jordan, which were the boundaries of the land of Canaan; and because what is ultimate means in the Word what is lowest, it is said that Jehovah "founded" and "established" upon these. Evidently the earth is not founded upon seas and rivers.

[24] In the same:

The Lord at thy right hand hath stricken through kings in the day of His anger, He hath judged among the nations, He hath filled with dead bodies, He hath stricken through the head over many a land. He drinketh out of the brook in the way; therefore shall He exalt the head (Psalms 110:5-7).

This is said of the Lord, and of His combat against falsities and evils from the hells, and of their subjugation. "Kings" mean falsities from hell, and "nations" evils therefrom. The Lord's Divine power is meant by "the Lord at the right hand;" "He hath stricken through them in the day of His anger, He hath judged among the nations, and He hath filled with dead bodies," signifies the subjugation and destruction of evils and falsities from the hells; "the head that He hath stricken through in many a land," means the love of self, which is the source of all evils and falsities; "to strike through in many a land" signifies total destruction and damnation; "the brook out of which the head drinketh," and because of which "it shall be exalted," signifies the Word in the letter, "to drink out of it" meaning to learn something from it, and "to lift up the head" meaning to resist for a time; for all those who are in falsities from evil cannot be cast down into hell until the things that they know from the Word are taken away from them, since all things of the Word communicate with heaven, by which communication they exalt the head; but when these are taken away they are cast down into hell. This is the meaning of these words, which no one can see except by means of the spiritual sense and a knowledge of the quality of the Word.

[25] In Habakkuk:

Was Jehovah displeased with the rivers? Was Thine anger against the rivers? Was Thy wrath against the sea? Because Thou ridest upon Thy horses, Thy chariots are salvation (Habakkuk 3:8).

This is a supplication that the church may be guarded and not perish; the "rivers" and the "sea" signify all things of the church, because they are its ultimates (as above); "to ride upon horses," in reference to Jehovah, that is, the Lord, signifies the Divine wisdom which is in the Word; and "chariots" signify doctrinals therefrom.

[26] In David:

We will not fear when the earth shall be changed, and when the mountains shall be moved from 1 the heart of the seas; the waters thereof shall be in tumult, shall be made turbid, the mountains shall quake in the pride thereof. There is a river the streams whereof shall make glad the holy city of God, the dwelling places of the Most High; God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved (Psalms 46:2-5).

This involves in the spiritual sense, that although the church and all things thereof perish, still the Word and the Divine truth it contains shall not perish; for the "earth" signifies the church; "mountains" signify the goods of love; "waters" truths; and "to be changed," "to be moved," "to be in tumult" "to be made turbid" and "to quake" signify the states of these when they perish, and falsities and evils enter in their place, consequently the states of the church when it is vastated in respect to goods and desolated in respect to truths (See above, n. 304, 405, where this is more completely explained). That the Word or Divine truth for the church is not to perish is signified by "There is a river the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God; she shall not be changed;" "river" signifying here the like as "fountain," namely, the Word, because "streams" are predicated of it, by which are signified truths; the "city of God" signifies the church in respect to doctrine; "to make glad" signifies influx and reception from joy of heart, and "not to be changed" signifies not to perish in any respect.

[27] In Isaiah:

Then the waters shall fail in 2 the sea, and the river shall dry up and become dry, and the rivers shall recede; the rivers of Egypt shall be minished and dried up, the reed and flag shall wither; the paper reeds by the stream near the mouth of the stream, and all seed of the stream shall become dry, be driven away, and be no more (Isaiah 19:5-7).

This is said of Egypt, which signifies the knowing faculty [scientificum] of the natural man, and its "stream" the cognition and apperception of truth, and in the contrary sense the apperception of falsity; that these are to perish is signified by "the stream shall dry up and become dry;" that thus there would be no longer truths, not even natural and sensual truths, which are the lowest, is signified by "the reed and flag shall wither, the paper reeds by the stream, and all the seed of the stream shall become dry, be driven away, and be no more."

[28] In the same:

I have digged and have drunk waters; and with the sole of my steps have I dried up all the streams of Egypt (Isaiah 37:25).

