

Бытие 41



1 По прошествіи двухъ лјтъ случилось, что Фараонъ видјлъ во снј, будто онъ стоялъ у рјки.

2 И вотъ, выходятъ изъ рјки семь коровъ хорошихъ видомъ, и тучныхъ плотію,

3 и пасутся на травј рјчной. Но вотъ, послј нихъ выходятъ изъ рјки семь коровъ другихъ, худыхъ видомъ, и тощихъ плотію; и стали подлј тјхъ коровъ, на берегу рјки.

4 И съјли коровы худые видомъ и тощія плотію семь коровъ хорошихъ видомъ и тучныхъ. Тутъ Фараонъ проснулся.

5 Заснулъ опять, и въ другой разъ видјлось ему во снј, будто изъ одного стебля вышло семь колосьевъ тучныхъ и хорошихъ.

6 Но вотъ, послј нихъ выросло семь колосьевъ тощихъ и обожженныхъ вјтромъ.

7 Наконецъ тощіе колосья пожрали семь колосьевъ тучныхъ и полныхъ. Фараонъ проснулся и видитъ, что это сонъ.

8 По утру, въ смущеніи духа, послалъ онъ, и призвалъ всјхъ Египетскихъ толкователей тайнъ, и всјхъ тамошнихъ мудрецовъ, и разсказалъ имъ Фараонъ сны свои; но никто не истолковалъ ихъ Фараону.

9 Тогда главный виночерпій сталъ говорить Фараону, и сказалъ: грјхъ мой воспоминаю я нынј.

10 Фараонъ прогнјвался на рабовъ своихъ, и отдалъ меня и главнаго хлјбодара подъ стражу, въ домъ начальника тјлохранителей.

11 Тамъ видјлись намъ сны въ одну ночь, каждому видјлся сонъ особеннаго значенія,

12 Тамъ же былъ съ нами молодой Еврей, рабъ начальника тјлохранителей. Мы разсказали ему сны наши, и онъ истолковалъ намъ, истолковалъ каждому, соотвјтственно съ его сновидјніемъ.

13 И какъ онъ истолковалъ намъ, такъ и случилось: я поставленъ на прежнее мјсто; а тотъ повјшенъ.

14 Фараонъ послалъ призвать Іосифа; н тотчасъ взяли его изъ темницы. Онъ остригся, и перемјнилъ одежду свою, и пришелъ къ Фараону.

15 Фараонъ сказалъ Іосифу: мнј видјлся сонъ, и нјтъ никого, кто бъ истолковалъ его; а о тебј я слышалъ, что ты, выслушавъ сонъ, можешь истолковать его.

16 Іосифъ сказалъ въ отвјтъ Фараону: это не мое, Богъ дастъ отвјтъ во благо Фараону.

17 И сказалъ Фараонъ Іосифу: мнј видјлосъ во снј, будто я стоялъ на берегу рјки.

18 И вотъ, выходягъ изъ рјки семь коровъ тучныхъ плотію, и хорошихъ видомъ, и пасутся на травј рјчной.

19 Но вотъ, послј нихъ выходятъ семь коровъ другихъ, очень худыхъ видомъ и тощихъ плотію; я не видывалъ во всей землј Египетской такихъ худыхъ, какъ онј.

20 И съјли тощія и худыя коровы семь прежнихъ коровъ тучныхъ.

21 И вошли въ утробу ихъ, но непримјтно было, что онј вошли въ утробу ихъ. Онј были также худы видомъ, какъ и съ начала. Тутъ я проснулся.

22 Потомъ видјлось мнј въ сновидјніи моемъ, будто изъ одного стебля вышло семь колосьевъ полныхъ и хорошихъ.

23 Но вотъ, послј нихъ выросло семь колосьевъ тонкихъ, тощихъ и обожженныхъ вјтромъ.

24 И сіи колосья тощіе пожрали семь колосьевъ хорошихъ. Я разсказалъ это толкователямъ тайнъ; но никто не истолковалъ мнј.

25 И сказалъ Іосифъ Фараону: сонъ Фараоновъ одинъ. Богъ показалъ Фараону, что хочетъ творить.

26 Семь коровъ хорошихъ значатъ Семь лјтъ; и Семь колосьевъ хорошихъ значатъ Семь лјтъ: это одинъ сонъ.

