A Bíblia


約書亞記 16



1 約瑟的子孫拈鬮所得之地是從靠近耶利哥的約但河起,以耶利哥東邊的為界:從耶利哥上去,通過地的曠野,到伯特利

2 又從伯特利到路斯,接連到亞基人的境界,至亞他綠;

3 又往西到押利提人的境界,到伯和崙的境界,直到基色,通到為止。

4 約瑟的兒子瑪拿西以法蓮就得了他們的地業。

5 以法蓮子孫的境界,按著宗族所得的,記在下面:他們地業的東界是亞他綠亞達到上伯和崙;

6 往西通到邊的密米他,又向東繞到他納示羅,又接連到雅挪哈的東邊;

7 從雅挪哈到亞他綠,又到拿拉,達到耶利哥,通到約但河為止;

8 從他普亞往西,到加拿,直通到為止。這就是以法蓮支派按著宗族所得的地業。

9 另外在瑪拿西人地業中得了些城邑和屬城的村莊。這都是分給以法蓮子孫的。

10 他們沒有趕出基色的迦南人;迦南人卻以法蓮人中間,成為作苦工的僕人,直到今日。






The hand in the Bible represents power, which is easy to understand, so to reach out or stretch out the hand means to exercise power, to put it to work. This is an image that's used a great deal in the stories of Moses, who repeatedly stretched out his hand (or his rod, which represents a more external kind of power) to bring plagues on Egypt and perform other miracles. This is a correspondence that makes sense, since we reach out constantly to use our hands to do our work.