La Biblia


Joel 3:17



17 "So you will know that I am Yahweh, your God, dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain. Then Jerusalem will be holy, and no strangers will pass through her any more.

De obras de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #3336

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3336. 'And Esau despised the birthright' means that the good of life did not in the meantime attach any importance at all to priority of place. This is clear from the meaning of 'despising' as attaching no importance at all, from the representation of 'Esau' as the good of life, dealt with in 3300, 3322, and from the meaning of 'the birthright' as that which has priority of place, dealt with in 3325. That in the meantime or in the short term is meant, see 3324, 3325, 3330. From this it is evident that 'Esau despised the birthright' means that the good of life did not in the meantime attach any importance at all to priority of place. To grasp what is meant in the internal sense by these things that have been stated in this chapter regarding Esau and Jacob one's thought has to be removed completely from historical events, and so from the persons Esau and Jacob, and to be focused instead on the things which they represent, that is to say, on the good of the natural and its truth, or what amounts to the same, on the spiritual man, who is regenerated by means of truth and good. For in the internal sense of the Word names mean nothing other than real things. When the good of the natural and its truth are held in mind instead of Esau and Jacob, the manner in which a person is regenerated by means of truth and good is then evident, that is to say, how at first truth residing with him apparently occupies the prior and also higher position, when in fact good in itself is the prior and higher.

[2] To make it quite clear which one is prior to and higher than the other - truth or good - let a further brief comment be made. It is probably well known that nothing is ever able to enter the human memory and remain there unless there is some affection or love to attract it. If there were no affection, or what amounts to the same, no love, there would not be any discernment. It is to this affection or love to which the thing entering in links itself, and once linked to that affection it remains. This becomes clear from the consideration that when a like affection or love returns that thing reappears as well, presenting itself together with many others which, from a like affection or love, have entered in previously. This goes on repeatedly. This is the origin of a person's thought, and from his thought, of his speech. It is similar also when a thing returns, whether it is the objects of the senses, or the objects of thought, or the speech of another that causes it to return, then the affection also with which the thing had entered in is reproduced. This is something which experience teaches, and anyone may confirm it for himself if he stops to reflect.

[3] Matters of doctrine concerning truth as well enter the memory in a similar way and in the earliest stages it is the affections belonging to varying loves that bring them in, as stated above in 3330. Genuine affection which belongs to the good of charity, though not recognized at that time, is nevertheless present. And to the extent it is able to be present it is allied to matters of doctrine concerning truth from the Lord and also remains allied. When the time comes therefore when a person is able to be regenerated the Lord inspires the affection for good, and through that affection arouses the things that have been allied to that affection from Himself. In the Word these things are called remnants In that case by means of that affection for good the affections belonging to other loves are gradually removed, and so also are the things which have been linked to them. In this way the affection for good, or what amounts to the same, the good of life, starts to have dominion. It also had dominion before this but that could not be seen by the person himself, for to the extent someone is ruled by self-love and love of the world the good that belongs to genuine love is not apparent. From this one may now see what is meant in the internal sense by the historical details that have been told regarding Esau and Jacob.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.