A Bíblia


撒母耳记下 10



1 ,亚扪人的王死了,他儿子哈嫩接续他作王。

2 大卫:我要照哈嫩的父亲拿辖厚待我的恩典厚待哈嫩。於是大卫差遣臣仆,为他丧父安慰他。大卫的臣仆到了亚扪人的境内。

3 但亚扪人的首领对他们的哈嫩大卫差人来安慰你,你想他是尊敬父亲麽?他差臣仆来不是详察窥探、要倾覆这城麽?

4 哈嫩便将大卫臣仆的胡须剃去一半,又割断他们下半截的衣服,使他们露出下体,打发他们回去。

5 有人告诉大卫,他就差人去迎接他们,(因为他们甚觉羞耻),告诉他们:可以耶利哥,等到胡须长起再回来

6 亚扪知道大卫憎恶他们,就打发去,招募伯利合的亚兰和琐巴的亚兰,步兵二万,与玛迦王的、陀伯一万二

7 大卫见了,就差派约押统带勇猛的全军出去。

8 亚扪人出来,在城前摆阵;琐巴与利合的亚兰人、陀伯人,并玛迦人,另在郊野摆阵。

9 约押见敌人在他前後摆阵,就从以色列军中挑选精兵,使他们对着亚兰人摆阵。

10 其馀的兵交与他兄弟亚比筛,对着亚扪人摆阵。

11 约押对亚比筛:亚兰人若强过我,你就来帮助我;亚扪人若强过你,我就去帮助你。

12 我们都当刚强,为本国的民和的城邑作大丈夫。愿耶和华凭他的意旨而行!

13 於是,约押和跟随他的人前进攻打亚兰人;亚兰人在约押面前逃跑

14 亚扪人见亚兰人逃跑,他们也在亚比筛面前逃跑进城。约押就离开亚扪人那里,回耶路撒冷去了。

15 亚兰人见自己被以色列人打败,就又聚集

16 哈大底谢差遣人,将大那边的亚兰人调;他们到了希兰,哈大底谢的将军朔法率领他们。

17 有人告诉大卫,他就聚集以色列众人,过约但河,到希兰。亚兰人迎着大卫摆阵,与他打仗。

18 亚兰人在以色列人面前逃跑大卫杀了亚兰辆战车的人,四万马兵,又杀了亚兰的将军朔法。

19 属哈大底谢的诸见自己被以色列人打败,就与以色列人和好,归服他们。於是亚兰人不敢再帮助亚扪人了。




Jordan (the river)

Joshua passing the River Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant, by Benjamin West

The river Jordan separates the land of Canaan from the lands to the east. This separation represents the division of the human mind into an internal part and an external part, and it is the internal mind where the church is formed in a person. The river is also limited by two lakes in the north, Merom and Galilee, and the Dead Sea in the south. Inside these limits are the interior things of the mind, and outside are the exterior things. The countries outside, as they are mentioned in the Bible, can be helpful. They represent basic knowledge, reasoning ability, rationality, curiosity, and other qualities that, as friends, can support our religious beliefs, or as enemies can argue against them or conjure up false gods for us to worship. The land inside represents a regenerating state, or it can represent the ultimate end of that state, which is heaven. From outside, then, the Jordan is the entrance to something better, the goal of the journey, and its waters represent the mental washing of repentance, which is the first thing of the church, which is why John baptized there, and Naaman washed there. From the inside the Jordan is the edge of what is outside the church, and for this reason the Children of Israel were so often troubled by those nations outside: the Midianites, the Ammonites, the Syrians, Egypt, and Babylon, and the other nations we read about in the Books of Judges and Kings, and in the Prophets. The mental abilities of our external minds can work for what is good, but they can also work for what is bad.