These are the words of Senacherib, the king of Assyria, by whom the perverted rational destroying all knowledge and apperception of truth is signified; this is signified by his "drying up with the sole of his steps all the streams of Egypt." The "streams of Egypt" signify knowledges and apperceptions of truth, because "Egypt" signifies the natural man in respect to knowledges (scientifica), and cognition and apperception belong to the natural man, as intelligence does to the spiritual man.

[29] In Ezekiel:

They shall draw out their swords against Egypt, to fill the land with the slain. Then will I make the rivers dry land, and will sell the land into the hand of evil ones; and I will make the land waste, and the fullness thereof, by the hand of strangers (Ezekiel 30:11, 12).

"Egypt" signifies the knowing faculty [scientificum] of the natural man serving the intelligence of the rational and spiritual man. The destruction of true knowledges [scientifica] by falsities is signified by "They shall draw out their swords against Egypt," "swords" signifying falsities destroying truths; the "slain" signify those who are destroyed by falsities; "to make the rivers dry land" signifies that there shall no longer be any cognition or apperception of truth; "to sell the land into the hand of evil ones and to make it waste by the hand of strangers," signifies to destroy by evils and by falsities, "strangers" signifying falsities.

[30] In Zechariah:

All the depths of the river shall be dried up, and the pride of Assyria shall be cast down, and the staff of Egypt shall depart away (Zechariah 10:11).

"All the depths of the river (namely, the Euphrates) shall be dried up" signifies that all the acute reasonings from self-intelligence shall perish; the "pride of Assyria" signifies the self-intelligence of the perverted rational; "the staff of Egypt shall depart away" signifies that the knowledges [scientifica] that serve such reasonings shall be of no avail.

[31] In Isaiah:

I will lay waste mountains and hills, and dry up all their herb; and I will make the rivers islands, and I will dry up the pools (Isaiah 42:15).

"I will lay waste mountains and hills" signifies that the goods of love and charity will perish; "and dry up all their herb" signifies that the truths that are from those goods will perish; "I will make the rivers islands, and I will dry up the pools," signifies that intelligence and knowledge of truth will perish.

[32] In the same:

Behold, at My rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers into a wilderness; their fish shall rot because there is no water, and shall die (Isaiah 50:2).

(See above, n. 342), where this is explained.)

In Nahum:

He rebuketh the sea and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers (Nahum 1:4).

In David:

Jehovah maketh rivers into a wilderness, and water springs into dry ground (Psalms 107:33).

In Job:

A man giveth up the ghost, and where is he? The waters depart from the sea, and the river drieth up and becometh dry (Job14:10, 11).

[33] It has been shown thus far that "rivers" signify the understanding of truth and intelligence. In the contrary sense "rivers" signify the understanding of falsity and reasoning from self-intelligence which is in favor of falsities and opposes truths, as is evident from the following passages. In Isaiah:

He shall send ambassadors by the sea to a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled (1 Isaiah 18:2).

"Rivers" here signify the falsities of self-intelligence that destroy. (What the rest signifies see explained above, n. 304, 331.) In the same:

When thou shalt pass through the waters I will be with thee; and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee (Isaiah 43:2).

"To pass through waters and through rivers and not be overflowed" signifies that falsities and reasonings from falsities against truths shall not corrupt.

[34] In Jeremiah:

Behold waters rising up out of the north, which like 3 an overflowing stream shall overflow the land and its fullness (Jeremiah 47:2).

"Waters out of the north" signify the falsities of doctrine from self-intelligence; these are compared to "a stream overflowing the land," because a "stream" signifies reasoning from falsities, the "land" the church, and "its overflow by a stream" its destruction by falsities.

[35] In David:

Unless Jehovah were for us when man rises up against us, then the waters had overflowed us, the river had gone over our soul; then the waters of the proud had gone over our soul (Psalms 124:2, 4, 5).

