

ヨシュア記 1:15



15 そしてがあなたがたに賜わったように、あなたがたの兄弟たちにも安息を賜わり、彼らもあなたがたのが賜わる地を獲るようになるならば、あなたがたは、主のしもべモーセから与えられたヨルダンのこちら側、日の出の方にある、あなたがたの所有の地に帰って、それを保つことができるであろう」。





The Lord, in the simplest terms, is love itself expressed as wisdom itself. In philosophic terms, love is the Lord's substance and wisdom is His form. Of course, we feel the Lord's love and hear His wisdom in many different ways, depending on our state in life and how receptive we are. That's why the Lord has so many different names in the Bible, and is referred to in so many different ways.