La Biblia


다니엘서 4



1 느부갓네살 왕은 천하에 거하는 백성들과 나라들과 각 방언하는 자에게 조서하노라 원하노니 너희에게 많은 평강이 있을지어다

2 지극히 높으신 하나님이 내게 행하신 이적과 기사를 내가 알게 하기를 즐겨하노라

3 크도다, 그 이적이여 능하도다 그 기사여, 그 나라는 영원한 나라요 그 권병은 대대에 이르리로다

4 나 느부갓네살이 내 집에 편히 있으며 내 궁에서 평강할 때에

5 한 꿈을 꾸고 그로 인하여 두려워하였으되 곧 내 침상에서 생각하는 것과 뇌 속으로 받은 이상을 인하여 번민하였었노라

6 이러므로 내가 명을 내려 바벨론 모든 박사를 내 앞으로 불러다가 그 꿈의 해석을 내게 알게 하라 하매

7 박수와 술객과 갈대아 술사와 점장이가 들어왔기로 내가 그 꿈을 그들에게 고하였으나 그들이 그 해석을 내게 알게 하지 못하였느니라

8 그 후에 다니엘이 내 앞에 들어왔으니 그는 내 신의 이름을 좇아 벨드사살이라 이름한 자요 그의 안에는 거룩한 신들의 영이 있는자라 내가 그에게 꿈을 고하여 가로되

9 박수장 벨드사살아 네 안에는 거룩한 신들의 영이 있은즉 아무 은밀한 것이라도 네게는 어려울 것이 없는 줄을 내가 아노니 내 꿈에 본 이상의 해석을 내게 고하라

10 내가 침상에서 나의 뇌 속으로 받은 이상이 이러하니라 내가 본즉 땅의 중앙에 한 나무가 있는데 고가 높더니

11 그 나무가 자라서 견고하여지고 그 고는 하늘에 닿았으니 땅 끝에서도 보이겠고

12 그 잎사귀는 아름답고 그 열매는 많아서 만민의 식물이 될 만하고 들짐승이 그 그늘에 있으며 공중에 나는 새는 그 가지에 깃들이고 무릇 혈기 있는 자가 거기서 식물을 얻더라

13 내가 침상에서 뇌 속으로 받은 이상 가운데 또 본즉 한 순찰자 한 거룩한 자가 하늘에서 내려왔는데

14 그가 소리 질러 외쳐서 이처럼 이르기를 그 나무를 베고 그 가지를 찍고 그 잎사귀를 떨고 그 열매를 헤치고 짐승들로 그 아래서 떠나게 하고 새들을 그 가지에서 쫓아내라

15 그러나 그 뿌리의 그루터기를 땅에 남겨두고 철과 놋줄로 동이고 그것으로 들 청초 가운데 있게 하라 그것이 하늘 이슬에 젖고 땅의 풀 가운데서 짐승으로 더불어 그 분량을 같이 하리라

16 또 그 마음은 변하여 인생의 마음 같지 아니하고 짐승의 마음을 받아 일곱 때를 지나리라

17 이는 순찰자들의 명령대로요 거룩한 자들의 말대로니 곧 인생으로 지극히 높으신 자가 인간 나라를 다스리시며 자기의 뜻대로 그것을 누구에게든지 주시며 또 지극히 천한 자로 그 위에 세우시는 줄을 알게 하려 함이니라 하였느니라

18 나 느부갓네살 왕이 이 꿈을 꾸었나니 너 벨드사살아 그 해석을 밝히 말하라 내 나라 모든 박사가 능히 그 해석을 내게 알게 하지 못하였으나 오직 너는 능히 하리니 이는 거룩한 신들의 영이 네 안에 있음이니라

19 벨드사살이라 이름한 다니엘이 얼마 동안 놀라 벙벙하며 마음이 번민하여 하는지라 왕이 그에게 말하여 이르기를 벨드사살아 너는 이 꿈과 그 해석을 인하여 번민할 것이 아니니라 벨드사살이 대답하여 가로되 내 주여 그 꿈은 왕을 미워하는 자에게 응하기를 원하며 그 해석은 왕의 대적에게 응하기를 원하나이다

20 왕의 보신 그 나무가 자라서 견고하여지고 그 고는 하늘에 닿았으니 땅 끝에서도 보이겠고

21 그 잎사귀는 아름답고 그 열매는 많아서 만민의 식물이 될만하고 들짐승은 그 아래 거하며 공중에 나는 새는 그 가지에 깃들이더라 하시오니

22 왕이여 이 나무는 곧 왕이시라 이는 왕이 자라서 견고하여지고 창대하사 하늘에 닿으시며 권세는 땅 끝까지 미치심이니이다

23 왕이 보신즉 한 순찰자, 한 거룩한 자가 하늘에서 내려와서 이르기를 그 나무를 베고 멸하라 그러나 그 뿌리의 그루터기는 땅에 남겨두고 철과 놋줄로 동이고 그것을 들 청초 가운데 있게 하라 그것이 하늘 이슬에 젖고 또 들짐승으로 더불어 그 분량을 같이 하며 일곱 때를 지내리라 하더라 하시오니

24 왕이여 그 해석은 이러하니이다 곧 지극히 높으신 자의 명정하신 것이 내 주 왕에게 미칠 것이라

25 왕이 사람에게서 쫓겨나서 들짐승과 함께 거하며 소처럼 풀을 먹으며 하늘 이슬에 젖을 것이요 이와 같이 일곱 때를 지낼 것이라 그 때에 지극히 높으신 자가 인간 나라를 다스리시며 자기의 뜻대로 그것을 누구에게든지 주시는 줄을 아시리이다

26 또 그들이 그 나무 뿌리의 그루터기를 남겨 두라 하였은즉 하나님이 다스리시는 줄을 왕이 깨달은 후에야 왕의 나라가 견고하리이다

27 그런즉 왕이여 나의 간하는 것을 받으시고 공의를 행함으로 죄를 속하고 가난한 자를 긍휼히 여김으로 죄악을 속하소서 그리하시면 왕의 평안함이 혹시 장구하리이다 하였느니라

28 이 모든 일이 다 나 느부갓네살 왕에게 임하였느니라

29 열 두 달이 지난 후에 내가 바벨론 궁 지붕에서 거닐새

30 나 왕이 말하여 가로되 이 큰 바벨론은 내가 능력과 권세로 건설하여 나의 도성을 삼고 이것으로 내 위엄의 영광을 나타낸 것이 아니냐 하였더니

31 이 말이 오히려 나 왕의 입에 있을 때에 하늘에서 소리가 내려 가로되 느부갓네살 왕아 네게 말하노니 나라의 위가 네게서 떠났느니라

32 네가 사람에게서 쫓겨나서 들짐승과 함께 거하며 소처럼 풀을 먹을 것이요 이와 같이 일곱 때를 지내서 지극히 높으신 자가 인간나라를 다스리시며 자기의 뜻대로 그것을 누구에게든지 주시는 줄을 알기까지 이르리라 하더니

33 그 동시에 이 일이 나 느부갓네살에게 응하므로 내가 사람에게 쫓겨나서 소처럼 풀을 먹으며 몸이 하늘 이슬에 젖고 머리털이 독수리 털과 같았고 손톱은 새 발톱과 같았었느니라

34 그 기한이 차매 나 느부갓네살이 하늘을 우러러 보았더니 내 총명이 다시 내게로 돌아온지라 이에 내가 지극히 높으신 자에게 감사하며 영생하시는 자를 찬양하고 존경하였노니 그 권세는 영원한 권세요 그 나라는 대대로 이르리로다

35 땅의 모든 거민을 없는 것 같이 여기시며 하늘의 군사에게든지,땅의 거민에게든지 그는 자기 뜻대로 행하시나니 누가 그의 손을 금하든지 혹시 이르기를 네가 무엇을 하느냐 할 자가 없도다

