Joel 1: Locust Invasion

Това е оригиналният текст на: Joel 1: Locust Invasion, от Todd Beiswenger


The prophet Joel scolds the Israelites after a devastating locust swarm destroys their crops and vegetation. What does this mean for us? Symbolically, locusts are the ways of the world that we allow to chew and destroy spiritual teachings, leaving us spiritually barren. Watch out for locusts!

Създаден или преведен от: Todd Beiswenger

Дата на създаване: 2014

Информация: Thanks to the Rev. Todd Beiswenger and the Hurstville New Church, NSW, Australia.

Авторско право: Copyright by the author

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Лиценз: Used with permission - вижте условията

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Joel 1: Locust Invasion. Retrieved from:
