

Sáng thế 41



1 Cách hai năm sau, Pha-ra-ôn nằm chiêm bao thấy mình đứng bên bờ sông.

2 Nầy đâu dưới sông đi lên bảy con mập và tốt, ăn cỏ trong bung.

3 ồi nầy, bảy con khác, xấu dạng, gầy guộc, ở dưới sông đi theo lên sau, đến đứng gần các con trước trên bờ sông.

4 Bảy con xấu dạng, gầy guộc nuốt Bảy con mập tốt. Pha-ra-ôn bèn thức giấc.

5 Vua nằm ngủ lại, chiêm bao lần thứ nhì, thấy bảy gié lúa chắc, tốt tươi, mọc chung trên một cộng rạ.

6 Kế đó, bảy gié lúa khác lép và bị gió đông thổi háp, mọc theo bảy gié lúa kia.

7 Bảy gié lúa lép nuốt Bảy gié lúa chắc. Pha-ra-ôn bèn thức giấc; và nầy, thành ra một điềm chiêm bao.

8 Sáng mai, tâm thần người bất định, truyền đòi các pháp-sư và các tay bác sĩ xứ Ê-díp-tô đến, thuật lại điềm chiêm bao mình cho họ nghe; nhưng chẳng có ai bàn được điềm chiêm bao đó cho vua hết.

9 Quan tửu chánh bèn tâu cùng Pha-ra-ôn rằng: Bây giờ, tôi nhớ đến lỗi của tôi.

10 Ngày trước, bệ hạ nổi giận cùng quần thần, có cầm ngục quan thượng thiện và tôi nơi dinh quan thị vệ.

11 Trong lúc đó, cùng một đêm kia, chúng tôi có thấy điềm chiêm bao, chiêm bao mỗi người đều có ý nghĩa riêng rõ ràng.

12 Tại đó, cùng chung ngục, có một người Hê-bơ-rơ, còn trẻ, kẻ gia-đinh của quan thị vệ; chúng tôi thuật lại cho chàng nghe điềm chiêm bao của mình; chàng bàn rõ ra cho ai mỗi chiêm bao nấy.

13 ồi ra, công việc xảy đến y như lời chàng bàn: bệ hạ phục chức tôi lại, và xử treo quan kia.

14 Pha-ra-ôn bèn sai đi đòi Giô-sép; họ lập tức tha người ra khỏi ngục, cạo mặt mày cho, biểu thay đổi áo xống, rồi vào chầu Pha-ra-ôn.

15 Pha-ra-ôn phán cùng Giô-sép rằng: Trẫm có thấy một điềm chiêm bao mà chẳng ai bàn ra. Vậy, trẫm nghe rằng khi người ta thuật điềm chiêm bao lại cho, thì ngươi bàn được.

16 Giô-sép tâu rằng: Ðó chẳng phải tôi, nhưng ấy là Ðức Chúa Trời đem sự bình an đáp cho bệ hạ vậy.

17 Pha-ra-ôn phán rằng: Nầy, trong điềm chiêm bao trẫm đương đứng bên bờ sông.

18 Nầy đâu bảy con mập và tốt dưới sông đi lên, đến ăn cỏ trong bưng.

19 ồi bảy con khác xấu dạng gầy guộc đi theo lên sau; thật trẫm chẳng thấy trong xứ Ê-díp-tô nầy có xấu dạng như vậy bao giờ.

20 Bảy con xấu dạng gầy guộc đó nuốt Bảy con mập tốt trước kia,

21 nuốt vào bụng, mà dường như không có nuốt, vì các con bò đó vẫn xấu dạng như xưa.

22 Trẫm bèn thức giấc; rồi lại thấy điềm chiêm bao khác, là bảy gié lúa chắc tốt tươi mọc chung trên một cộng rạ.

23 Kế đó, bảy gié lúa khác, khô, lép, bị gió đông thổi háp, mọc theo bảy gié lúa kia;

24 bảy gié lúa lép đó lại nuốt bảy gié lúa chắc. Trẫm đã thuật điềm chiêm bao nầy cho các pháp-sư, nhưng không ai giải nghĩa ra được.

25 Giô-sép tâu cùng Pha-ra-ôn rằng: Hai điềm chiêm bao của bệ hạ thấy đó đồng một nghĩa mà thôi; Ðức Chúa Trời mách cho bệ hạ biết trước những việc Ngài sẽ làm.

