

Mateo 4



1 Entonces Jesús fue llevado por el Espíritu al desierto, para ser tentado por el diablo.

2 Y habiendo ayunado cuarenta días y cuarenta noches, después tuvo hambre.

3 Y llegándose a él el tentador, dijo: Si eres Hijo de Dios, di que estas piedras se conviertan en pan.

4 Mas él respondiendo, dijo: Escrito está: No con sólo el pan vivirá el hombre, mas con toda palabra que sale por la boca de Dios.

5 Entonces el diablo le pasa a la Santa ciudad, y lo pone sobre las almenas del Templo,

6 Y le dice: Si eres Hijo de Dios, échate abajo; que escrito está: A sus ángeles mandará por ti, y te alzarán en las manos, para que nunca tropieces con tu pie en piedra.

7 Jesús le dijo: Escrito está además: No tentarás al Señor tu Dios.

8 Otra vez le pasó el diablo a un monte muy alto, y le muestra todos los reinos del mundo, y su gloria,

9 Y le dice: Todo esto te daré, si postrado me adorares.

10 Entonces Jesús le dice: Vete, Satanás, que escrito está: Al Señor tu Dios adorarás y a él solo servirás.

11 El diablo entonces le dejó: y he aquí los ángeles llegaron y le servían.

12 Mas oyendo Jesús que Juan estaba preso, se volvió a Galilea;

13 y dejando a Nazaret, vino y habitó en Capernaum, ciudad marítima, en los confines de Zabulón y de Neftalí:

14 Para que se cumpliese lo que fue dicho por el profeta Isaías, que dijo:

15 La tierra de Zabulón, y la tierra de Neftalí, camino del mar, al otro lado del Jordán, Galilea de los gentiles;

16 el pueblo asentado en tinieblas, vio gran luz; y a los asentados en región de sombra de muerte, luz les esclareció.

17 Desde entonces comenzó Jesús a predicar, y a decir: Arrepentíos, que el Reino de los cielos se ha acercado.

18 Y andando Jesús junto al mar de Galilea, vio a dos hermanos, Simón, que es llamado Pedro, y Andrés su hermano, que echaban la red en el mar; porque eran pescadores.

19 Y les dice: Venid en pos de mí, y os haré pescadores de hombres.

20 Ellos entonces, dejando luego las redes, le siguieron.

21 Y pasando de allí vio otros dos hermanos, Jacobo, hijo de Zebedeo, y Juan su hermano, en el barco con Zebedeo, su padre, que remendaban sus redes; y los llamó.

22 Y ellos, dejando luego el barco y a su padre, le siguieron.

23 Y rodeó Jesús toda Galilea, enseñando en las sinagogas de ellos, y predicando el Evangelio del Reino, y sanando toda enfermedad y toda flaqueza en el pueblo.

24 Y corría su fama por toda Siria; y le traían todos los que tenían mal; los tomados de diversas enfermedades y tormentos, y los endemoniados, y lunáticos, y paralíticos, y los sanaba.

25 Y le siguió gran multitud de Galilea y de Decápolis y de Jerusalén y de Judea y del otro lado del Jordán.




201 - Pestilence

За Jonathan S. Rose

Title: Pestilence

Topic: Salvation

Summary: We ponder spiritual pestilence and the healing the Lord offers.

Use the reference links below to follow along in the Bible as you watch.

Exodus 5:3; 9:13-16
Leviticus 26:23-26
Numbers 14:12
Deuteronomy 28:15, 21
1 Kings 8:37-39
1 Chronicles 21:12-13
2 Chronicles 7:12-16; 20:9
Psalms 78:43, 52
Jeremiah 14:10-12; 44:13-14
Ezekiel 5:12; 6:11-12; 7:15; 14:13, 19, 21; 28:22; 33:27; 38:22, Ezekiel 38:33
Amos 4:10
Matthew 24:7
Acts of the Apostles 24
Revelation 15:6; 16:10-11
1 John 4:8, 16
Lamentations 3:31
Psalms 103
Matthew 4:23; 12; 14; 15:29-31; 19:2
Luke 6:17-18; 9:11

Відтворити відео
Spirit and Life Bible Study broadcast from 10/29/2014. The complete series is available at: www.spiritandlifebiblestudy.com



Matthew 14



1 At that time, Herod the tetrarch heard the report concerning Jesus,

2 and said to his servants, "This is John the Baptizer. He is risen from the dead. That is why these powers work in him."

3 For Herod had laid hold of John, and bound him, and put him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife.

4 For John said to him, "It is not lawful for you to have her."

5 When he would have put him to death, he feared the multitude, because they counted him as a prophet.

6 But when Herod's birthday came, the daughter of Herodias danced among them and pleased Herod.

7 Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatever she should ask.

8 She, being prompted by her mother, said, "Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptizer."

9 The king was grieved, but for the sake of his oaths, and of those who sat at the table with him, he commanded it to be given,

10 and he sent and beheaded John in the prison.

11 His head was brought on a platter, and given to the young lady: and she brought it to her mother.

12 His disciples came, and took the body, and buried it; and they went and told Jesus.

13 Now when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from there in a boat, to a deserted place apart. When the multitudes heard it, they followed him on foot from the cities.

14 Jesus went out, and he saw a great multitude. He had compassion on them, and healed their sick.

15 When evening had come, his disciples came to him, saying, "This place is deserted, and the hour is already late. Send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves food."

16 But Jesus said to them, "They don't need to go away. You give them something to eat."

17 They told him, "We only have here five loaves and two fish."

18 He said, "Bring them here to me."

19 He commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass; and he took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, broke and gave the loaves to the disciples, and the disciples gave to the multitudes.

20 They all ate, and were filled. They took up twelve baskets full of that which remained left over from the broken pieces.

21 Those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children.

22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat, and to go ahead of him to the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.

23 After he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into the mountain by himself to pray. When evening had come, he was there alone.

24 But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, distressed by the waves, for the wind was contrary.

25 In the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came to them, walking on the sea.

26 When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, "It's a ghost!" and they cried out for fear.

27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying "Cheer up! It is I! Don't be afraid."

28 Peter answered him and said, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the waters."

29 He said, "Come!" Peter stepped down from the boat, and walked on the waters to Come to Jesus.

30 But when he saw that the wind was strong, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!"

31 Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand, took hold of him, and said to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?"

32 When they got up into the boat, the wind ceased.

33 Those who were in the boat came and worshiped him, saying, "You are truly the Son of God!"

34 When they had crossed over, they came to the land of Gennesaret.

35 When the people of that place recognized him, they sent into all that surrounding region, and brought to him all who were sick,

36 and they begged him that they might just touch the fringe of his garment. As many as touched it were made whole.