The "waters of the proud" here mentioned, signify falsities favoring the love of self and confirming it, also the falsities of doctrine from self-intelligence; the "river" signifies reasoning from falsities against truths; this makes clear what is meant by "Unless Jehovah were for us, when man rises up against us," namely, when man from himself, from self-love, and from self-intelligence, rises up and endeavors to destroy the truths of the church; for this treats of Israel, by whom the church is signified; the "waters that had overflowed them," and the "rivers that had gone over their soul," signify falsities and reasonings from falsities, and the consequent destruction of the spiritual life that man has through truths and through a life according to them; "waters" signify falsities, "rivers" reasonings from them, and "overflowing and going over the soul" signifies the destruction of spiritual life.

[36] In Isaiah:

Behold, the Lord will make to go up upon them the waters of the river, strong and many, the king of Assyria and all his glory; and he shall go up over all his channels, and shall go over all his banks; and he shall go through Judah, and shall overflow (Isaiah 8:7, 8).

"Assyria" and its king signify in the Word the rational, here the rational perverted; so "his river" which was the Euphrates, means reasoning, and "the waters of the river" mean falsities confirmed by reasonings; these therefore are signified by "the waters of the river, strong and many," which are called "strong" from cupidity, and "many" from falsity; the abundance of falsities from evil destroying the truths of the good of the church is signified by "the waters of the river shall go up over all his channels, and over all his banks," also "he shall go through Judah, and shall overflow," "Judah" signifying the church where the Word is.

[37] In Jeremiah:

What hast thou to do with the way of Egypt, to drink the waters of Sihor? Or what hast thou to do with the way of Assyria, to drink the waters of the river? (Jeremiah 2:18).

The "waters of Sihor," or of Egypt, signify false knowledges, or knowledges confirming falsities, and "the waters of the river" signify false reasonings from these, thus such as are from self-intelligence; that such falsities and reasonings must not be imbibed is what these words signify.

[38] In the same:

Towards the north, by the bank of the river Euphrates, have they stumbled and fallen. Who is this that cometh up like a stream, whose waters are tossed like the streams? Egypt cometh up like a stream, and his waters are tossed like streams; for he saith, I will come up, I will cover the earth, I will destroy the city and those that dwell in it (Jeremiah 46:6-8).

This signifies the destruction of the church and of its truths by false reasonings from confirming knowledges [scientifica]; the "north" signifies those in whom and from whom there is falsity, the "river Euphrates" false reasonings, "Egypt" confirming knowledges, the "waters that are tossed" falsities themselves, and "to come up, to cover the earth, to destroy the city and those that dwell in it," signifies the destruction of the church and of its doctrine, the "earth" meaning the church, the "city" doctrine of truth, and "those that dwell in it" its goods. Like things are signified by the Nile, "the river of Egypt," and by the Euphrates, "the river of Assyria," elsewhere in the Word (as in Isaiah 7:18, 19; 11:15, 16; Ezekiel 29:3-5, 10; 31:15; 32:2; Psalms 74:14, 15; 78:44; Exodus 7:17-21); also by "the rivers of Babylon" (Psalms 137:1). As all spiritual temptations come through falsities that break into the thoughts and infest the interior mind, thus through reasonings from falsities, so temptations are signified by the inundations of waters and by the irruptions of rivers and torrents. As in Jonah:

Thou hadst cast me into the depths, even into the heart of the seas; and the river was round about me; all Thy waves and Thy billows passed over me (Jonah 2:3).

In David:

The cords of death compassed me, and the brooks of Belial terrified me (Psalms 18:4).

In Matthew:

And the rain descended, and the rivers came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house; yet it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock (Matthew 7:25, 27).

In Luke:

When a flood arose, the stream dashed against that house and could not shake it; for it had been founded upon a rock (Luke 6:48, 49).

Notas de rodapé:

1. Latin "from," the Hebrew has "in," which we also find in n. 394, 405, 538, etc.

2. Latin "in," Hebrew "out of," as we also find in n. 275; Arcana Coelestia 28, 2588, 9755

3. Latin "like," Hebrew "become," as we also find in n. 223; Arcana Coelestia 705, 2240, 6297.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.