26 Bảy con mập tốt đó, tức là Bảy năm; Bảy gié lúa chắc đó cũng là Bảy năm. Ấy chỉ đồng một điềm chiêm bao vậy.

27 Bảy con xấu dạng gầy guộc lên theo sau Bảy con kia, tức là Bảy năm; và Bảy gié lúa lép bị gió đông thổi háp đó, tức là Bảy năm đói kém.

28 Ấy là điều tôi đã tâu cùng bệ hạ rồi: Ðức Chúa Trời có cho bệ hạ thấy những việc Ngài sẽ làm.

29 Nầy, trong khắp xứ Ê-díp-tô sẽ có bảy năm được mùa dư dật.

30 Nhưng bảy năm đó lại liền tiếp bảy năm đói kém; dân bổn xứ đều sẽ quên sự dư dật đó, và ách đói kém sẽ làm cho toàn xứ hao mòn.

31 Và vì sự đói kém liên tiếp nầy lớn quá, nên thiên hạ chẳng còn thấy chi về sự dư dật đó nữa.

32 Nếu điềm chiêm bao đến hai lần cho bệ hạ, ấy bởi Ðức Chúa Trời đã quyết định điều đó rồi, và Ngài mau mau lo làm cho thành vậy.

33 Bây giờ bệ hạ khá chọn một người thông minh trí-huệ, lập người lên làm đầu trong xứ Ê-díp-tô,

34 cùng lập các ủy viên trong xứ, để góp một phần năm của số thâu vào trong bảy năm được mùa dư dật đó.

35 Họ hãy thâu góp hết thảy mùa màng trong bảy năm được mùa dư dật sẽ đến sau nầy, cùng thâu thập lúa mì sẵn dành cho Pha-ra-ôn, dùng làm lương để dành trong các thành, và họ hãy giữ gìn lấy.

36 Các lương thực nầy phải để dành cho bảy năm đói kém sẽ đến trong xứ Ê-díp-tô, hầu cho xứ nầy khỏi bị diệt bởi sự đói kém đó.

37 Các lời nầy đẹp ý Pha-ra-ôn và quần thần.

38 Pha-ra-ôn phán cùng quần thần rằng: Chúng ta há dễ tìm một người như người nầy, có thần minh của Ðức Chúa Trời được sao?

39 Pha-ra-ôn phán cùng Giô-sép rằng: Vì Ðức Chúa Trời xui cho ngươi biết mọi việc nầy, thì chẳng còn ai được thông minh trí-huệ như ngươi nữa.

40 Vậy, ngươi sẽ lên cai trị nhà trẫm; hết thảy dân sự của trẫm đều sẽ vâng lời ngươi. Trẫm lớn hơn ngươi chỉ vì ngự ngôi vua mà thôi.

41 Pha-ra-ôn lại phán cùng Giô-sép rằng: Hãy xem! trẫm lập ngươi cầm quyền trên cả xứ Ê-díp-tô.

42 Vua liền cổi chiếc nhẫn trong tay mình, đeo vào tay Giô-sép, truyền mặc áo vải gai mịn, và đeo vòng vàng vào cổ người;

43 rồi, truyền cho lên ngồi sau xe vua, có người đi trước hô rằng: Hãy quì xuống! Ấy, Giô-sép được lập lên cầm quyền cả xứ Ê-díp-tô là vậy.

44 Pha-ra-ôn phán cùng Giô-sép: Ta là Pha-ra-ôn, nhưng nếu chẳng có ngươi, thì trong cả xứ Ê-díp-tô không có ai giơ tay đưa chơn lên được.

45 Pha-ra-ôn đặt tên Giô-sép là Xa-phơ-nát-Pha-nê-ách, đưa nàng Ách-nát, con gái Phô-ti-phê-ra, thầy cả thành Ôn, cho người làm vợ. Người thường tuần hành trong xứ Ê-díp-tô.

46 Vả, khi Giô-sép ra mắt Pha-ra-ôn, vua Ê-díp-tô, thì người đã ba mươi tuổi. Vậy, người từ tạ Pha-ra-ôn mà đi tuần khắp xứ Ê-díp-tô.

47 Trong bảy năm được mùa dư dật, đất sanh sản ra đầy dẫy.

48 Giô-sép bèn thâu góp hết thảy lương thực của bảy năm đó trong xứ Ê-díp-tô, và chứa lương thực nầy khắp các thành; trong mỗi thành, đều dành chứa hoa lợi của các ruộng ở chung quanh thành đó.

49 Vậy, Giô-sép thâu góp lúa mì rất nhiều, như cát nơi bờ biển, cho đến đỗi người ta đếm không được, vì đầy dẫy vô số.

50 Trước khi đến năm đói kém, thì Ách-nát, con gái Phô-ti-phê-ra, thầy cả thành Ôn, sanh cho Giô-sép hai con trai.

51 Giô-sép đặt tên đứa đầu lòng là Ma-na-se, vì nói rằng: Ðức Chúa Trời đã làm cho ta quên điều cực nhọc, và cả nhà cha ta.

52 Người đặt tên đứa thứ nhì là Ép-ra-im, vì nói rằng: Ðức Chúa Trời làm cho ta được hưng vượng trong xứ mà ta bị khốn khổ.

53 Bảy năm được mùa dư dật trong xứ Ê-díp-tô bèn qua,

54 thì bảy năm đói kém khởi đến, y như lời Giô-sép đã bàn trước. Khắp các xứ khác cũng đều bị đói, nhưng trong cả xứ Ê-díp-tô lại có bánh.

55 Ðoạn, cả xứ Ê-díp-tô đều bị đói, dân chúng đến kêu cầu Pha-ra-ôn xin lương. Pha-ra-ôn phán cùng bổn dân rằng: Hãy đi đến Giô-sép, rồi làm theo lời người sẽ chỉ bảo cho.

56 Khi khắp xứ bị đói kém, thì Giô-sép mở mọi kho lúa mà bán cho dân Ê-díp-tô.

57 Xứ càng đói nhiều nữa; vả, vì khắp thế gian đều bị đói quá, nên đâu đâu cũng đổ đến Ê-díp-tô mùa lúa nơi Giô-sép bán.


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Arcana Coelestia #5236

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5236. And there was with us there a Hebrew boy. That this signifies that because of temptation the guiltlessness of the church was rejected thither, is evident from the signification of a “boy,” as being what is guiltless (of which in what follows); and from the signification of “Hebrew,” as being one who is of the church (see n. 5136), thus that which is of the church. Its being rejected thither because of temptation, is signified by his being there, namely, in custody, for by the “custody” into which Joseph was put is signified a state of temptation (see n. 5036, 5037, 5039, 5044, 5045); which state has been treated of in chapters 39 and 40.

[2] The reason why a “boy” denotes guiltlessness, is that in the internal sense a “little child” denotes what is innocent; for in the Word we read of “sucklings,” “little children,” and “boys” (or “children”); and by them are signified three degrees of innocence, the first degree by a “suckling,” the second by a “little child,” and the third by a “child.” But as with the “child” innocence begins to be put off, therefore by him is signified that degree of innocence called “guiltlessness.” As by these three are signified three degrees of innocence, three degrees of love and charity are also signified by the same, for the reason that celestial and spiritual love, that is, love to the Lord and charity toward the neighbor, cannot exist except in innocence. But be it known that the innocence of sucklings, little children, and children is only external; and that internal innocence is not possible in man till after he has been born anew, that is, becomes again as it were a suckling, a little child, and a child. It is these states that are signified in the Word by these three; for in the internal sense of the Word nothing but what is spiritual is understood; consequently none but spiritual birth, which is called rebirth and also regeneration.

[3] That the innocent quality which is called “guiltlessness” is signified by a “boy” or “child,” is evident in Luke:

Jesus said, Whosoever receiveth not the kingdom of God as a child shall not enter therein (Luke 18:17);

“to receive the kingdom of God as a child” is to receive charity and faith from innocence.

In Mark:

Jesus took a child and set him in the midst of them; and when He had taken him in His arms He said to them, Whosoever shall receive one of such children in My name, receiveth Me (Mark 9:36-37; Luke 9:47-48);

by a “child” here is represented innocence; and one who receives this, receives the Lord, because He is the source of all innocence. Everyone can see that “to receive a child in the Lord’s name” is not literally to receive a child, thus that something heavenly must be represented thereby.

[4] In Matthew:

The children cried in the temple, Hosanna to the son of David. The priests were indignant; and therefore Jesus saith to them, Did ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected praise? (Matthew 21:15-16; Psalms 8:2).

The children’s crying “Hosanna to the son of David” was to represent that only innocence acknowledges and receives the Lord, that is, they in whom there is innocence. By “out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected praise” is signified that praise can come to the Lord by no other way than through innocence; for by this alone is effected all communication and all influx, and consequently access. It is for this reason that the Lord says:

Unless ye be converted, and become as children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of the heavens (Matthew 18:3).

[5] In the following passages also by a “boy” or “child” is signified innocence.

In Zechariah:

The streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof (Zech. 8:5);

speaking of the new Jerusalem, or the Lord’s kingdom.

In David:

Praise Jehovah, young men and maidens, old men with children (Psalms 148:12).


Jehovah reneweth thy life from the pit, He sateth thy mouth with good, so that thou renewest thy childhood like the eagle (Psalms 103:4-5).

In Joel:

They have cast a lot upon My people; because they have given a boy for a harlot, and sold a girl for wine that they have drunk (Joel 3:3).

In Jeremiah:

Through thee will I scatter man and woman, and through thee will I scatter the old man and the child, and through thee will I scatter the young man and the maid (Jeremiah 51:22).

In Isaiah:

Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, God, Hero, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia #5044

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5044. And the prince of the prison house. That this signifies truth governing in a state of temptations, is evident from the signification of a “prince,” as being primary truth, thus the governing truth, of which presently; and from the signification of a “prison house” as being the vastation of falsity, and consequently temptation (of which above, n. 5038, 5039, 5043). What is meant by truth governing in a state of temptations must first be told. With all who are in temptations there flows in truth from the Lord, which rules and governs the thoughts and raises up the sufferers whenever they fall into doubts and even into despair. This governing truth is that truth and such truth as they have learned from the Word or from doctrine, and have confirmed in themselves. Other truths are indeed at such times also called to mind, but they do not govern the interiors. Sometimes the truth which governs is not presented visibly before the understanding, but lies hid in obscurity, yet it still governs; for the Divine of the Lord flows into it, and thus keeps the interiors of the mind in it, and therefore when it comes into light, the person who is in temptation receives consolation and is relieved.

[2] It is not this truth itself, but the affection of it, by which the Lord governs those who are in temptations; for the Divine flows only into those things which are of the affection. The truth which is implanted and rooted in a man’s interiors is implanted and rooted by affection, and not at all without affection; and the truth which has been implanted and rooted by affection, clings there, and is recalled by affection; and when this truth is so recalled, it presents the affection that is conjoined with it, which is the man’s reciprocal affection. As such is the case with the man who is in temptations, therefore no one is admitted into any spiritual temptation until he reaches adult age, and has thus become imbued with some truth by which he can be governed; otherwise he sinks under the temptation, and then his latter state is worse than the first. From these things it may be seen what is meant by truth governing in a state of temptations, which is signified by the “prince of the prison house.”

[3] That a “prince” denotes primary truth, is because a “king” in the internal sense signifies truth itself (see n. 1672, 1728, 2015, 2069, 3009, 3670, 4575, 4581, 4789, 4966); hence “princes,” because they are the sons of a king, signify the primary things of that truth. That “princes” have this signification may be seen above in n. 1482089, but as this was not there proved from many other passages in the Word, some may be cited here.

In Isaiah:

Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the principality shall be upon His shoulder-the Prince of peace. Of the multiplying of His principality and peace there shall be no end (Isaiah 9:6-7);

which is said of the Lord. The “principality upon the shoulder” is all Divine truth in the heavens from Him; for the heavens are distinguished into principalities according to truths from good, whence also the angels are called “principalities.” Peace is a state of blessedness in the heavens, affecting with good and truth from the inmosts (n. 3780); hence the Lord is called the “Prince of peace,” and it is said that “of the multiplying of His principality and peace there shall be no end.”

[4] Again in the same prophet:

The princes of Zoan are foolish, the wise, the counselors of Pharaoh. How say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of the kings of antiquity? The princes of Zoan are become fools, the princes of Noph are deceived; and they have seduced Egypt, the corner stone of the tribes (Isaiah 19:11, 13);

treating of Egypt, by which is signified the memory-knowledge of the church (n. 4749), thus natural truth, which is the ultimate of order; wherefore also Egypt is here called the “corner stone of the tribes,” for the “tribes” are all things of truth in one complex (n. 3858, 3862, 3926, 3939, 4060). But in this passage “Egypt” is the memory-knowledge which perverts the truths of the church, thus truths in the ultimate of order falsified, which are the “princes of Zoan” and the “princes of Noph.” He calls himself the “son of the kings of antiquity,” because the memory-knowledges in Egypt were from the truths of the Ancient Church. The truths themselves are signified by “kings,” as was shown above, and the truths of the Ancient Church are signified by the “kings of antiquity.”

[5] Again:

Asshur thinketh not right, and his heart doth not meditate right; for his heart is to destroy, and to cut off nations not a few. For he saith, Are not my princes kings? (Isaiah 10:7-8

“Asshur” denotes reasoning about Divine truths, from which come falsities, thus perverse reasoning (n. 1186). The truths thus falsified, or falsities, which are produced by reasoning and which appear as the veriest truths, are signified by his saying, “Are not my princes kings?” That “Asshur” is reasoning, and that his “princes who are kings” are primary falsities which are believed to be the veriest truths, cannot be seen and thence believed so long as the mind is kept in the historic sense of the letter, and still less if it is in the negative as to there being anything more holy and more universal in the Divine Word than what appears in the letter; and yet in the internal sense by “Asshur” nothing else than reason and reasoning is understood in the Word, and by “kings” truths themselves, and by “princes” the primary things of truth. Nothing is known in heaven of Asshur, and the angels also reject from themselves the idea of a king and a prince; and when they perceive it in man, they transfer it to the Lord, and perceive that which proceeds from the Lord and is the Lord’s in heaven, namely, the Divine truth from His Divine good.

[6] Again:

Asshur shall fall with the sword, not of a man; and the sword, not of a man, shall devour him; his rock shall also pass away by reason of dread, but his princes shall be dismayed by the ensign (Isaiah 31:8-9);

also said of Egypt, which is the memory-knowledge of the church perverted. Reasoning from memory-knowledges about Divine truths, from which come perversion and falsification, is “Asshur,” these truths perverted and falsified are the “princes,” the “sword with which Asshur shall fall” is falsity battling with and vastating truth (n. 2799, 4499). Again:

The strength of Pharaoh shall become to you for a shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt for a reproach, when his princes shall be in Zoan (Isaiah 30:3-4

the “princes in Zoan” denote truths falsified, thus falsities, as above.

[7] Again:

The pelican and the bittern shall possess it; and the owl and the raven shall dwell therein; he shall stretch over it the line of emptiness, and the plummet of a waste. The nobles thereof are not there, they shall call a kingdom, and all her princes shall be nothing (Isaiah 34:11-12).

The “pelican,” the “bittern,” the “owl,” and the “raven,” denote the different kinds of falsity which come into existence when the Divine truths that are in the Word become of no account. The desolation and vastation of truth are signified by the “line of emptiness, and the plummet of a waste;” and the falsities, which to them are primary truths, are signified by “princes.” Again:

I will render profane the princes of holiness, and I will give Jacob for a curse, and Israel for reproaches (Isaiah 43:28);

“to profane the princes of holiness” denotes to profane holy truths; the extirpation of the truth of the external and the internal church is signified by “giving Jacob for a curse, and Israel for reproaches”; that “Jacob” is the external church, and “Israel” the internal, may be seen above (n. 4286).

[8] In Jeremiah:

There shall enter in by the gates of this city kings and princes sitting upon the throne of David, riding in chariot and on horses, they and their princes (Jeremiah 17:25);

one who here understands the Word in the historic sense, cannot be aware that the words store within them anything more deep and holy than that kings and princes would enter in by the gates of the city in chariots and on horses, and he gathers from it that the duration of the kingdom is referred to; but he who knows what a “city,” “kings,” “princes,” the “throne of David,” and “riding in chariot and on horses” signify in the internal sense, sees there things more deep and holy; for the “city” or Jerusalem signifies the spiritual kingdom of the the Lord, (n. 2117, 3654); “kings” signify Divine truths (as shown above); “princes,” the primary things of truth; the “throne of David,” the heaven of the the Lord, (n. 1888); “riding in chariot and on horses,” the spiritual understanding of the church (n. 2760, 2761, 3217).

[9] Again:

O sword against the Chaldeans, and against the inhabitants of Babylon, and against her princes and against her wise men. O sword against the liars. O sword against her horses and against her chariots (Jeremiah 50:35-37);

a “sword” denotes truth fighting against falsity, and falsity fighting against truth and vastating it (n. 2799, 4499); the “Chaldeans” denote those who profane truths; and the “inhabitants of Babylon,” those who profane good (n. 1182, 1283, 1295, 1304, 1307, 1308, 1321, 1322, 1326, 1327 at the end); “princes” denote the falsities which to such are primary truths; “horses,” the intellectual of the church, and “chariots,” its doctrine, the vastation of which is signified by a “sword against the horses and against the chariots.”

[10] Again:

How doth the Lord in His anger cloud over the daughter of Zion! The Lord hath swallowed up, He hath not spared, all the habitations of Jacob; He hath destroyed in His wrath the stronghold of the daughter of Judah; He hath cast them forth to the earth; He hath profaned the kingdom and the princes thereof; the gates have sunk into the earth, and He hath broken the bars in pieces; the king and the princes are among the nations (Lam. 2:1-2, 9).

The “daughter of Zion and of Judah” denotes the celestial church, here this church destroyed; the “kingdom,” the truths of doctrine therein (n. 2547, 4691); the “king,” the truth itself, and the “princes,” its primaries.

[11] Again:

Our skins have been blackened like an oven, because of the storms of famine. They ravished the women in Zion, the virgins in the cities of Judah, the princes were hanged up by their hand (Lam. 5:10-12);

“the princes being hanged up by their hand” denotes that truths are profaned, for hanging represented the damnation of profanation; and because of this representation, it was also commanded when the people committed whoredom after Baalpeor and worshiped their gods, that the princes should be hanged up before the sun (Numbers 25:1-4); for to commit whoredom after Baalpeor, and to worship their gods, was to profane worship.

In Ezekiel:

The king shall mourn, and the prince shall be clothed with astonishment, and the hands of the people of the land shall be terrified; I will deal with them after their way (Ezekiel 7:27); where the “king” in like manner denotes truth in general, and the “prince,” its primaries.

[12] Again:

The prince that is in the midst of them shall be borne upon the shoulder in the dark, and shall go forth; they shall dig through the wall to bring out through it; he will veil over his faces that he see not the earth at his eye (Ezekiel 12:12).

That a “prince” here does not mean a prince, but the truth of the church, is very manifest; and when it is said of this that it shall be “borne on the shoulder in the dark,” it means that with all their might it should be conveyed down among falsities, for “darkness” is falsities; “to veil over the faces” denotes that truth should not be seen at all; his “not seeing the earth at his eye,” means that nothing of the church would be seen. (That the “earth” is the church may be seen above, n. 662, 1066, 1068, 1262, 1413, 1607, 1733, 1850, 2117, 2118 at the end, 2928, 3355, 4447, 4535.) In Hosea:

The sons of Israel shall sit many days, there is no king, and no prince, and no sacrifice, and no pillar, and no ephod, and no teraphim (Hos. 3:4).

[13] And in David:

The king’s daughter is all glorious within; and of inweavings of gold is her garment, in needlework shall she be brought to the king; instead of thy fathers shall be thy sons, thou shalt set them for princes in the whole earth (Psalms 45:13-16).

The “king’s daughter” is the Lord’s spiritual kingdom, which is called His spiritual kingdom from the Lord’s Divine truth, here described by her garment of inweavings of gold and of needlework; “sons” are the truths of that kingdom which are from the Lord’s Divine, which must be “princes,” that is, primary truths. The “prince” who together with his possessions in the New Jerusalem and in the new earth is described in Ezekiel (44:3; 45:7-8, 17; 46:8, 10, 12, 16, 18; 48:21) signifies in general the truth which is from the Lord’s Divine; for by the “New Jerusalem,” the “new temple,” and the “new earth” there, is meant the Lord’s kingdom in heaven and on earth, which is there described by representatives such as are found in other parts of the Word.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.