

Leviticus 18:27



27 (for all these abominations have the men of the land done, that were before you, and the land became defiled);

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Arcana Coelestia #9395

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/ 10837  

9395. 'And half of the blood he sprinkled over the altar' means Divine Truth from the Lord's Divine Human. This is clear from the meaning of 'the blood' as Divine Truth, dealt with just above in 9393; and from the meaning of 'the altar' as a representative of the Lord's Divine Human, dealt with in 921, 2777, 2811, 4489, consequently the chief representative of worship of the Lord, 4541, 8935, 8940. The reason why this 'half of the blood', which was sprinkled over the altar, means Divine Truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Human and the other 'half of the blood', which was sprinkled over the people, verse 8 below, means this Divine Truth when accepted by a member of the Church, is this: A covenant was being established, and by 'a covenant' is meant being joined together, 665, 666, 1023, 1038, 1864, 1996, 2003, 2021, 6804, 8767, 8778, and the Lord comes to be joined to a member of the Church when Divine Truth which emanates from the Lord is accepted by a person. From this it is evident why blood was used, and when sprinkled over the altar and over the people was called the blood of the covenant, verse 8.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Deuteronomy 9:11



11 It came to pass at the end of forty days and forty nights, that Yahweh gave me the two tables of stone, even the tables of the covenant.