36 그 동시에 내 총명이 내게로 돌아왔고 또 나라 영광에 대하여도 내 위엄과 광명이 내게로 돌아왔고 또 나의 모사들과 관원들이 내게 조회하니 내가 내 나라에서 다시 세움을 입고 또 지극한 위세가 내게 더하였느니라

37 그러므로 지금 나 느부갓네살이 하늘의 왕을 찬양하며 칭송하며 존경하노니 그의 일이 다 진실하고 그의 행하심이 의로우시므로 무릇 교만하게 행하는 자를 그가 능히 낮추심이니라


La Biblia


사무엘하 22:31



31 하나님의 도는 완전하고 여호와의 말씀은 정미하니 저는 자기에게 피하는 모든 자에게 방패시로다

De obras de Swedenborg


Apocalypse Explained #556

Estudiar este pasaje

/ 1232  

556. And their teeth were as those of lions, signifies that sensual things, which are the ultimates of the intellectual life, seem to them to have power over all things. This is evident from the signification of "teeth," as being the sensual things which are the ultimates of the natural life in respect to the understanding (of which presently); and from the signification of "lions," as being the truths of the church in respect to power, but here falsities destroying truths, thus also these in respect to power (of which above, n. 278). Here falsities are meant, because "locusts" signify the corporeal-sensual who are in the falsities of evil. These seem to themselves to have understanding, and thereby power over all things, because that persuasiveness which has been treated of above has its seat in the sensual, which is the ultimate of the natural life; for this sensual, or the sensual man, is in self-confidence, and in the belief that he is wiser than all others, for he is unable to weigh and explore himself, because he does not think interiorly; and when he has persuaded himself of this, then such confidence and belief are in all things that he speaks. And because his speech takes its tone from these, it fascinates and infatuates the minds of others, for the tone of confidence and belief produces such an effect; and this is especially manifest in the spiritual world, where man speaks from his spirit; for the affection of self-confidence and of the consequent belief that a thing is so is in man's spirit, and a man's spirit speaks from his affection. In the natural world it is different. There man's spirit discourses by means of the body, and for the sake of the world brings forth such things as are not of the affection of his spirit, which he rarely exhibits, that its character may not be known. For this reason it is unknown in the world that there is such an infatuating and suffocating persuasiveness as exists in the spirit of the sensual man, who believes himself to be wiser than others. From this it can be seen why "their teeth were as those of lions" signifies that sensual men seem to themselves to have understanding, and thereby power over all things. That "teeth" signify sensual things, which are the ultimates of the natural life in respect to knowledge [scientia] can be seen from the correspondence of "teeth," as described in the work on Heaven and Hell (n. 575), and in the Arcana Coelestia (n. 5565-5568).

[2] That "teeth" have this signification can be seen from the following passages in the Word. In David:

My soul, I lie in the midst of lions; their teeth are spear and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword (Psalms 57:4).

"Lions" signify those who by means of falsities destroy the truths of the church; "their teeth which are spear and arrows" signify the knowledges [scientifica] that are applied to confirm falsities and evils, and thus to destroy the truths and goods of the church; "their tongue a sharp sword" signifies crafty reasonings from falsities, which are called "a sharp sword" because a "sword" signifies falsity destroying truth.

[3] In the same:

O God, break off their teeth in their mouth; remove 1 the jaw teeth of the young lions (Psalms 58:6).

"Teeth in their mouth" signify the knowledges [scientifica] from which they produce falsities; "the jaw teeth of the young lions," signify the truths of the Word falsified, which in themselves are falsities, and which are especially effective in destroying the truths of the church.

[4] In Joel:

A nation cometh up upon my land, vigorous and without number; its teeth are the teeth of a lion, and it hath the jaw teeth of an immense lion. It maketh 2 my vine to a waste, and my fig tree to froth (Joel 1:6, 7).

