

Leviticus 5:15



15 'Kui keegi ei ole hoolas ja kogemata patustab Issanda pühade asjade vastu, siis ta peab enese hüvituseks tooma Issandale ühe veatu jäära oma karjast sinu hindamise kohaselt mõne hõbeseekli väärtuses, püha seekli järgi, kui süüohvri.



Explanation of Leviticus 5:15

За Henry MacLagan

Verse 15. That if any one unknowingly violates the Divine law in internal worship, apparently, from love or good, still he shall acknowledge the Lord and worship Him from the good of innocence in the internal or spiritual degree, uncontaminated with evil, according to the quality of spiritual truths with him, to which good is conjoined, in order that guilt may be removed.



Genesis 18:4-6



4 Now let a little water be fetched, wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree.

5 I will get a morsel of bread so you can refresh your heart. After that you may go your way, now that you have come to your servant." They said, "Very well, do as you have said."

6 Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah, and said, "Quickly prepare three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes."