

성경에서는 누가 구원받는다고 할까요?

За John Odhner (машинний переклад на 한국어)

Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, aerial view

사람들은 다른 사람에 대해 부정적인 판단을 내리는 일반적인 경향이 있습니다. 고등학교에서는 이러한 경향이 파벌에서 나타납니다. 인기 있는 몇몇 아이들이 한 그룹에 들어가면 점차 자신들이 더 좋아하기 때문에 다른 아이들보다 낫다고 생각하기 시작합니다. '끼지 못한' 아이들은 동정이나 경멸의 대상이 되거나 심지어 잔인한 농담의 대상이 될 수도 있습니다. 어떤 식으로든 파벌은 다른 사람들을 하위 계층의 인간으로 미묘한 판단을 내립니다.

다른 사람을 무시하는 경향은 다양한 종교에서도 동일하게 나타납니다. 일부 종교 집단은 자기중심적이어서 다른 신앙을 가진 사람은 천국에 갈 수 없다고 믿습니다. 극단적으로 말하자면, 이런 태도는 속물적인 10대 파벌보다 훨씬 더 잔인합니다.

성경의 가르침은 이와는 상당히 대조적입니다. 우선, 하나님의 말씀에 따르면 우리는 사람들을 "구원받은 사람" 또는 "죄인"으로 분류해서는 안 된다고 말합니다. 예수님은 말씀하셨습니다,

"너희가 정죄받지 않도록 판단하지 말라. 어찌하여 형제의 눈 속에 있는 티는 보고 네 눈 속에 있는 들보는 생각지 않느냐?"라고 말씀하셨습니다. (마태 복음 7:1, 3)

제자 야고보는 이렇게 말했습니다: "구원할 수도 있고 멸망시킬 수도 있는 한 분의 율법 제정자가 계십니다. 네가 어찌 다른 사람을 판단하겠느냐?" (야고보서 4:1)

주님이 지상에 계실 때 교회 지도자들 사이에는 판단하는 태도가 만연했습니다. 많은 사람들은 메시아가 오시면 유대인만 구원하고 다른 사람은 구원하지 않을 것이라고 생각했습니다. 예수님이 오셨을 때 그들은 유대인이 아닌 사람과 유대인 모두와 어울린다고 정죄했습니다.

예수님은 이런 태도를 경계하셨습니다. 한번은 예수님께서 자신은 구원받았고 다른 사람들은 구원받지 못했다고 "스스로 믿는" 사람들과 대화하고 계셨습니다. 예수님은 그들에게 두 가지 기도를 생각해 보라고 하셨습니다: "하나님, 제가 다른 사람과 같지 않음을 감사합니다."와 "하나님, 죄인인 저에게 자비를 베푸소서!"입니다. 예수님은 자신이 죄인이라고 생각한 사람을 칭찬하셨습니다. (누가 복음 18:9-14)

자신을 구원받았다고 생각하는 것보다 죄인이라고 생각하는 것이 더 낫습니다.

길가에서 부상당한 사람을 돕기 위해 멈춰 섰던 선한 사마리아인의 비유를 기억하실 것입니다. 이 사마리아인은 (유대인의 관점에서 볼 때) "잘못된" 신앙을 가지고 있었지만, 예수님은 그 사마리아인이 선한 사람이기 때문에 이웃으로서 사랑해야 한다고 말씀하셨습니다. 사실 예수님은 영생을 원하는 사람은 이 사마리아인과 같아야 한다고 말씀하셨습니다(누가 복음 10:29-37), 사마리아인은 기독교인도 유대인도 아니었음에도 불구하고 말입니다. 예수님은 어떤 교회에 속해 있는지가 아니라 그 사람의 마음속에 무엇이 있는지를 보셨고, 지금도 보고 계십니다.

성경은 천국에 갈지 말지를 결정하는 것은 단순히 무엇을 믿는지가 아니라 그 사람이 살아가는 방식이라고 분명히 말합니다. 예수님은 "나더러 '주여, 주여' 하는 자마다 천국에 다 들어갈 것이 아니요 다만 하늘에 계신 내 아버지의 뜻대로 행하는 자라야 들어가리라"고 말씀하셨습니다. (마태 복음 7:21)

다시 말하지만, "그는 각자에게 그의 행위대로 갚아 주실 것입니다." (마태 복음 16:27)

""선을 행한 자는 생명의 부활로, 악을 행한 자는 정죄의 부활로" 갈 것이라고 주님은 말씀하십니다. (요한 복음 5:29)

신앙뿐만 아니라 사람의 삶이 영원한 제비를 결정하기 때문에 예수님은 많은 기독교인이 악한 삶을 살았기 때문에 구원받지 못할 것이라고 예언하셨습니다.

"그 날에 많은 사람이 내게 이르되, '주님, 주님, 우리가 주의 이름으로 선지자 노릇하며 주의 이름으로 귀신을 쫓아내며 주의 이름으로 많은 권능을 행하지 아니하였나이까' 하리라. 그러면 나는 그들에게 '나는 너희를 알지 못하였으니 불법을 행하는 자들아, 내게서 떠나가라'고 선언할 것이다." (마태 복음 7:22-23, 누가 복음 13:25-27)

비기독교인이 구원받을 수 있는 한 가지 이유는 이웃을 사랑할 수 있기 때문입니다. 이웃을 진정으로 사랑하는 사람은 비록 깨닫지 못할지라도 그리스도도 사랑합니다. 예수님은 "너희가 여기 내 형제 중에 지극히 작은 자 하나에게 한 것이 곧 내게 한 것이니라"고 말씀하셨습니다. (마태 복음 25:40)

이웃에 대한 사랑이 없는 예수님에 대한 믿음은 무의미합니다.

"내가 모든 믿음이 있어 산을 옮길 수 있어도 사랑이 없으면 내가 아무 것도 아니요." (1 고린도전서 13:2)

반면에 진정한 사랑은 겉으로 고백하는 종교와 상관없이 마음속으로 주님을 알고 있다는 표시입니다.

"사랑은 모든 것을 믿는다." (1 고린도전서 13:7)

"선을 행하는 자는 하나님께 속한 자이지만 악을 행하는 자는 하나님을 보지 못했습니다." (3 요한 복음 1:11)

"사랑은 하나님께 속한 것이므로 사랑하는 사람은 누구나 하나님으로부터 나서 하나님을 알고 있습니다. 하나님은 사랑이시니 사랑 안에 거하는 사람은 하나님 안에 거하고 하나님도 그 안에 거하십니다." (1 요한 복음 4:7-11)


일부 기독교 교회에서는 이렇게 가르칩니다: 오직 기독교인만이 구원받는다.

성경이 실제로 말하는 것(그리고 새로운 기독교 교회가 가르치는 것)입니다: 모든 종교의 선한 사람들은 구원을 받습니다.

신그리스도교회의 가르침에서 인용한 몇 가지 참고 자료 : 천국과 지옥 318-328, 주님의 신성한 섭리 326

이 유용한 사이트의 저자 John Odhner의 허락을 받아 사용:

Відтворити відео
The "Big Spiritual Questions" videos are produced by the General Church of the New Jerusalem. Link:



요한복음 1:11



11 자기 땅에 오매 자기 백성이 영접지 아니하였으나



The Light of the Sun and the Moon

За Andy Dibb

It was prophesied that the Lord's coming into the world would change people's relationship to the Lord. Those who walked in darkness would see a great light: the light of truth.

"Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, as the light of seven days in the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people and heals the stroke of their wound." (Isaiah 30:26)

Picture yourself in a dark room. In the darkness you have to construct images of what you think the furniture looks like and what it is used for. You have to create a geography of the room, and yet, even so, the furnishings are not always where you expect them to be. You stumble through the room, bumping against tables, hitting your shins against low stools, stubbing your toes. The darkness hinders your awareness of the room, making it impossible to accurately judge its dimensions. It becomes a symbol of ignorance and pain.

Before the Lord came into the world the church was in a state just like this. It was in spiritual pitch darkness. The learned scholars of those times had to create images of doctrine for people to follow, but they were images based on appearances of truth, on guesses and estimates. Their teachings are like the descriptions of furniture given by a person in a totally dark room: a table can be described as to its basic shape, but the finish, the patina of the wood, the grain, the colour will all be missing. A very valuable table might be declared worthless, and a worthless table valuable.

In the book, the True Christian Religion, we are told how

"All churches which existed before the Lord's advent were representative churches" (The True Christian Religion 109).

The people of those times could only see Divine Truth in shadow (The True Christian Religion 109); consequently they misjudged, misunderstood and misrepresented the truth. The closer the time came for the Lord to be born on earth, the thicker the darkness became.

The sad thing about the church before the advent was that the darkness existed because that is what the people wanted. The Heavenly Doctrines tell us time and again how the people rejected the Word. They were repelled by the truth. In its place they chose to place their faith in their own traditions.

The Word is full of such incidents: the Israelites, newly liberated, cried out continually for the fleshpots of Egypt. No sooner had they conquered and settled Canaan than they fell from their covenant with the Lord and worshipped foreign gods. They repeatedly turned from the Lord's presence to practise their own ways of religion. And in the process their concept of truth steadily diminished until it was a mere shell.