27 И семь коровъ тощихъ и худыхъ, вышедшихъ послј тјхъ, значатъ семь лјтъ, также и семь колосьевъ тощихъ и обожженныхъ вјтромъ. Будетъ семь лјтъ голода.

28 Вотъ къ чему сказалъ я Фараону, что Богъ показалъ Фараону, что Онъ хочетъ творить.

29 Вотъ приходятъ семь лјтъ, въ которыя будетъ великое плодородіе во всей землј Египетской.

30 Послј нихъ настанутъ семь лјтъ голода: и забудется все оное изобиліе въ землј Египетской; и истощитъ голодъ землю.

31 Такъ что прежнее изобиліе и непримјтно будетъ на землј, по причинј голода сего, который наступитъ потомъ; ибо онъ будетъ очень великъ.

32 Что же сонъ повторился Фараону дважды, - это значитъ, что сіе рјшено Богомъ, и что вскорј Богъ исполнитъ сіе,

33 Итакъ да усмотритъ Фараонъ мужа разумнаго и мудраго, и да поставитъ его надъ землею Египетскою.

34 Да повелитъ Фараонъ поставить надъ землею надзирателей, и собирать въ семь лјтъ изобилія пятую часть всјхъ произведеній земли Египетской.

35 Пусть они берутъ всякій хлјбъ наступающихъ хорошихъ годовъ, и соберутъ хлјбъ подъ вјденіе Фараона, въ пищу по городамъ, и пусть берегутъ.

36 И будетъ сія пища въ запасъ для земли на семь лјтъ голода, которые будутъ въ землј Египетской; дабы земля не погибла отъ голода.

37 Сія рјчь понравилась Фараону и всјмъ рабамъ его.

38 И сказалъ Фараонъ рабамъ своимъ: найдемъ ли мы такого, какъ онъ, человјка, въ которомъ бы былъ духъ Божій?

39 Тогда Фараонъ сказалъ Іосифу: когда Богъ открылъ тебј все сіе, то нјтъ разумнје и мудрје тебя.

40 Ты будешь надъ домомъ моимъ; и твоего слова держаться будетъ весь народъ мой; только престоломъ я буду больше тебя.

41 И сказалъ Фараонъ Іосифу: вотъ, я поставляю тебя надъ всею землею Египетскою.

42 И снялъ Фараонъ перстень свой съ руки своей, и надјлъ его на руку Іосифу; одјлъ его въ виссонныя одежды, возложилъ на шею ему золотую цјпь.

43 Велјлъ везти на второй у себя колесницј, и провозглашать предъ нимъ: преклоняйте колјна! Такимъ образомъ поставилъ его надъ всею землею Египетскою.

44 И сказалъ Фараонъ Іосифу: я Фараонъ; безъ тебя никто не долженъ тронуться ни рукою, ни ногою во всей землј Египетской.

45 И нарекъ Фараонъ Іосифу имя: Цафнаѕ-панеахъ; и далъ ему въ жену Асенаѕу, дочь Поти-Фера, жреца Иліопольскаго. И пошелъ Іосифъ по землј Египетской.

46 Іосифу было тридцать лјтъ отъ рожденія, когда онъ предсталъ предъ лице Фараона, царя Египетскаго. И вышелъ Іосифъ отъ лица Фараонова, и прошелъ по всей землј Египетской.

47 Земля же въ семь лјтъ обилія приносила изъ зерна по горсти.

48 Итакъ онъ собралъ всякой хлјбъ семи лјтъ, которые были плодородны въ землј Египетской, и положилъ хлјбъ въ городахъ; въ каждомъ городј положилъ хлјбъ полей, окружающихъ его.

49 Такимъ образомъ Іосифъ собралъ хлјба весьма много, какъ песку морскаго, такъ что пересталъ и считать, ибо счета не было.

50 Еще до наступленія голодныхъ годовъ, у ІосиФа родились два сына, которыхъ родила ему Асенаѕа, дочь Поти-Фера, жреца Иліопольскаго.

51 И нарекъ Іосифъ имя первенцу: Манассія, потому что, говорилъ онъ, Богъ привелъ у меня въ забвеніе всј несчастія мои, и весь домъ отца моего.

52 А другому нарекъ имя Ефремъ, потому что, говорилъ онъ, Богъ сдјлалъ меня плодовитымъ въ землј страданія моего.

