A Bíblia


约书亚记 13



1 约书亚年纪老迈,耶和华对他:你年纪老迈了,还有许多未得之

2 就是非利士人的全境和基述人的全

3 埃及前的西曷河往,直到以革伦的境界,就算属迦南人之地。有非利士人五个首领所管的迦萨人、亚实突人、亚实基伦人、迦特人、以革伦人之地,并有南方亚卫人之地。

4 又有迦南人的全,并属西顿人的米亚拉到亚弗,直到亚摩利人的境界。

5 还有迦巴勒人之,并向日出的全利巴嫩,就是从黑门根的巴力迦得,直到哈马口。

6 地的一切居民,从利巴嫩直到米斯利弗玛音,就是所有的西顿人,我必在以色列人面前赶出他们去。你只管照我所吩咐的,将这地拈阄分给以色列人为业。

7 现在你要把这分给个支派和玛拿西半个支派为业。

8 玛拿西那半支派和流便、迦得二支派已经受了产业,就是耶和华的仆人摩西在约但河东所赐他们的:

9 是从亚嫩谷边的亚罗珥和谷中的城,并米底巴的全平原,直到底本,

10 和在希实本作王亚摩利王西宏的诸城,直到亚扪人的境界;

11 又有基列地、基述人、玛迦人的地界,并黑门全、巴珊全地,直到撒迦;

12 又有巴珊王噩的全国─他在亚斯他录和以得来作王(利乏音人所存留的只剩下他)。这些地的人都是摩西所击杀、所赶逐的。

13 以色列人却没有赶逐基述人、玛迦人;这些人仍以色列中,直到今日。

14 只是利未支派,摩西(原文作他)没有把产业分他们。他们的产业乃是献与耶和华以色列的火祭,正如耶和华所应许他们的。

15 摩西按着流便支派的宗族分他们产业。

16 他们的境界是亚嫩谷边的亚罗珥和谷中的城,靠近米底巴的全平原;

17 希实本并属希实本平原的各城,底本、巴末巴力、伯巴力勉、

18 雅杂、基底莫、米法押、

19 基列亭、西比玛、的细列哈沙辖、

20 伯毗珥、毗斯迦山坡、伯耶西末,

21 平原的各城,并亚摩利王西宏的全国。这西宏曾在希实本作王,摩西把他和米甸的族长以未、利金、苏珥、户珥、利巴击杀了;这都是属西宏为首领的。

22 那时以色列人在所杀的人中,也用刀杀了比珥的儿子术士巴兰

23 流便人的境界就是约但河与靠近约但河的地。以上是流便人按着宗族所得为业的诸城,并属城的村庄

24 摩西按着迦得支派的宗族分他们产业。

25 他们的境界是雅谢和基列的各城,并亚扪人的一半,直到拉巴前的亚罗珥;

26 从希实本到拉抹米斯巴和比多宁,又从玛哈念到底璧的境界,

27 中的伯亚兰、伯宁拉、疏割、撒分,就是希实本王西宏国中的馀地,以及约但河与靠近约但河的地,直到基尼烈的极边,都在约但河东。

28 以上是迦得人按着宗族所得为业的诸城,并属城的村庄

29 摩西把产业分玛拿西半支派,是按着玛拿西半支派的宗族所分的。

30 他们的境界是从玛哈念起,包括巴珊全地,就是巴珊王噩的全国,并在巴珊、睚珥的一切城邑,共六十个。

31 基列的一半,并亚斯他录、以得来,就是属巴珊王噩国的二城,是按着宗族给玛拿西儿子玛吉的一半子孙。

32 以上是摩西在约但河东对着耶利哥摩押平原所分给他们的产业。

33 只是利未支派,摩西没有把产业分给他们。耶和华以色列的是他们的产业,正如耶和华所应许他们的。




Jordan (the river)

Joshua passing the River Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant, by Benjamin West

The river Jordan separates the land of Canaan from the lands to the east. This separation represents the division of the human mind into an internal part and an external part, and it is the internal mind where the church is formed in a person. The river is also limited by two lakes in the north, Merom and Galilee, and the Dead Sea in the south. Inside these limits are the interior things of the mind, and outside are the exterior things. The countries outside, as they are mentioned in the Bible, can be helpful. They represent basic knowledge, reasoning ability, rationality, curiosity, and other qualities that, as friends, can support our religious beliefs, or as enemies can argue against them or conjure up false gods for us to worship. The land inside represents a regenerating state, or it can represent the ultimate end of that state, which is heaven. From outside, then, the Jordan is the entrance to something better, the goal of the journey, and its waters represent the mental washing of repentance, which is the first thing of the church, which is why John baptized there, and Naaman washed there. From the inside the Jordan is the edge of what is outside the church, and for this reason the Children of Israel were so often troubled by those nations outside: the Midianites, the Ammonites, the Syrians, Egypt, and Babylon, and the other nations we read about in the Books of Judges and Kings, and in the Prophets. The mental abilities of our external minds can work for what is good, but they can also work for what is bad.