There was no reason why this should have happened. Before the Lord came into the world, He communicated with the people. We read of how He spoke to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and the prophets. The Heavenly Doctrines tell us He could not speak directly to them, but He used an angel who was filled with His presence. When the angel spoke, the words that came out of his mouth were Divine Truth, put into images which the people could accept.

Like people in a dark room, for whom colour, patina and finish are unimportant, the children of Israel were only able to receive very gross images of the Lord. Their minds were so closed by the superficiality of their religion, that any deeper, more poignant picture of Him would have been profaned. Thus the Lord was portrayed to them in the way they understood best: as a Father who punishes naughty children and rewards good ones. Beyond that they were not interested, except perhaps to determine how naughty they could be without being punished.

The darkness not only affected their minds, but it caused them spiritual pain and harm as well. Just as we are prone to bump into furniture in a darkened room, so people in a religion devoid of truth will fall into states of spiritual hurt.

When the truth is interpreted to suit our own desires, it very quickly becomes falsity, and falsity breeds evils of life. For example, a person who is taught that he must have faith to be saved, and then interprets that to mean that one is only saved by his faith, soon falls into the habit of separating his daily life from his faith, and faith alone develops. He becomes prone to evil. The Doctrines strike the analogy between evil and pain, for they describe evil as a sore (Apocalypse Revealed 657).

The Lord did not make mankind to live in the vicious environment of darkness and pain. He created us to live lives of light and peace in an environment reflecting His love and His wisdom. To sustain the simple good of the Jewish church, He gave promises, prophecies, of His advent. The darkness would be expelled by light; the pain would be healed. On that day, as we read,

."..The light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, as the light of seven days in the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people and heals the stroke of their wound." (Isaiah 30:26)

The first Christmas began the fulfilment of this prophecy. The infant Lord, born amid the darkness in Bethlehem's stall, was a ray of light shining in the world, a light which would grow and develop during His years in this world, and then burst fully upon all mankind when at His resurrection He made His human Divine.

The world, lying in darkness had no inkling of the spiritual affairs taking place. Like all people who believe themselves to be right, even though they are completely wrong, the Jews looked for their interpretation of what the Messiah would be like. Seeing only the vague outlines of the teaching, they expected Him to be born, but because they were in such dense darkness, they did not recognise Him when He came.

Yet He came to bring light to mankind. As we read in John:

"He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him." (John 1:10)

Even though people did not know or recognise Him, the Lord brought light into the world. Suddenly all the things which had been hidden by the darkness for centuries were revealed. The church can be compared to a person sitting in a dark room which is suddenly flooded with light. The details of the furniture spring into view; he can see shape, colour, texture, and relative positions all at once. It is as if a whole new world has opened up. If we live in that light, we stop hurting ourselves by bumping into things; sores caused by colliding with furniture are able to heal, and we are made well.

Something very similar happened to the church. From the time He was very young, the Lord started to teach the truth, to challenge the traditional interpretations people had of the Word. He said over and over again: "You have heard it said, but I say to you." His truth opened up areas of understanding which had never been considered before: we should love our enemies; it is better to be humble than to be proud; forgiveness is better than revenge. He taught about concepts alien to the Jewish culture: about life after death; about the sanctity of marriage; of the need to pay attention to our inner spiritual development.

With each sentence He spoke, the Lord brought more light into the world. There were some, the scribes, the Pharisees and Sadducees, who preferred the darkness. They closed their eyes to His light. So we read in John:

"He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But, as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God..." (John 1:11-12)

His truth, however, brought light to many people, and the ability to see the truth, is what we wish for everyone.

As spiritual darkness inevitably creates falsity which leads to a life of evil, so the Lord's light creates faith, and faith, when acted on leads to good. The darkness of falsity is dispelled by the truths of faith. The brilliance of this new faith is compared to the light of the moon when it increases to rival the sun.

True faith, when brought into act, creates good and love. No more shall mankind be wounded by the evils of life, for these are brought about in darkness and ignorance. Instead, walking in the clear light of Divine truth, we know what is good, and how to do it. We can truly love the Lord and our neighbours, truly be cleansed and healed of our sins. The sun, therefore, increases in its power and intensity to give the light of seven days.

With the Lord's coming, a whole new relationship becomes possible between us and Him. The relationship only achieves reality. However, when we take up the teachings the Lord gave in the Word, when we learn them and apply them to our own lives, then our personal darkness in turn will disappear and the light of Divine Truth will flood our lives, transforming us into disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.