

Exodus 34:19



19 παν διανοιγον μητραν εμοι τα αρσενικα πρωτοτοκον μοσχου και πρωτοτοκον προβατου

З творів Сведенборга


Arcana Coelestia #10245

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10245. 'Or when they approach the altar to minister, to burn a fire offering to Jehovah' means worship springing from the good of love. This is clear from the meaning of 'approaching the altar to minister' as representing the Lord in respect of the good of love, dealt with in 9964; and from the meaning of 'burning a fire offering to Jehovah' as worship springing from love of the Lord. For 'burning' or sacrificing means worship, 6905, 8936, and 'a fire offering to Jehovah' means that which springs from the Lord's Divine Love, 10055. For more about the implications of all this, see just above in 10242.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.