З творів Сведенборга


True Christianity #1

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1. True Christianity

Containing a Comprehensive Theology of the New Heaven and the New Church

The Faith of the New Heaven and the New Church

THE faith of the new heaven and the new church is stated here in both universal and specific forms to serve as the face of the work that follows, the doorway that allows entry into the temple, and the summary that in one way or another contains all the details to follow. I say "the faith of the new heaven and the new church" because heaven, where there are angels, and the church, in which there are people, act together like the inner and the outer levels in a human being. People in the church who love what is good because they believe what is true and who believe what is true because they love what is good are angels of heaven with regard to the inner levels of their minds. After death they come into heaven, and enjoy happiness there according to the relationship between their love and their faith. It is important to know that the new heaven that the Lord is establishing today has this faith as its face, doorway, and summary.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.



Jeremiah 5:25



25 "Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withheld good from you.

З творів Сведенборга


True Christianity #446

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446. A Bond of Love That We Form with Others without Considering Their Spiritual Nature Is Damaging after Death

A "bond of love" is an inner friendship in which we love not only other people's outer selves but also their inner selves without investigating what their inner selves or spirits are like. We should investigate this to see whether the feelings in their minds relate to loving their neighbor and loving God and are therefore compatible with angels in heaven or whether they relate to forms of love that go against their neighbor and God and are therefore compatible with devils.

Many people form deep bonds of love like this, for a variety of reasons and purposes. This is different from friendship with someone's outer persona alone, which we develop for the sake of various physical and sensual pleasures and different types of social interaction. This second type of friendship can be formed with anyone, even with a jester who jokes around at a duke's table. I am calling this latter type of friendship simply "friendship" while the former type I am calling "a bond of love," because friendship is an earthly connection but love is a spiritual connection.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.