53 И прошли семь лјтъ обилія, которое было въ землј Египетекой;

54 и наступили семь лјтъ голода, какъ сказалъ Іосифъ. И былъ голодъ во всјхъ земляхъ, а во всей землј Египетской былъ хлјбъ.

55 Потомъ и вся земля Египетская начала терпјть голодъ; и народъ возопилъ къ Фараону о хлјбј. Тогда Фараонъ сказалъ всему Египту: подите къ Іосифу, и дјлайте, что онъ вамъ скажетъ.

56 И какъ былъ голодъ по всей землј: то Іосифъ отворилъ всј житницы, и сталъ продавать хлјбъ Египту. Голодъ же усиливался въ землј Египетской.

57 И изъ всјхъ странъ приходили въ Египетъ, покупать хлјбъ у Іосифа: ибо голодъ усилился по всей землј.


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Arcana Coelestia #5113

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5113. Behold, a vine was before me. That this signifies the intellectual part, is evident from the signification of a “vine,” as being the intellectual part in the spiritual church, of which hereafter. As by the “butler” is signified the sensuous subject to the intellectual part, and as the influx of the intellectual into the sensuous subordinate thereto is here treated of, therefore in the dream there appeared a vine with shoots, blossom, clusters, and grapes, by which is described influx and the rebirth of this sensuous. As regards the intellectual of the spiritual church, be it known that where this church is described in the Word, its intellectual part is everywhere treated of, for the reason that it is the intellectual part which in the man of this church is regenerated and becomes a church.

[2] For there are in general two churches, the celestial and the spiritual. The celestial church is with the man who can be regenerated or become a church as to the will part; and the spiritual church is with the man who, as just said, can be regenerated only as to the intellectual part. The Most Ancient Church, which was before the flood, was celestial, because with those who belonged to it there was some wholeness in the will part; but the Ancient Church, which was after the flood, was spiritual, because with those who belonged to it there was not anything whole in the will part, but only in the intellectual part. For this reason where the spiritual church is treated of in the Word, its intellectual part is chiefly treated of (on which subject see above, n. 640, 641, 765, 863, 875, 895, 927, 928, 1023, 1043, 1044, 1555, 2124, 2256, 2669, 4328, 4493). That with those who are of the spiritual church it is the intellectual part that is regenerated, may be seen also from the fact that the man of this church has no perception of truth from good, as had they who were of the celestial church; but must first learn the truth which is of faith, and become imbued with what is intellectual, and thus from truth learn what is good; and after he has thus learned it, he is able to think it, and then to will it, and at last to do it; and then a new will is formed in him by the Lord in the intellectual part. By this new will the spiritual man is elevated by the Lord into heaven, evil still remaining in the will that is proper to him; which will is then miraculously separated, and this by a higher force, whereby he is withheld from evil and kept in good.

[3] But the man of the celestial church was regenerated as to the will part, by being imbued from infancy with the good of charity; and when he had attained to a perception of this, he was led into the perception of love to the Lord, whereby all the truths of faith appeared to him in the intellect as in a mirror. The understanding and the will made in him a mind wholly one; for by the things in the understanding it was perceived what was in the will. In this consisted the wholeness of that first “man” by whom the celestial church is signified.

[4] That a “vine” is the intellectual part of the spiritual church is evident from many other passages in the Word; as in Jeremiah:

What hast thou to do with the way of Egypt, to drink the waters of Shihor? Or what hast thou to do with the way of Assyria, to drink the waters of the river? And yet I had planted thee a wholly noble vine, a seed of truth; how then art thou turned to Me into the degenerate shoots of a strange vine? (Jeremiah 2:18, 21);

speaking of Israel, by whom is signified the spiritual church (n. 3654, 4286). “Egypt” and “the waters of Shihor” denote memory-knowledges which pervert (n. 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462); “Assyria” and “the waters of the river” denote reasoning from these knowledges against the good of life and the truth of faith (n. 119, 1186); a “noble vine” denotes the man of the spiritual church, who is called a “vine” from the intellectual part; the “degenerate shoots of a strange vine” denote the man of the perverted church.

[5] In Ezekiel:

A riddle and a parable concerning the house of Israel. A great eagle took of the seed of the land, and placed it in a field of sowing; it budded and became a luxuriant vine of low stature, so that its shoots looked back toward her, and the roots thereof were under her; so it became a vine that made shoots, and sent forth sprigs to the eagle. This vine applied its roots, and sent its shoots toward her, in a good field by many waters. It was planted that it might make a branch, that it might be for a vine of magnificence (Ezekiel 17:2-3, 5-8).

The “eagle” denotes the rational (n. 3901); the “seed of the land” denotes the truth of the church (n. 1025, 1447, 1610, 1940, 2848, 3038, 3310, 3373); its “becoming a luxuriant vine” and a “vine of magnificence” denotes becoming a spiritual church, which is called a “vine” from the wine thence produced, which signifies spiritual good or the good of charity from whence comes the truth of faith, implanted in the intellectual part.

[6] In the same:

Thy mother was like a vine, in thy likeness, planted by the waters; a fruitful one, and made full of branches by reason of many waters; whence she had rods of strength for the scepter of them that bear rule; and its stature lifted itself above among the tangled boughs, and appeared in its height in the multitude of shoots (Ezekiel 19:10-11);

also said of Israel, by whom is signified the spiritual church, which is compared to a “vine” for a reason like that mentioned just above. In this passage are described its derivations in the natural man even to the last, namely, to memory-knowledges from the senses, which are the “tangled boughs” (n. 2831).

[7] In Hosea:

I will be as the dew to Israel; his branches shall go, and his honor shall be as the olive’s, and his odor as Lebanon’s. They that dwell in his shadow shall return; they shall vivify the corn, and blossom as the vine; his memory shall be as the wine of Lebanon. O Ephraim, what have I to do any more with idols? (Hos. 14:5-8);

“Israel” denotes the spiritual church, whose blossoming is compared to a “vine,” and its memory to the “wine of Lebanon,” from the good of faith implanted in the intellectual part; “Ephraim” is the intellectual part in the spiritual church (n. 3969).

[8] In Zechariah:

The remains of the people; the seed of peace; the vine shall give her fruit, and the earth shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew (Zech. 8:11-12).

The “remains of the people” denote truths stored up by the Lord in the interior man (see n. 468, 530, 560, 561, 660, 798, 1050, 1738, 1906, 2284); the “seed of peace” denotes good there; the “vine,” the intellectual part.

[9] In Malachi:

I will rebuke for you him that consumeth, that he corrupt not for you the fruit of the land; neither shall the vine be bereaved for you in the field (Malachi 3:11).

The “vine” denotes the intellectual part; the vine is said “not to be bereaved” when the intellectual part is not deprived of the truths and goods of faith; on the other hand it is said to be “empty” when there are falsities therein and consequent evils; as in Hosea:

Israel is an empty vine, he maketh fruit like himself (Hos. 10:1).

[10] In Moses:

He shall bind his ass’s colt unto the vine, and the son of his ass unto the choice vine, after he hath washed his clothing in wine, and his covering in the blood of grapes (Genesis 49:11);

from the prophecy of Jacob, then Israel, about his twelve sons, here about Judah, by whom is represented the the Lord, (n. 3881). The “vine” here denotes the intellectual part in the spiritual church, and the “choice vine,” the intellectual part in the celestial church.

[11] In David:

Jehovah, Thou hast made to come forth a vine out of Egypt; Thou didst drive out the nations, and plantedst it. Thou didst cleanse before it, and didst cause its roots to be rooted so that it filled the land. The mountains were covered with the shadow of it, and the cedars of God with the boughs. Thou hast sent forth the shoots thereof even to the sea, and the little branches thereof to the Euphrates. The boar out of the forest trampleth it, and the wild beast of the field grazeth it down (Psalms 80:8-11, 13).

The “vine out of Egypt” in the supreme sense denotes the Lord, the glorification of His Human being described by it and its shoots. In the internal sense the “vine” here is the spiritual church, and also the man of this church, such as he is when made new or regenerated by the Lord as to the intellectual and will parts. The “boar in the forest” is the falsity, and the “wild beast of the fields” the evil, which destroy the church as to faith in the Lord.

[12] In Revelation:

The angel thrust his sickle into the earth, and vintaged the vine of the earth; and cast it into the great winepress of the anger of God; the winepress was trodden outside the city, and there came forth blood out of the winepress even to the horses’ bridles (Revelation 14:19-20);

“to vintage the vine of the earth” denotes to destroy the intellectual part in the church; and because this is signified by the “vine,” it is also said that “there came forth blood out of the winepress even to the horses’ bridles;” for by “horses” are signified intellectual things (n. 2761, 2762, 3217).

In Isaiah:

It shall come to pass in that day, that every place where there were a thousand vines for a thousand of silver, shall be for briars and brambles (Isaiah 7:23).


The inhabitants of the earth shall be burned, and man shall be left rare; the new wine shall mourn, the vine shall languish (Isaiah 24:6-7).


They shall beat themselves upon the paps for the fields of unmixed wine, for the fruitful vine. Upon the land of My people come up thorn and briar (Isaiah 32:12-13).

In these passages the subject treated of is the vastation of the spiritual church as to the good and truth of faith, thus as to the intellectual part; for as before said the truth and good of faith are in the intellectual part of the man of this church. Everyone can see that by a “vine” here is not meant a vine, nor by the “earth” the earth; but that they mean something of the church.

[13] As in the genuine sense a “vine” signifies the good of the intellectual part; and a “fig tree” the good of the natural man, or what is the same, that a “vine” signifies the good of the interior man, and a “fig tree” the good of the exterior man, therefore a “fig tree” is often mentioned in the Word at the same time as a “vine”; as in the following passages:

Consuming I will consume them; no grapes on the vine nor figs on the fig tree, and the leaf is fallen (Jeremiah 8:13).

I will bring a nation upon you from far, O house of Israel, which shall eat up thy vine and thy fig tree (Jeremiah 5:15, 17).

In Hosea:

I will lay waste her vine and her fig tree (Hos. 2:12).

In Joel:

A nation is come up upon My land, it hath reduced My vine into a waste, and My fig tree into froth, stripping it hath stripped it, and cast it forth, the shoots thereof are made white; the vine is withered, and the fig tree languisheth (Joel 1:6-7, 12).

Be not afraid, ye beasts of My fields; for the dwelling places of the wilderness are become grassy; because the tree hath made its fruit, and the fig tree and the vine shall yield their strength (Joel 2:22).

In David:

He smote their vine and their fig tree, and brake the tree of their border (Psalms 105:33).

In Habakkuk:

The fig tree shall not blossom, and no produce is in the vines (Hab. 3:17).

In Micah:

Out of Zion shall go forth doctrine, and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem; they shall sit everyone under his vine and under his fig tree, and none maketh afraid (Micah 4:2, 4).

In Zechariah:

In that day shall ye call a man to his fellow, under the vine and under the fig tree (Zech. 3:10).

In the first book of Kings:

In the time of Solomon there was peace from all the passes round about; and Judah and Israel dwelt in confidence, everyone under his vine and under his fig tree (1 Kings 4:24-25).

That a “fig tree” is the good of the natural or exterior man, may be seen above (n. 217).

[14] That a “vine” is the intellectual part made new or regenerated by good from truth and by truth from good, is evident from the Lord’s words to the disciples, after he had instituted the holy supper:

I say to you, I will not drink henceforth of this product of the vine, until that day when I shall drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom (Matthew 26:29);

good from truth and truth from good, by which the intellectual part is made new, or man is made spiritual, are signified by the “product of the vine” and the appropriation thereof by “drinking.” (That “to drink” is to appropriate, and that it is predicated of truth, may be seen above, n. 3168.) That this is not done fully except in the other life is signified by “until that day when I shall drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.” That by the “product of the vine” is not meant must or wine, but something heavenly of the Lord’s kingdom is very manifest.

[15] As the intellectual part in the spiritual man is made new and regenerated by truth which is from the Lord alone, therefore the Lord compares Himself to a “vine” and those who are implanted in the truth which is from Him, and consequently in Him, He compares to the “shoots” and the good therefrom to the “fruit” in John:

I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine dresser; every shoot in Me that beareth not fruit, He taketh away; but every shoot that beareth fruit, He pruneth it, that it may bear more fruit. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the shoot cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; so neither can ye, except ye abide in Me. I am the vine, ye are the shoots; he that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit; for without Me ye can do nothing. This is My commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you (John 15:1-2, 4-15:4-5, 12).

