

耶利米書 34



1 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒率領他的全軍和上屬他的各國各邦,攻打耶路撒冷和屬耶路撒冷所有的城邑。那時,耶和華的臨到耶利米說:

2 耶和華以色列的,你去告訴猶大王西底家,耶和華如此:我要將這城交付巴比倫王的,他必用焚燒。

3 你必不能逃脫他的,定被拿住,交在他的中。你的眼要見巴比倫王的眼,他要和你說話,你也必到巴比倫去。

4 猶大王西底家啊,你還要耶和華的耶和華論到你如此:你必不被刀

5 你必平安而,人必為你焚燒物件,好像為你列祖,就是在你以前的先焚燒一般。人必為你舉哀:哀哉!我啊。耶和華:這是我的。

6 於是,先知耶利米耶路撒冷將這一切告訴猶大王西底家。

7 那時,巴比倫王的軍隊正攻打耶路撒冷,又攻打猶大下的城邑,就是拉吉和亞西加。原來猶大的堅固城只下這兩座。

8 西底家王與耶路撒冷的眾民立約,要向他們宣告自由,各人任他希伯來的僕人和婢女自由出去,誰也不可使他的一個猶大弟兄作奴僕。(此,有耶和華的臨到耶利米。)

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10 所有立約的首領和眾民就任他的僕人婢女自由出去,誰也不再叫他們作奴僕。大家都順從,將他們釋放了;

11 後來卻又反悔,叫所任去自由的僕人婢女回來,勉強他們仍為僕婢。

12 因此耶和華的臨到耶利米說:

13 耶和華以色列的如此:我將你們的列祖從埃及為奴之家領出來的時候,與他們立約

14 你的一個希伯來弟兄若給你,服事你年,到第七年你們各就要任他自由出去。只是你們列祖不從我,也不側耳而

15 如今你們回,行我眼中看為正的事,各向鄰舍宣告自由,並且在稱為我名下的殿中、在我面前立約。

16 你們卻又反悔,褻瀆我的名,各叫所任去隨意自由的僕人婢女回來,勉強他們仍為僕婢。

17 所以耶和華如此:你們沒有聽從我,各向弟兄鄰舍宣告自由。看哪!我向你們宣告一樣自由,就是使你們自由於刀、饑荒、瘟疫之下,並且使你們在天下萬國中拋來拋去。這是耶和華的。

18 猶大的首領、耶路撒冷的首領、太監、祭司,和國中的眾民曾將犢劈開,分成兩半,從其中經過,在我面前立約。後來又違背我的約,不遵行這約上的

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20 我必將他們交在仇敵和尋索其命的人中;他們的屍首必空中的飛上的野獸作食物。

21 並且我必將猶大王西底家和他的首領交在他們仇敵和尋索其命的人,與那暫離你們而去巴比倫王軍隊中。

22 耶和華:我必吩咐他們回到這城,攻打這城,將城攻取,用焚燒。我也要使猶大的城邑變為荒場,無人居住






A 'sword,' as in Ezekiel 21:9-15, signifies a person so desolated that he can see nothing good and true, but only falsities and contradictions. A 'sword,' in the Word, signifies the truth of faith combating and the vastation of truth. In an opposite sense, it signifies falsity combating and the punishment of falsity.

The 'sword,' in Revelation 1:16, represents a dispersion of falsities by the Lord because the sword came out from His mouth, which means it comes from the Word. Because the Word is understood by doctrine taken from it, this is also symbolically meant. It is called a sharp two-edged sword because it pierces the heart and soul.

A 'flaming sword which turned every way,' as in Genesis 3:24, signifies divine truth in extremes, which, like the Word in its literal sense, can be turned.

(Посилання: Arcana Coelestia 2799)



2 Kings 10:25



25 It happened, as soon as he had made an end of offering the burnt offering, that Jehu said to the guard and to the captains, "Go in, and kill them! Let none escape." They struck them with the edge of the sword; and the guard and the captains cast them out, and went to the city of the house of Baal.