A Bíblia


民数记 5



1 耶和华晓谕摩西

2 你吩咐以色列人,使一切长大麻风的,患漏症的,并因死尸不洁净的,都出外去。

3 无论男都要使他们出到外,免得污秽他们的;这是我所住的。

4 以色列人就这样行,使他们出到外。耶和华怎样吩咐摩西以色列人就怎样行了。

5 耶和华摩西

6 你晓谕以色列人:无论女,若犯了所常犯的,以至干犯耶和华,那就有了

7 他要承认所犯的,将所亏负人的,如数赔还,另外加上五分之一,也归与所亏负的人。

8 若没有亲属可受所赔还的,那所赔还的就要归与服事耶和华的祭司;至於那为他赎罪的公是在外。

9 以色列人一切的物中,所奉给祭司的举祭都要归与祭司

10 所分别为的物,无论是甚麽,都要归祭司。

11 耶和华摩西

12 你晓谕以色列人的妻若有邪行,得罪他丈夫

13 与他行淫,事情严密,瞒过他丈夫,而且他被玷污,没有作见证的,当他行淫的时候也没有被捉住,

14 他丈夫生了疑恨的心,疑恨他,他是被玷污,或是他丈夫生了疑恨的心,疑恨他,他并没有被玷污,

15 就要将妻送到祭司那里,又为他着大麦面伊法十分之一作供物,不可浇上,也不可加上乳香;因为这是疑恨的素祭,是思念的素祭,使思念罪孽。

16 祭司要使那妇人近前来,站在耶和华面前。

17 祭司要把圣盛在瓦器里,又从帐幕的地上取点尘土,放在中。

18 祭司要叫那妇人散发,站在耶和华面前,把思念的素祭,就是疑恨的素祭,放在他中。祭司里拿着致咒诅的苦

19 要叫妇人起誓,对他:若没有与你行淫,也未曾背着丈夫污秽的事,你就免受这致咒诅苦的灾。

20 你若背着丈夫行了污秽的事,在你丈夫以外有与你行淫,

21 (祭司叫妇人发咒起誓),愿耶和华叫你大腿消瘦,肚腹发胀,使你在你民中被人咒诅,成了誓语;

22 并且这致咒诅的入你的肠中,要叫你的肚腹发胀,大腿消瘦。妇人要回答:阿们,阿们。

23 祭司要这咒诅的话,将所的字抹在苦里,

24 又叫妇人喝这致咒诅的苦;这进入他里面变苦了。

25 祭司要从妇人中取那疑恨的素祭,在耶和华面前摇一摇,拿到前;

26 又要从素祭中取出一把,作为这事的纪念,烧在上,然妇人喝这

27 叫他喝了以後,他若被玷污,得罪了丈夫,这致咒诅的进入他里面变苦了,他的肚腹就要发胀,大腿就要消瘦,那妇人便要在他民中被人咒诅。

28 妇人没有被玷污,却是清洁的,就要免受这灾,且要怀孕。

29 妻子背着丈夫行了污秽的事,

30 或是生了疑恨的心,疑恨他的妻,就有这疑恨的条例。那时他要叫妇人站在耶和华面前,祭司要在他身上照这条例而行。

31 男人就为无罪,妇人必担当自己的罪孽。






In Genesis 21:30, witness signifies certification that the holiness of innocence is from the Divine. (Arcana Coelestia 2720)

In court, a witness is someone who saw a crime being committed, or observed something that could help determine the guilt or innocence of the person being tried. The spiritual meaning is similar; to "witness" something or to be a "witness" means to use the truth - things we know to be true - to confirm the goodness and purity of someone's motives (especially our own motives). Swedenborg teaches us that good loves, by their very nature, express themselves through true ideas. In fact, "truth" can be defined as "the expression of love." So if we want to know the quality of a love, we can assess it by looking at the quality of the ideas it produces. Are they caring toward the neighbor? Will they help make the world a better place? Are they aligned with what we know of the Lord's wishes? If the answers are "yes," then those truths bear witness to the love that inspired them. This is in part why the Ten Commandments talk about "bearing false witness" instead of simply "lying." Lying can be a relatively low-level thing, but bearing false witness involves portraying evil loves as good ones, a thing much deeper. In some places, especially Revelation and the Gospel of John, "witness" is applied to the Lord, both as a witness himself and in terms of others being a witness to him. In these cases the reference is to the greatest love, the source of all love and life: the Lord's perfect and infinite love for all humanity. And to be a witness means acknowledging that love in the form of divine truth, and the perfect humanity it describes.