La Biblia


에스겔 39:10



10 이와 같이 그 병기로 불을 피울 것이므로 그들이 들에서 나무를 취하지 아니하며 삼림에서 벌목하지 아니하겠고 전에 자기에게서 약탈하던 자의 것을 약탈하며 전에 자기에게서 늑탈하던 자의 것을 늑탈하리라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라

De obras de Swedenborg


Heaven and Hell #116

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116. The Sun in Heaven

Our world's sun is not visible in heaven, and neither is anything that is derived from it, since all that is natural. Nature, in fact, begins with that sun, and whatever is produced by it is called natural. The spiritual reality in which heaven exists, though, is above nature and completely distinct from anything natural. They communicate with each other only through correspondences.

The nature of the distinction can be gathered from what was said above about levels in 38, and the nature of the communication from the last two chapters about correspondences.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.