"A nation that cometh up upon the land" signifies evil devastating the church, "nation" meaning evil, and "land" the church; "vigorous and without number" signifies powerful and manifold; "vigorous" is predicated of the power of evil, and "without number" of the power of falsity; "its teeth are the teeth of a lion" signifying destroying falsities; "the jaw teeth of an immense lion" signify truths falsified; "it reduceth the vine to a waste, and the fig tree to froth," signifies the destruction of spiritual and natural truths; spiritual truths are those of the spiritual sense of the Word, and natural truths those of the sense of its letter (See also above, n. 403, where this is explained). The "teeth of lions" in these passages have a similar signification as "teeth as those of lions" here in Revelation. "Teeth" properly signify such things as are merely in the memory and are brought forth therefrom, for the things that are in the memory of the sensual man correspond to bones and teeth.

[5] In Daniel:

There came up out of the sea a second beast like to a bear; three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth; and they said unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. After this there came up a fourth beast, dreadful, and terrible, and exceedingly strong, and it had great teeth of iron; it devoured and crushed, and trampled the remnant with its feet (Daniel 7:5, 7).

"A beast from the sea" means the love of dominion, to which holy things serve as means, and the "four beasts" signify its successive increase; this "second beast like to a bear" signifies the second state, when such dominion is confirmed by means of the Word; those who do this appear in the spiritual world like bears. "Three ribs in the mouth between the teeth" signify all things of the Word which they apply, and which they understand merely according to the letter, "three ribs" meaning all things of the Word, "in the mouth" meaning, which they apply in teaching; "between the teeth" meaning which they understand merely according to the letter, that is, as the sensual man does; "they said unto it, Arise, devour much flesh," signifies that they applied many things and thereby destroyed the genuine sense of the Word; "the fourth beast that came up out of the sea, dreadful, and terrible, and exceedingly strong," signifies the fourth and last state, when by holy things as means they established for themselves dominion over heaven and earth; because this state is profane and powerful it is called "dreadful, and terrible, and exceedingly strong;" "it had great teeth of iron" signifies falsities from the sensual man hard against the truths and goods of the church; "it devoured and crushed" signifies that it perverted and destroyed; "and trampled the remnant with its feet" signifies that what they could not pervert and destroy they defiled and blotted out by the evils of natural and corporeal loves. (The rest respecting these beasts may be seen explained above, n. 316.)

[6] In Moses:

The tooth of beasts I will send upon them, with the poison of the creeping things of the earth (Deuteronomy 32:24).

This evil, among others, was denounced upon the Israelitish and Jewish people if they did not keep and do the statutes and commandments; "the tooth of beasts" signifies falsities from evils of every kind, and "the poison of the creeping things of the earth" signifies the things that destroy and utterly extinguish spiritual life; "beasts" signify in the Word such things as belong to the natural man, and "the creeping things of the earth" the things belonging to the sensual man; both these when separated from the spiritual man are mere falsities from evils, because they are merely such things as belong to the body to which they adhere, and as belong to the world to which they stand nearest; and from the body and the world all thick darkness in spiritual things arises.

[7] In David:

Arise, O Jehovah; save me, O my God; for Thou smitest all mine enemies upon the cheek; Thou breakest the teeth of the wicked (Psalms 3:7).

"To smite the enemies upon the cheek" signifies to destroy interior falsities with those who are opposed to the goods and truths of the church; such persons and their falsities of evil are meant in the Word by "enemies;" "to break the teeth of the wicked" signifies to destroy exterior falsities, which are such as are based on the fallacies of the senses and are confirmed by them.

[8] As the expressions in David, "to smite the cheek" and "to break the teeth" signify the destruction of interior and exterior falsities, it can be seen what is meant by "smiting on the cheek" in Matthew:

Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth; but I say unto you, Resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek turn to him the other also. And if any man wisheth to sue thee at the law and to take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also; and whosoever shall compel thee to go one mile, go with him two. Give to everyone that asketh thee, and from him that wisheth to borrow of thee turn not thou away (Matthew 5:38-42).