[16] As in the supreme sense a “vine” signifies the Lord as to Divine truth, and hence in the internal sense the man of the spiritual church, therefore a “vineyard” signifies the spiritual church itself (n. 1069, 3220). As the Nazirite represented the celestial man, who is regenerated through the good of love, and not through the truth of faith like the spiritual man, and who consequently is not regenerated as to the intellectual part, but as to the will part (as may be seen above), therefore the Nazirite was forbidden to eat anything which came forth from the vine, thus was not to drink wine (Numbers 6:3-4; Judges 13:14); from this also it is evident that by the “vine” is signified the intellectual part that belongs to the spiritual man, as already shown.

[17] (That the Nazirite represented the celestial man may be seen above, n. 3301.) Hence also it may be seen that it cannot possibly be known why the Nazirite was forbidden whatever came forth from the vine (not to mention many other things regarding him), unless it is known what the “vine” signifies in its own sense, and also unless it is known that there is a celestial church and a spiritual church, and that the man of the celestial church is regenerated in a manner different from the man of the spiritual church-the former by means of seed implanted in the will part, the latter by means of seed implanted in the intellectual part. Such are the arcana stored up in the internal sense of the Word.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia #3901

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3901. The reason why the last state of the church is compared to “eagles” gathered together to a “carcass,” or to a “body,” is that by “eagles” are signified man’s rational things, which when predicated of the good, are true rational things; but when predicated of the evil, are false rational things or reasonings. “Birds” in general signify man’s thoughts, in both senses good and bad (n. 40, 745, 776, 866, 991, 3219); and every species has a special signification. As eagles fly high and are sharp-sighted, they signify rational things. That this is the case may be seen from many passages in the Word, of which in confirmation we may adduce the following. First, where they signify true rational things; in Moses:

Jehovah found His people in a desert land, and in emptiness, in wailing, in solitude: He led him about, He instructed him, He kept him as the pupil of the eye; as the eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth out her wings, taketh him, beareth him upon her wings (Deuteronomy 32:10-11).

Instruction in the truths and goods of faith is what is here described, and is compared to the “eagle.” The very process until man becomes rational and spiritual, is contained in the description and comparison. The comparisons in the Word are all made by means of significatives; thus here by the “eagle,” which is the rational.

[2] In the same: Jehovah said to Moses:

Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and bare you up upon eagles’ wings, that I might bring you unto Myself (Exodus 19:3-4);

denoting the same.

In Isaiah:

They that wait upon Jehovah shall be renewed in strength, they shall mount up with strong wing as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31);

“to be renewed in strength” is to grow as to the willing of good; and “to mount up with strong wing as eagles” is to grow as to the understanding of truth, thus as to the rational. The subject is set forth here as elsewhere by two expressions, one of which involves the good which is of the will, and the other the truth which is of the understanding; and the case is the same with the expressions, “they shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.”

[3] In Ezekiel:

Speak a parable about the house of Israel, and say, Thus said the Lord Jehovih, A great eagle, with long pinions, full of feathers, that had embroidery, came upon Lebanon, and took a twig of the cedar; he carried it into a land of traffic, he set it in a city of spice merchants. It grew, and became a spreading vine. There was another great eagle, with great and many feathers; and behold this vine did bend its roots toward him, and sent forth its branches toward him, that he might water it from the beds of its plantations in a good field, by many waters; but it shall be laid waste. He sent his ambassadors into Egypt that they might give him horses and much people (Ezekiel 17:2-9, 15).

The “eagle” first mentioned denotes the rational enlightened by the Divine; the “eagle” mentioned in the second place denotes the rational from what is man’s own, afterwards become perverted through reasonings from sensuous things and memory-knowledges. (“Egypt” denotes memory-knowledges, see n. 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462; “horses” the intellectual from them, n. 2761-2762, 3217.)

[4] In Daniel:

The vision of Daniel: Four beasts came up out of the sea, diverse one from another; the first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings. I held till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand upon its feet like a man, and a man’s heart was given to it (Daniel 7:3-4).

The first state of the church is what is here described by a “lion that had eagle’s wings;” and the “eagle’s wings” here are rational things from what is man’s own, on the taking away of which they were given rational and voluntary things from the Divine, which are signified by its “being taken up from the earth, and made to stand upon its feet like a man, and having a man’s heart given to it.”

[5] In Ezekiel, in the description of the likeness of the faces of the four living creatures, or cherubs:

They had the face of a man, and they four had the face of a lion on the right side, and they four had the face of an ox on the left side, and they four had the face of an eagle (Ezekiel 1:10).

