La Biblia


但以理書 11:25



25 他必奮勇向前,率領軍攻擊方王;方王也必以極極強的軍兵與他爭戰,卻站立不住,因為有人設計謀害方王。

La Biblia


但以理書 8:4



4 我見那公綿往西、往、往牴觸。獸在他面前都站立不住,也沒有能救護脫離他的;但他任意而行,自高自大。

La Biblia


Amos 2:15-16



15 neither shall he stand who handles the bow; and he who is swift of foot won't escape; neither shall he who rides the horse deliver himself;

16 and he who is courageous among the mighty will flee away naked on that day," says Yahweh.