That these words are not to be understood according to the letter is evident to everyone; for who is bound by Christian love to turn the left cheek to him who smites the right, or to give the cloak to him who would take away the coat? In a word, who is there to whom it is not allowable to resist evil? But as all things that the Lord said were in themselves Divine-celestial, it can be seen that these words, as well as the others which the Lord spoke, contain a heavenly sense. The sons of Israel had this law that they should give "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" (Exodus 21:23, 24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:21), because they were external men, and thus were only in the representatives of heavenly things, and not in heavenly things themselves, thence not in charity, in mercy, in patience, nor in any spiritual good; consequently they were under the law of retaliation; for the heavenly law and thence the Christian law is that which the Lord taught in the Gospels:

All things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do ye to them; this is the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31).

Because this is the law in heaven, and from heaven in the church, therefore every evil carries with it a corresponding punishment, which is called the punishment of evil, and is in the evil as if joined with it; and from this springs the punishment of retaliation which was prescribed for the sons of Israel, because they were external and not internal men. Internal men, as the angels of heaven are, do not wish the retaliation of evil for evil, but from heavenly charity they forgive freely; for they know that the Lord protects from the evil all who are in good, and that He protects according to the good with them, and that He would not protect if on account of the evil done to them they should burn with enmity, hatred, and revenge, for these drive away protection.

[9] These things, therefore, are involved in what the Lord here said; but their signification shall be given in order: "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth," signifies that so far as anyone takes away from another the understanding of truth and the sense of truth, so far are they taken away from him, the "eye" signifying the understanding of truth, and "tooth" the sense of truth, for a "tooth" means truth or falsity such as the sensual man has. That one who is in Christian good will permit an evil person to take these away as far as he can, is described by what the Lord says in reply on the same subject. "Resist not him that is in evil" signifies that there should be no fighting back of retaliation; for angels do not fight with the evil, much less do they return evil for evil, but they allow it to be done, since they are protected by the Lord, and therefore no evil from hell can do them harm. "Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek turn to him the other also" signifies if anyone wishes to do harm to the perception and understanding of interior truth, it may be allowed to the extent of the effort; "the cheek" signifies the perception and understanding of interior truth, the "right cheek" affection for it and consequent perception of it, and the "left cheek" understanding of it, and as the "cheek" is mentioned, so is "smiting," which means doing harm to; for all things pertaining to the mouth, as the throat, the mouth itself, the lips, the cheeks, the teeth, signify such things as belong to the perception and understanding of truth, because they correspond to them, therefore by these objects in the sense of the letter of the Word, which consists of pure correspondences, these things are expressed; "if any man wisheth to sue thee at the law and to take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also," signifies if anyone wishes to take away truth interiorly with thee, it may be allowed him to take away also exterior truth, "coat" signifying interior truth, and "cloak" exterior truth. This also is what angels do when they are with the evil, for the evil can take away nothing of good and truth from angels, but they can from those who on that account burn with enmity, hatred, and revenge, for these evils avert and repel protection by the Lord; "whosoever shall compel thee to go one mile, go with him two," signifies whoever wishes to lead away from truth to falsity and from good to evil, since he cannot do it, may be left unopposed, a "mile" having a similar signification as a "way," namely, that which leads away or leads; "give to everyone that asketh thee" signifies that it is to be permitted; "and from him that wisheth to borrow of thee turn thou not away" signifies that if anyone wishes to be instructed he may be instructed, for the evil desire this that they may pervert and take away, and yet they cannot. This is the spiritual sense of these words, in which are stored up the hidden things that have now been said, which are especially for the angels; who perceive the Word only according to its spiritual sense; they are also for men in the world who are in good, when the evil are trying to lead them astray. That the opposition of the evil to those whom the Lord protects is such it has been granted me to know by much experience; for they have continually striven in every way and with all their might to take away from me truths and goods, but in vain. From what has been presented it can also in some degree be seen that a "tooth" signifies truth or falsity in the sensual, which is the ultimate of the intellectual life with man; that this is the signification of "tooth" is evident from the Lord's reply, in which the perception and understanding of truth are treated of, which the evil strive to take away from the good.