As for the wheels they were called Galgal [whirling wheels], and everyone and everyone had four faces; the first face was the face of the cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle (Ezekiel 10:13-14).

In John:

Round about the throne were four living creatures full of eyes before and behind; the first living creature was like a lion; and the second living creature was like a calf; and the third living creature had a face as a man; and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle (Revelation 4:6-7).

That the living creatures thus seen signify Divine arcana, is evident; and consequently so does the “likeness of their faces;” but what arcana in particular are signified cannot be known unless it is known what in the internal sense is a “lion,” a “calf,” a “man,” and an “eagle.” That the “face of an eagle” is circumspection and consequently Providence is manifest; for the cherubs represented by the living creatures in Ezekiel signify the Providence of the Lord lest man should enter into the mysteries of faith from himself and his own rational (see n. 308). This shows that when it is predicated of man, the “eagle” is in the internal sense the rational; and this for the reason that the eagle flies high, and from above has a wide view of the things that are below.

[6] In Job:

Does the hawk fly by thine intelligence, and stretch her wings toward the south? Does the eagle mount up at thy command, and make her nest on high? (Job 39:26-27);

it is evident that the “eagle” here is reason, which is of intelligence. Such was the signification of the “eagle” in the Ancient Church; for the book of Job is a book of the Ancient Church (see n. 3540, end). Almost all the books of that period were written by means of significatives; but in process of time the significatives have become so completely forgotten that it is not even known that “birds” in general denote thoughts, although they are so frequently mentioned in the Word and it appears quite plain that they have another meaning.

[7] That in the opposite sense an “eagle” signifies rational things that are not true, and thus are false, is evident from the following passages.

In Moses:

Jehovah shall bring upon thee a nation from far from the end of the earth, as the eagle flieth, a nation whose tongue thou hearest not, a nation hard in faces (Deuteronomy 28:49-50).

In Jeremiah:

Behold he shall come up as clouds, and his chariots shall be as a whirlwind; his horses are swifter than eagles. 1 Woe unto us! For we are laid waste (Jeremiah 4:13).

In the same:

Thy boasting hath deceived thee, the pride of thy heart, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, that holdest the height of the hill; because thou makest thy nest as high as the eagle I will bring thee down from thence. Behold he shall come up and fly as the eagle, and spread out his wings above Bozrah; and the heart of the mighty men of Edom at that day shall be as the heart of a woman in her pangs (Jeremiah 49:16, 49:22).

In the same:

Our pursuers were swifter than the eagles; they chased us upon the mountains; they laid wait for us in the wilderness (Lam. 4:19).

In Micah:

Make thee bald, and poll thee for the sons of thy delights; enlarge thy baldness as the eagle; for they are gone into captivity from thee (Micah 1:16).

In Obadiah:

Though thou mount on high as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, I will bring thee down from thence (Obad. 1:4).

In Habukkuk:

I am stirring up the Chaldeans, a bitter and hasty nation, that marcheth through the breadths of the land to inherit dwelling-places that are not theirs. Their horses are swifter than eagles; 1 their horsemen come from far, they fly as an eagle that hasteth to devour (Hab. 1:6, 1:8).

[8] By “eagles” in these passages is signified falsity induced by reasonings, which is induced from the fallacies of the senses and external appearances. That by the “Chaldeans” in the Prophet last cited are signified those who are in a holy external, but interiorly in falsity, may be seen above (n. 1368); also that they who vastate the church are like Babylon (n. 1327); that the “breadths of the land” denote truths (n. 3433, 3434). Vastation is signified by “marching through the breadths of the land.” Their “horses” are their intellectual things, which are similar (see n. 2761, 2762, 3217). What the “eagle hastening to devour” signifies, is thus evident, namely, the desolation of man in respect to truths; for the desolation of the church is there treated of. Comparisons are here made with eagles; but as before said, the comparisons in the Word are made by means of significatives. From all this we can now see what is signified by the comparison with the “eagles that will be gathered together to the carcass.”


1. The Latin here has aquilis, eagles. Elsewhere sometimes pardis, leopards, as in the Apocalypse Explained281, 355; but aquilis in n. 780 of that work. In the Hebrew the two words are nearly alike in form. Schmidius reads pardis. [Reviser.]

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.