La Biblia


Daniel 5:12



12 καί-C πνεῦμα-N3M-ASN ἅγιος-A1A-ASN ἐν-P αὐτός- D--DSM εἰμί-V9--PAI3S καί-C ἐν-P ὁ- A--DPF ἡμέρα-N1A-DPF ὁ- A--GSM πατήρ-N3--GSM σύ- P--GS ὁ- A--GSM βασιλεύς-N3V-GSM σύγκριμα-N3M-APN ὑπέρογκος-A1B-APN ὑποδεικνύω-VAI-AAI3S *ναβουχοδονοσορ-N---NSM ὁ- A--DSM πατήρ-N3--DSM σύ- P--GS

De obras de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #491

Estudiar este pasaje

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491. The same things are meant by 'sons and daughters' in verses 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 26, 30, of this chapter, but the character of a Church determines that of its 'sons and daughters', or goods and truths. Here they are truths and goods that men perceived most clearly, for they have regard to the Most Ancient Church, the head and forefather of all other Churches that followed after it.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

La Biblia


Genesis 5:10
