З творів Сведенборга


Apocalypse Explained #385

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385. With sword, signifies by falsity. This is evident from the signification of "sword," as being truth fighting against falsity and destroying it; and in a contrary sense falsity fighting against truth and destroying it (of which above, n. 131, 367).

/ 1232  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.



Psalms 37:21



21 The wicked borrow, and don't pay back, but the righteous give generously.

З творів Сведенборга


Apocalypse Explained #367

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367. And to him was given a great sword, signifies by means of falsities. This is evident from the signification of "sword" [machaera seu gladius], as being truth fighting against falsity; and in a contrary sense, falsity fighting against truth and the destruction of truth (See above, n. 131); here it means falsity fighting against truth and destroying it; for it is said just before "that they should slay one another," which signifies the falsification and extinction of truths. In the Word "sword," "short sword," and "long sword," are mentioned; and "sword" signifies spiritual combat in general; "short sword" the combat of truth from good or of falsity from evil; and "long sword" the combat of truth from doctrine against falsity, or of falsity from doctrine against truth; for a "short sword" is for the arm, and the "long sword" is said to go forth out of the mouth (as in Revelation 1:16; 2:12, 16; 19:15, 21).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.