

Jérémie 49:29



29 Ils enlèveront leurs tentes et leurs troupeaux, et prendront pour eux leurs tentes, et tout leur équipage, et leurs chameaux, et on criera : frayeur tout autour.



Psaumes 137:8



8 Fille de Babylone, [qui va être] détruite, heureux celui qui te rendra la pareille [de ce] que tu nous as fait!



Daniel 8:15-17



15 It happened, when I, even I Daniel, had seen the vision, that I sought to understand it; and behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man.

16 I heard a man's voice between [the banks of] the Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.

17 So he came near where I stood; and when he came, I was frightened, and fell on my face: but he said to me, Understand, son of man; for the vision belongs to the time of the end.