

Osée 12:12



12 Jacob s'enfuit au pays d'Aram, Israël servit pour une femme, Et pour une femme il garda les troupeaux.



Iniquity, transgression and sin


In the Word three terms are used to refer to bad actions: transgression, iniquity, and sin. Transgression is the least bad. It means a violation of what is true in an external context, a violation of what is right and orderly. Iniquity is next and denotes acts that violate more interior truths. Sin is the worst. It is a violation of what is holy and righteous, a violation against the Lord. Sin is the deepest kind of evil. Regarding iniquity -- to be in charity, or live a life of charity is to live a life where the acts and thoughts that have top priority are those that have within them a love for the neighbor. Sometimes our love of self, our inborn desire to put ourselves first, is stronger than our charity and we do something for ourselves at the expense of our neighbor, or even do harm to our neighbor. Such an act, if our motive is selfish, is an iniquity.

(Посилання: Arcana Coelestia 9156, 9965 [2-3])




Feast of Sukkot prayers, by Shalom Koboshvili

Keeping" in the Bible generally concerns the actions of life, though in some cases it can mean holding something away from the activities of life to safeguard it. By far the most common use of "keep" is connected with keeping the Lord's commandments or keeping feast days or rituals. These all mean putting true ideas from the Lord into action in life; simply knowing them or remembering them is not enough. In a deeper sense, it means worshiping the Lord, since living life according to His leading is the ultimate act of worship. When its not possible to act from the Lord's commandments, "keeping" represents remembering and safeguarding those true ideas so that they can be put into practice eventually.