A Bíblia


耶利米書 29



1 先知耶利米耶路撒冷寄信與被擄的祭司先知,和眾民,並生存的長老,就是尼布甲尼撒從耶路撒冷擄到巴比倫去的。

2 (這在耶哥尼雅王和太太監,並猶大耶路撒冷的首領,以及工匠、鐵匠都離了耶路撒冷。)

3 他藉沙番的兒子以利亞薩和希勒家的兒子基瑪利的寄去。他們二人是猶大王西底家打發往巴比倫去見尼布甲尼撒王的。

4 信上:萬軍之耶和華以色列的對一切被擄去的(就是我使他們從耶路撒冷被擄到巴比倫的人)如此

5 你們要蓋造房屋在其中;栽種田園,其中所產的;

6 娶妻生兒女,為你們的兒子娶妻,使你們的女兒嫁人,生兒養女。在那�生養眾多,不致減少。

7 我所使你們被擄到的那城,你們要為那城求平安,為那城禱告耶和華;因為那城得平安,你們也隨著得平安。

8 萬軍之耶和華以色列的如此:不要被你們中間的先知和占卜的誘惑,也不要信自己所做的夢;

9 因為他們託我的名對你們假預言,我並沒有差遣他們。這是耶和華的。

10 耶和華如此:為巴比倫所定的七十年滿了以後,我要眷顧你們,向你們成就我的恩言,使你們仍回此地。

11 耶和華:我知道我向你們所懷的意念是賜平安的意念,不是降災禍的意念,要叫你們末後有指望。

12 你們要呼求我,禱告我,我就應允你們。

13 你們尋求我,若專心尋求我,就必尋見。

14 耶和華:我必被你們尋見,我也必使你們被擄的人歸回,將你們從各國中和我所趕你們到的各處招聚了來,又將你們帶回我使你們被擄掠離開的地方。這是耶和華的。

15 你們耶和華在巴比倫為我們興起先知

16 所以耶和華論到大衛寶座的王和在這城裡的一切百姓,就是未曾與你們一同被擄的弟兄,

17 萬軍之耶和華如此:看哪,我必使刀、饑荒、瘟疫臨到他們,使他們像極壞的無花果,壞得不可

18 我必用刀、饑荒、瘟疫追趕他們,使他們在天下萬國拋來拋去,在我所趕他們到的各國中,令人咒詛、驚駭、嗤笑、羞辱。

19 耶和華:這是因為他們沒有從我的,就是我從起來差遣我僕人先知的,無奈他們不。這是耶和華的。

20 所以你們一切被擄去的,就是我從耶路撒冷打發到巴比倫去的,當耶和華的

21 萬軍之耶和華以色列的論到哥賴雅的兒子亞哈,並瑪西雅的兒子西底家,如此:他們是託我名向你們假預言的,我必將他們交在巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒的中;他要在你們眼前殺害他們。

22 住巴比倫一切被擄的猶大人必藉這二人賭咒:願耶和華使你像巴比倫王在中燒的西底家和亞哈一樣。

23 這二人是在以色列中行了醜事,與鄰舍的妻行淫,又假託我名我未曾吩咐他們的知道的是我,作見證的也是我。這是耶和華的。

24 論到尼希蘭人示瑪雅,你當

25 萬軍之耶和華以色列的如此:你曾用自己的名寄信給耶路撒冷的眾民和祭司瑪西雅的兒子西番雅,並眾祭司

26 耶和華已經立你西番雅為祭司,代替祭司耶何耶大,使耶和華殿中有長,好將一切妄自稱為先知的用枷枷住,用鎖鎖住。

27 現在亞拿突人耶利米向你們自稱為先知,你們為何沒有責備他呢?

28 因為他寄信給我們在巴比倫的人說:被擄的事必長久。你們要蓋造房屋在其中;栽種田園,其中所產的。

29 祭司西番雅就把這信念給先知耶利米聽。

30 於是耶和華的臨到耶利米說:

31 你當寄信給一切被擄的人耶和華論到尼希蘭人示瑪雅:因為示瑪雅向你們預言,我並沒有差遣他,他使你們倚靠謊言;

32 所以耶和華如此:我必刑罰尼希蘭示瑪雅和他的後裔,他必無一存留在這民中,也不得見我所要賜與我百姓的福樂,因為他向耶和華了叛逆的話。這是耶和華的。





David the King

David is one of the most significant figures in the Bible. He was a musician, one of history’s greatest poets, the boy warrior who killed the giant Goliath, a devout servant of God, a great leader of men and ultimately Israel’s greatest king. His stories cover the second half of the First Book of Samuel and all of the Second Book of Samuel, and his legacy was such that Jesus himself was born in the “City of David” to fulfill prophecies. For all that, David the man was not perfect. Most notoriously, he ordered his soldiers to make sure one of their comrades was killed in battle because he had seen the man’s wife bathing and wanted her as his own. He was also willing to actually ally with the Philistines for a time, while his predecessor Saul was still king. But in spiritual terms, David’s meaning matches his reputation: He represents the Lord, and especially the Lord as we are able to know Him and understand Him. The Writings call this “divine truth,” and it can be our ultimate guide if we want to serve the Lord and make His desires our own. This representation makes sense if we look at following the Lord as a whole picture. There are essentially two elements. First, we need to accept the Lord, believe in Him, open our hearts to Him, worship Him. These are matters of affection, and related to the Lord’s divine goodness. And they are generally represented by priests, who lead worship and perform rituals. Second, we need to act in accord with the Lord’s wishes: We need to serve others, care for those in need, defend the defenseless and work to make life and society better for everyone. These actions require thought, judgment, design, and are thus related to Lord’s divine truth, or divine guidance. They are generally represented by kings, who are men of action and are responsible for the activity of their nations. As the greatest of the kings, David represents this truth in its greatest form.