[10] That this is the signification of "teeth" can be seen further from the following passages. In Jeremiah:

In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the teeth of the sons are set on edge. But every man shall die in his own iniquity; every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge (Jeremiah 31:29, 30; Ezekiel 18:2-4).

This involves evidently that the sons and descendants shall not incur punishment on account of the evils of parents, but everyone on account of his own evil; "to eat the sour grape" signifies to appropriate to oneself the falsity of evil, for a "sour grape," which is a bitter and bad grape, signifies the falsity of evil, and "to eat" signifies to appropriate to oneself; and "the teeth set on edge" signifies to be in the falsity of evil therefrom, for "teeth" here as above signify falsities in ultimates or in the sensual man, in which the evils of parents, which are called hereditary evils, especially lie hidden in children, and "to be set on edge" signifies the appropriation of falsity from evil; for a man is not punished on account of hereditary evils but on account of his own and so far as he makes hereditary evils actual in himself; therefore it is said that "everyone shall die in his own iniquity; and every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge."

[11] In Job:

All men abhor me; my bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh; I have escaped with the skin of my teeth (Job 19:20, 20).

In the sense of the letter this means that he became thus lank and lean; but in the spiritual sense it signifies that temptations so suppressed the interiors of his mind that he became sensual, and thought only in things most external, and yet that he thought truths and not falsities; this is signified by "I have escaped with the skin of my teeth," "teeth" without skin signifying falsities, but with skin not falsities, since they are still in some degree clothed.

[12] In Amos:

I have given to you emptiness of teeth in all your cities, and want of bread in all your places (Amos 4:6).

"Emptiness of teeth in the cities" stands for a scarcity of truth in doctrines, and "want of bread in all places" for scarcity of good from doctrines in the life.

[13] In Zechariah:

I will take away his bloods out of his mouth, and his abominations from between his teeth (Zechariah 9:7).

This is said of Tyre and Sidon, which signify the knowledges of truth and good, here these falsified; "bloods out of the mouth" signify the falsifications of the knowledges of truths; and "the abominations from between the teeth" signify the adulterations of the knowledges of good; the knowledges of good are also truths, for to know goods is from the understanding, and the understanding is of truth.

[14] In David:

The waters had overwhelmed us, the presumptuous waters had passed over our soul. Blessed be Jehovah, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth (Psalms 124:4-6).

The "waters that had overwhelmed" signify falsities that flow in, and as it were overwhelm man when he is in temptations; therefore it is said, "Blessed be Jehovah, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth," that is, to the hells that destroy truths by falsities, thus to destructive falsities.

[15] In Job:

I brake the jaw teeth of the wicked, and plucked the prey out of his teeth (Job 29:17).

This Job says of himself. "I brake the jaw teeth of the wicked" signifies that he fought against falsities and conquered them, "jaw teeth" signifying knowledges [scientifica] from the sense of the letter of the Word, adapted to confirm the falsities by which truths are destroyed; and "I plucked the prey out of his teeth" signifies that he delivered others from falsities by instructing them.

[16] Because the "teeth" signify falsities in things most external, "gnashing of teeth" signifies to fight with vehemence and anger from falsities against truths, in the following passages. In Job:

He teareth me in his wrath, and hateth me; mine enemy gnasheth upon me with his teeth, he sharpeneth his eyes against me (Job 16:9).

In David:

The halt whom I know not gather themselves together against me, they rend, nor are they silent. They gnash upon me with their teeth (Psalms 35:15, 16).

In the same:

The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth (Psalms 37:12).

In the same:

The wicked shall see and be provoked; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt 3 away (Psalms 112:10).

In Micah:

Against the prophets that lead the people astray, that bite with their teeth (Micah 3:5).

In Lamentations:

All thine enemies opened their mouth against thee, O daughter of Jerusalem, they hissed and gnashed the teeth (Lamentations 2:16).

In Mark:

One said to Jesus, I have brought unto thee my son, who hath an evil 4 spirit; and wheresoever it taketh him it teareth him; and he foameth and grindeth his teeth, and pineth away; and I spake to Thy disciples that they should cast it out, but they were not able. And Jesus said unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I command thee come out of him, and enter no more into him (Mark 9:17, 18, 25).

One who is ignorant of the spiritual sense of the Word might suppose that they are said "to gnash the teeth" merely because they were angry and intent on evil, since men then press the teeth together; but they are said "to gnash the teeth" because the endeavor to destroy and the act of destroying truths by means of falsities are meant by it; this is said in the Word because "teeth" signify falsities in things most external, and "gnashing" signifies vehemence in fighting for them; this effort and act are also from correspondence.

[17] Moreover, such was the deaf and dumb spirit that the Lord cast out; for all spirits are from the human race; this spirit was from that kind of men who had vehemently fought for falsities against truths; consequently the one obsessed by him "foamed and gnashed his teeth." He is called by the Lord "deaf and dumb" because he was unwilling to perceive and understand the truth, for such are signified by "the deaf and the dumb." And because this spirit was determined and obstinate against truths, and had confirmed himself in falsities, the disciples were not able to cast him out, for the falsities for which he had fought they were not yet able to dispel because they had not yet reached the proper state, and it was for this also that the disciples were rebuked by the Lord. That this spirit was such, and the one obsessed by him was not such, is signified by "the spirit tearing him," and the obsessed "pining away;" and the Lord's commanding the spirit "to enter no more into him."

[18] All this makes clear what is signified by:

Gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luke 13:28).

"Gnashing of teeth" in the hells means continual disputation and combat of falsities with each other and against truths, and thus of those who are in falsities, joined with contempt of others, enmity, jeering, derision, blaspheming, and these also burst forth into attempts to tear each other in pieces, for everyone fights for his own falsity from love of self, of learning, and of fame. These disputations and contests are heard outside of these hells as gnashings of teeth, and are also turned into gnashings of teeth when truths flow in thither out of heaven. (But more on this subject may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell 575.)

[19] Because with the evil the teeth correspond to the falsities they have in the ultimates of their intellectual life, which are called corporeal-sensual, therefore the spirits who are such appear deformed in the face, the greater part of which is made up of the teeth standing widely apart like gratings, and in a broad grin, and this because such gaping of teeth corresponds to the love and eagerness for fighting for falsities against truths.

[20] Because the teeth correspond to the ultimates of man's intellectual life, which are called sensual, and these when separated from the truths of the interior understanding, which are called spiritual, are in the falsities of evil, but the same when not separated correspond to the truths of good in the sensual, so "teeth" in the Word signify also ultimate truths (as in Job 19:19, 20; Amos 4:6, which may be seen explained above).

[21] And because the Lord glorified His entire Human, that is, made it Divine, therefore it is said of Him in Moses:

His eyes shall be red with wine, and His teeth white with milk (Genesis 49:12).

"Eyes red with wine" signifies that His intellectual was Divine truth from Divine good; and "teeth white with milk" signifies that His sensual was likewise Divine truth from Divine good; for "Shiloh" here (verse Genesis 49:10) means the Lord.

[22] Because "teeth" correspond to the ultimates of the intellectual life, which are called sensual, good spirits and angels have teeth the same as men, but with them the teeth correspond to truths in the ultimate sensual, for with them the sensual is not separated from the truths of the interior understanding which are called spiritual.

Notas a pie de página:

1. Latin has "remove," the Hebrew "tear out."

2. Latin has "maketh," the Hebrew "made," as also found in AE 403; AC 5113, 9052.

3. Latin has "melteth," Hebrew "shall melt."

4. Latin has "evil," Greek "mute," as in AE 815.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.